2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(8)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(8)教案 广州版项目描述活动名称Talk about the animals abilities教学知识点1.动物单词(turtle, monkey, frog, kangaroo);2.能动词can、cant的正确理解和使用,并能结合副词(如slowly,fast等)的正确使用。活动重、难点1. 动物单词的上口及拼写;2. 能动词can、cant后面要跟动词原形教学活动目标学生能比较准确地使用能动词can和cant活动类型词汇的学习及初步运用活动准备1.利用前置性学习,布置学生课前根据所给的音标学习新单词,作为家庭作业完成;2.准备好相关的单词卡片,如动物卡片;活动步骤1.为了让学生更快地进入学习状态,先通过“猜动物”的游戏增加课堂气氛,同时也复习和回忆已学的动物单词。学生只看到动物的一部分,猜对的学生得分。2.呈现动物综合图,引出新动物单词。通过音标与动物图片配对,加深单词读音的印象,同时也引导学生学习音标:3.根据音标及字母发音规律,让学生拼读出新单词: 4.带领学生开展brain storm,让学生在小组内谈论以上四种动物的本领,老师运用概念图进行归纳。运用句型如:The turtle can swim. The turtle cant jump.5.要求部分小组或学生进行反馈,教师修正教学效果,归纳能动词can和cant的用法。6.呈现Unit 4课文课件,让学生更好地理解课文内容。活动备注1.在步骤1中,可以从学生熟悉的动物入手,可以选取不是很突出的部位,以增加“猜”的乐趣。2.在步骤4中,老师要先选一个动物作示范,再让学生在小组内进行小组交流和谈论,然后以小组汇报的形式展示他们的讨论结果,尽量发动更多的学生开口说英语。3.在步骤5中,可以把归纳的任务交给学生完成,以培养学生的观察能力。教具、资源利用自制课件活动效果反思有了前置性学习worksheet的铺垫,学生的学习效率有了提高,自信心也大了很多。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 5(4)教案 广州版I. Objectives1. Vocabulary: robot, speak, else2. Can read and act the dialogue in group.II. Procedures1. Warming up: Greetings2. Pre- task (1) Sing along. (2) Look and say what they can do / cant do3. While - task(1) T: What can the robot do ? Present: robot (2)T: Pleas guess what the robot can do? Ps: the robot canPresent: speak, (3) Listen to the tape and answer questions.Can the robot speak Japanese? Can the robot talk with us?Can the robot walk? (4) Distinguish: talk, walk, work (5) Listen and try to imitate the dialogue. (6) Read and imitate in groups4. Post - task (1) Take notes. (2) Role play.Homework: 1. Copy the new words and dialogue.2. Listen, read and recite the dialogue3. Activity book . Ex1 -2Layout The robot can speak EnglishThe robot can talk with usThe robot cant run.Can tell story in English.Unit 5 What Can the Robot Do?第二课时I. Objectives1. Vocabulary: understand, count, weekday2. Dialogue Part 23. Sound families4. Story time II. Procedures1. Pre- task (1) Greetings (2) Game: the pronunciation of a,e,I,o,u,ea,ee,er,ear2. While - task(1) Should families ar /a:/ ay /ei/ Present: some words, students should say as quick as they can. (2)Sing along. I can, He cant (3) T: I can speak Japanese, Can you speak Japanese?Ps: Yes, I can / no, I cant(4) Show the activity wheel: Can you .? T: understand, weekday, count (5) Use ticks and crosses to show what you can or cant do. (6) Story timeA. Present four picturesB. Talk about the picturesC. Look and listen.D. Read in groupsE. Try to act out the story.3. Post - task Activity book . Ex6Homework: 1. Activity book . Ex 3-42. Make a survey.Layoutal / ): / small ball tallar /a:/ may stay playay /ei/ chair pair upstairsunderstand weekday weekendcount


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