2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 9(7)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 9(7)教案 苏教牛津版课题:牛津小学英语4B Unit 9(第三课时)学习目标知识与能力1. 熟练运用单词a knife, a fork, a plate, a bowl, a cup, a bottle, a Spoon, a glass, a cupboard,chopsticks, rice, bread2. 熟练运用句型 Wheres/ Where are the /my?Its/Theyre Theres noin/on3. 听懂、会说、会读单词 breakfast, cupboard过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源和同伴共同完成学习的任务。情感与态度学习英语的学习兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学重难点熟练运用句型 Wheres/ Where are the /my?Its/Theyre Theres noin/on预习作业听磁带,跟读A部分课文,了解大意教学资源单词卡片,录音机,磁带学程预设导航策略调整反思A. 热身导入 (4分钟)Free talk:看图片复习 本课中的单词A game: guess the word3、出示一些专用图片(如桌子,冰箱,碗厨等)请学生看图说话。T: Where is my apple?Its on the table.Make some sentences like this, can you?造句练习B. 预习展示与合作探究(15分钟)Questions: Whats for breakfast?Wheres my glass?Is the milk in the fridge?Whats in the fridge?学生试着回答问题听录音,看图,理解课文大意再次完整地回答以上问题学习单词和词组Breakfast, cupboard A carton of On the table In the cupboardIn the fridge 操练句型T: Wheres my milk?S1: Its in the fridge.(把桌子,冰箱,碗橱贴在黑板上)(一个同学把小东西放在任何一处,另一个同学猜)操练句型听录音跟读课文C. 融会贯通(8分钟)Work in pairs 1. 学生两人一组练习对话2. 口头展示对话3. 集体朗读4. 分角色朗读对话根据课文内容判断对错Milk, bread and eggs are Helens breakfast.Glass on the table.Theres no milk in the fridge.给下列句子排序( )theres no milk in the fridge.( )Its in the bridge.( )Where are the eggs?( )Theyre on the table.( )Mum, whats for breakfast?( )Whats the milk ?( )Milk, bread and eggs.( )Wheres the milk?( )Have some juice then. Theres a carton of orange juice in the fridge.D. 作业布置(1分钟)1. 听磁带,跟读对话。2. 试着背诵课文3. 试着编一个小对话1. 师生用Good morning/afternoon. How are you? 互相问候。2. 复习句型:教师出示B部分图片,进行师生问答,帮助学生复习单词和Its/Therere句型。教师出示问题,检测学生预习情况教师指导学生回答问题指导朗读这些单词、词组。指导朗读这些词组播放课文录音先让同学在位置上自己操练教师巡视并指导两分钟后请几组上黑板表演。读课文熟悉课文明确作业要求课题:牛津小学英语4B Unit 9(第四课时)学习目标知识与能力1. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can you use chopsticks? No, I cant. Watch me. Let me try again.2. 了解字母组合wh- 在单词中的读音。 过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源和同伴共同完成学习的任务。情感与态度学习英语的学习兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学重难点1. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Can you use chopsticks? No, I cant. Watch me. Let me try again.2. 了解字母组合wh- 在单词中的读音预习作业听磁带,跟读E. F部分。教学资源单词卡片,录音机,磁带, 学生自带实物。学程预设导航策略调整反思A. 热身导入 (4分钟)1. 开火车游戏:看图片复习 本课中的单词2. 出示一些专用图片(如厨房,冰箱,餐桌等)T: Whats it?S: Its a kitchen.T: Wheres the milk?S: Its in the fridgeS :同桌用自带实物编对话。B. 预习展示与合作探究 (15分钟)Listen and repeat1. 出示F部分单词卡片,请学生自读,并体会字母组合发音。2. 听录音跟读。3. 归纳发音:wh-/w/4. 带音标读单词,快速读文中的句子. A short break:Look and read 学生自读故事讲讲故事大意齐读故事Read and act1. 教师出示一些自带物品,T:Can you use chopsticks? Can you use.出示句型:Can you use a并领读T: Can you use chopsticks?S: Yes, I Can.Can you use knife?T: No, I cant. But Id like to try. Please you do. Ok, watch me. Is this right?S: No.T: Let me try again.S: Yes. 2. 同桌之间用句型Can you use . 对话(运用自带物品). 然后 出示本课E部分图片T: Look at my picture.T: (指图片)Who can you see in the picture?S: WangBing and Nancy.T: What are they talking about?Lets listen to the tape.S: 看图听录音。3. T:Lets listen to it again.S:跟读。4 T:Now read after the tape.S: 跟录音磁带读课文。齐读课文C. 融会贯通(8分钟)句型表演:T: can you make a short dialogue by yourselves?S: 根据对话自编。(教师可先与一生示范)学生小组合作编对话。展示对话。完成一课一练有关练习。D. 作业布置(1分钟)一课一练剩下的部分。教师出示B部分图片,进行师生问答,帮助学生复习单词和本课句型。检测学生预习情况教师指导学生读懂小故事播放课文录音教师巡视并指导。明确作业要求。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit 9教案 广东版开心Teaching demands:Words: handkerchief, pen, pajamas, slippers, underwear, towel, money, swimsuit, corn, blackboard. Useful expressions: Is this money yours? No, its not.Is this hers? Yes, it is. Yes, they are. Are these Moms keys? No, theyre not. I dont know.Teaching key and difficult points:1. How to use the words :yours, hers。2. Sounds and words Teaching tools: pictures, objects, slides, tape recorder.Teaching Process The first period(P44.Vocabulary-Target)Step 1 Revision(The teacher holds some objects , ask and answer )T: Whose book is this?S1: Its my book.T: Whose ruler is this?S2: Its mine.T: Whose keys are these?S3: They are hers.