2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B unit5(3)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B unit5(3)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标: 1通过复习,能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学的单词。 2能教熟练地在情景中运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。 教学重点:1能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学单词 2能综合运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。 3能初步改编或扩充1-4单元所学的对话。 教学难点: 培养学生综合运用语言的能力。 教学准备: 挂图,图片 教学过程: Step1. Revision 1. Greetings 2. Warmingup 3. Free talk 1) Do you have any hobbies? 2) What do you like? I like 3) What do you usually do? 4) What does he/she usually do? He/she usually Step 2.Look and talk 1. Game “Do and Guess” The way: 根据动作猜词组 给名词快速说词组 2. Show the picture of part D 1) 指导学生观察图片。 2) 3. According the model to make a new dialogue 4. Check out Step 3.Consolidation Assign homework: Make a new dialogue and write it down.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 5B Unit6(第1课时)教案 苏教牛津版 第一课时Teaching aims:1. 能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词touch, an arm, a hand, a leg, a foot.2. 能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型Touch with All right.3. 能根据指令对身体各部分进行相关的运动练习。Teaching important points:1.能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词touch, an arm, a hand, a leg, a foot.2. 能听得懂,会说,会读和会写句型Touch with All right.Teaching difficult points:1. 熟悉身体各部分的名称。2. 能根据指令对身体各部分进行相关的运动练习。Teaching aids:课件,图片,句型条Teaching procedure:Step 1: Warm up1. Greetings.2. Free talk: What day is it today? Whos on duty today? Do you like singing? Lets sing a song We can dance.3. Listen and do some exercise.T: Stand up! Sit down! Show me your hands. Touch your face/nose/ears/head/eyes/back. 出示单词 touch , 并指导学生练读。Step 2: Presentation1. Today, Ill be your Art teacher. Lets learn to draw a pretty boy.幻灯出示一个男孩的头,接着单击鼠标按照脖子,肩,手臂等顺序逐渐呈现男孩身体。同时引出各部分的单词。 幻灯一: a head 幻灯二: a neck 幻灯三: a shoulder 幻灯四: an arm a hand幻灯五: a leg a foot a knee幻灯六: a finger a toe2Read and say. 幻灯七: 多种形式练读以上单词。a. Read after the teacher.b. Read in groups.c. In pairs: Touch your neck/3. Read and learn.幻灯八,练习单词单复数4. Play a game: 将图片的一部分遮挡起来,让学生猜是身体的什么部位。(可以以小组竞赛的方式进行,调动学生的积极性)5. 学习句子 TouchwithListen and do some exercise.1. Touch your neck with your hand.2. Touch your toes with your fingers.3. Touch your knees with your arms.4. Touch your shoulders with your hands.学生在教师的指令下完成动作,并理解句子表达的意思。6. Look and find. 幻灯九,出示一幅图,让学生比较图里的男孩女孩有什么不同。 (练习 long/short big /small 形容两人肢体上的区别)Step 3: Practice1. Work in pairs. Talk about our body.This is my These are my (指着自己的身体介绍)2 Play a game: Have a PE lesson.a. Touch your shoulders with your hands. Like this, eight times. (手放在肩上转体运动)b. Touch your foot with your hand. Like this, eight times. (左右手交替接触左右脚运动)c. Put your hands on your head. Like this, eight times.(手放头上做下蹲练习)d. Put your hands on your knees. Like this, jump up and down, eight times.(手放膝盖上做跳跃)3. 让学生自己编动作,并带领大家练习. Step 4: Homework1.Copy the new words four times.2.Make sentences: Touch with

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