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2019-2020年六年级第一学期期末质量验收试卷(50分)一、我会填空。(每空2分,计20分)1、机械是能使我们_或_的装置。2、由_和_组成的装置叫做电磁铁,电磁铁具有_产生磁性,_磁性消失的基本性质。3、植物可以分为开花植物和_植物。4、拱形可以向_和向_传递承受的压力,所以能够承受_的压力。二、我会判断(对的打,错的打)。(每题2分,计8分)1、石油、天然气是可再生的能源。 ( )2、使用滑轮组即可省力,又可以改变力的方向。 ( )3、小电动机的转子是一个电磁铁,通电后产生磁性。 ( )4、地球上的各种各样的生物,它们是相互依存、相互作用、相互影响的。 ( )三、我会选择(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)。(每题2分,计10分)1、反复弯折一段铁丝的过程中( )。A、热能转化机械能 B、机械能转化热能 C、化学能转化热能2、安全帽做成拱形的是因为( )。A、能承受很大的冲击力 B、美观 C、减轻帽子自身的重量3、下列植物中,不属于开花植物的是( )。A、玉米 B、蕨类 C、水稻4、下列动物属于脊椎动物的是( )。A、蜻蜓 B、蚯蚓 C、金鱼5、下列的哪种情况的斜面最省力( )。 四、实践与探索。(12分)1、请你在下图中,标出支点、阻力点、用力点。(3分)2、煤是重要的能源,那你知道煤是怎样形成的吗?(5分)_。3、请你根据家乡的实际情况,写出至少2条保护家乡生物多样性的措施。(4分), _ _ _ _。附送:2019-2020年六年级第一学期英语期中试卷一.划出划线部分不同于其他三个的单词 10%1.( ) 1.seat 2. read 3. bread 4. team2.( )1. apple 2. fat 3.china 4. bag 3.( )1. this 2. three 3. that 4. there4.( )1.side 2. library 3. right 4. hospital5.( )1. what 2. where 3.whom 4.when6.( )1. must 2. uncle 3. busy 4. bus7.( )1.go 2. dog 3. hot 4. off8.( )1. country 2. cinema 3. cat 4. class9.( )1. then 2. every 3. remember 4. next10. ( )1. please 2. season 3. great 4. east二.把单词补充完整 10%1.tr_f_ic 2.libr_ _y 3.Aust_ _lia 4.magaz_n_ 5.diff_ _ence 6. h_sp_tal 7.di_tion_ry 8.t_g_ther 9.str_ _ht 10. new_p_per三.连词成句,注意标点 10%1. how cinema to go do on you Sundays Mike 2.can go the bus on stop we to foot 3.are three in country there lights every traffic 4.the is where office post 5.are you what to on the going do weekend 四.选词填空. 12%How What Where When Who Why 1. _ is he going with ? His father.2. _are you going to do ? Watching TV.3._are you ? I am fine .4._ do you get here on foot ? Because my home is not far away. 5. _do you get up today? At 6:00.6. _colour do you like best? Yellow.7. _is your school? Its over there.8. _is your math teacher? Mr Shen.五.从栏中找出栏的应答语 10% 栏 栏( )1.Where is the cinema? A.By bus.( )2.How can I get there? B.Hes a teacher.( )3.Is it far away from here? C.Watching TV.( )4.How do you go to school? D.No,I cant.( )5.Whats your fathers work? E.Yes,I do.( )6.Is there a bus over there? F.You can ask the man.He know the No.( )7.What are you going to do? G.Yes,it is.( )8.How can I know the No.? H.On foot.( )9.Can you spell it? I.Its next to the hospital.( )10.Do you like English? J.No,there isnt.六.读一读,用所给单词的正确形式填空 12%1.I _ (go) to school by bike.2.What _(do) he do on Sundays.3.You _ (can)get there on foot.4.When are you going to _ (swim)?5.We _ (have)lunch at 12:00.6.He must _(wait)here.7.My father_ (like)Chinese.8.He _ (drive)a car.七.先把错误的地方圈出来,再在原句上改过来 12%1.What does you do on weekend?2.How can I get there.3.He go to school on foot.4.My father and my mother is teachers.5.What are you go to do this afternoon?6.Can you get there in 6:00?八.阅读,判断。15%Zhang Peng is asking to a policeman.Z: Excuse me, sir. Is there a bookstore near here?P: No, there isnt. But there is one next to the hospital.Z: Where is the post office, please? P: Its west of the hospital. Z: Is it far from here? P: Yes.Z: How can I get there? P: First, turn left and take the No.16 bus at the bus stop. Next, get off at the hospital. Then, cross(穿过) the street. Youll be in front of the post office.Z: Thank you. P: Youre wele.( ) 1 There is a bookstore near the school.( ) 2 The post office is next to the bookstore.( ) 3 The post office is west of the hospital.( ) 4 Zhang Peng walks to the bookstore.( ) 5 Zhang Peng asks a policeman for help.九.写作9%这个周末,你想干些什么呢?你能用英语来介绍一下你在周末的安排吗?要求:1.请用be going to 句式写话. 2.不少于4句.

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