(elicit some words) my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, our, ours, their, theirs.(Let Ss to recognize )my book pencil yours her ruler Step 2 Presentation1.(The teacher brings a bag and put some thing in it )T: Whose book is this? Is this your book?S1: Yes, it is.T: Is this ruler yours?S2: No, its not.T: Is this ruler yours?S: Yes, it is.(The teacher holds an eraser ask S4)T: Is this hers?S4: I dont know.T: Is this hers?S5: Yes, it is. (Repeat the drill several times and write it on the blackboard 。) Yes, it is.Is this .yours? 或Is this yours? No, its not. Yes, they are.Are these her keys? No, theyre not.2.Pair work3.(The teacher takes our a paper and ask )T: Do you know what it is?Ss: I dont know.T: Its money. Is this money yours?S1: No, its not.Teach the word :money。4.(The teacher shows many objects, ask and answer 。)T: Is this towel yours?S1: Yes, it is.Teach the word: towelT: Are these Toms pajamas?S2: I dont know.Teach the word: pajamas Teach the other words in the same way: slippers, underwear, and swimsuit5.Open the book at P44. Look at Vocabulary and Target. Read after the tape.6.Play a game: Finding the objects Game : guessing 。S1: Is this ruler yours?S2: No, its not.S1: Is this ruler yours?S3: No, its not.Step 3 Practice: Finding the friendsExercise: Fill in the blankets with the words:”mine, yours, hers, ours, theirs, his”1.my towel_ 2.her money_ 2.heir pajamas_4.his slippers_5. your keys_ 6.our swimsuits_Step 4 Consolidation Yes, it is.Is this money yours? No, its not.Are these Moms keys? Yes, they are./ No, theyre not.Step5 Homework. Copy the new words.The second period( P43 Conversation P45 Practice)Step 1 Revision:Ask and answerA: Is this money yours?B: Yes, it is. / No, its not. Its Toms.A: Are these Kates swimsuits?B: No, theyre not.Step 2 Presentation1.(Show an object , ask )T: Is this a towel?S: No, its not.T: Its a handkerchief. Is this handkerchief yours, Tom?Tom: No, its not. Its Jennys.Elicit the word :handkerchief手T: Whose blue pen is this?S: Its mine.Elicit the word: pen2.Activities :Role play (do it like this)T: Are these blue socks yours?S: No, theyre not. Theyre Tonys.3. Open the book at P43, read after the tape.Act out the dialogue.Step 3 Practices. Book P45. Practice.1 2Step 4 Consolidation.Is this your blue handkerchief? =Is this blue handkerchief yours?Step 5 HomeworkFinish the sentences 。1.Whose pen_ this? Its _ pen. Its mine.2.Is this key_ ? (你的)Yes, it is.3._ these Kates slippers? Yes, _ _.4.Is this your_ ? (毛巾)No, _ _.The third period(P46-48)Step1 Revision.Act out the Conversation.Step2 Presentation.1.(Show some pictures )T: Whats this?S: Its a towel.T: Is this his towel?S: Yes, it is. Its Dads towel.T: Are these her slippers?S: Yes, they are. They are Moms slippers.2.Sing this song after the tape and the teacher.Play a game: Ask and answer Is this Tonnys pen?3.After singing the song . Lets look at the blackboard.Elicit :blackboard.T: Can you find the words with the sane pronunciation with the letters “oar”?(Fourteen, floor, door, your, morning)(Show an object and say )T: This is “Pour and this is Four4.(Show an object )elicit :Corn5.Show some words :Corn, fourteen, floor, blackboard, morning, pour.Play games: find the words quickly 。Make actions 。Activity :P47. Ask and answer E.g. Is this Bens towel? Yes, it is.Step3 Practices.1. Read the sentences and find the words with the same pronunciation on P48,2. Judge the following words whether they have the same pronunciation pour work fourteen four corn blackboard your our morning fourStep4 Consolidation. Step5 Homework (P46、2 and workbook )Teaching thoughts: _

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