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2019-2020年四年级上期数学期末测试卷亲爱的同学们: 不知不觉中我们一起在数学宫殿里已经遨游了一个学期,经过这一学期的学习,相信你的数学知识和数学能力都增强了不少,那就快展示出来与大家共分享吧! 一、我会填!22分1、在数位顺序表右,从右起第九位是( )位,这个数的计数单位是( ),如果这个数位上的数字是8,8表示( )。2、5个一百万、4个十万、2个千和4个一组成的数是( )。读作:( ),改写成用万作单位是( )3、 在38万、104000000、1亿、98000000中,最大的数是( )。最小的数是( )4、1时整,时针和分针的夹角为( )角,9时半,时针和分针的夹角为( )角。5、最大的两位数与最小的三位数的积是( )。6、192本连环画,平均分给30个小朋友,平均每人分( )本,还剩( )本。7、小明家里来了客人,他要做以下几件事情:烧水10分钟 洗杯子2分钟 放茶叶沏茶水1分钟,小明沏好茶至少要用( )分钟。8、两个数相除的商是8,如果被除数和除数同时乘8,商是( )。9、两个因数的积是4800,如果一个因数除以8,另一个因数不变,那么积是( )。10、算式58147中,可以除数看作( )试商,商的最高位在( )位上,商是( )位数。11、 是( )形,既是特殊的( )形,又是特殊的( )形。二、我是小小裁判员。(对的打“”,错的打“”)。5分1、因为72=31,所以700200=31( )2、两个完全一样的梯形可以拼成一个平行四边形。( )3、9 460078510亿, 中最大填9。( )4、没有最大的自然数,最小的自然数是1。( )5、不相交的两条直线叫平行线。( )三、我会选!5分1、过直线外一点可以画已知直线的( )条垂线。1 2 32、用一个放大100倍的放大镜看一个30的角。看到的角的度数是( )300 30 30003、 2538,要使商是两位数, 里最小填( )1 3 44、下面各数,读数时只读一个零的是( )603080 6030800 6003800 5、下面哪个符合平行四边形的不稳定性。( )三角架 椅子 电动收缩门四、算一算:1、口算:6分9020= 40050= 56580 294315050= 1140= 49104 789472080= 3008= 760= 5392592、笔算:12分37624= 22534= 78016=10827= 43248= 24327=3、列式计算:12分25的40倍是多少? 756里面有多少个18?把300平均分成20份,每份是多少?884是34的多少倍?五、画一画。8分1、画一个5时,时针与分针所成的角,并标出各部分名称。2、过A点画一条直线,过B点分别作直线的平行线。 A B 3、画出下面图形的高。 底 六、解决问题:30分1、动物园里的一只老虎一天要吃20千克食物,今年11月,饲养员准备了4吨的食物,够老虎吃一个月吗?1、刘宁走一步的平均长度是62厘米,他从操场这头走到那头共走了252步,操场大约长多少米?2、一瓶药一共100粒,每天要吃12粒,够吃几天?还剩几粒?3、小红订的快乐数学是半月刊,一天她拿到这本杂志是第288期,你能算出这本杂志创刊多少年了吗?4、王老师带了500元钱,卖了24本书后剩20元钱。平均每本书多少钱?5、服装厂6天加工童装324套,照这样计算,11月份能加工多少套同样的服装?6、如图:李丽从家到炎黄广场要15分钟,如果她用同样的速度从家到学校要多长时间? 炎黄广场 750米李丽家 900米 学校 附送:2019-2020年四年级上期末测试卷(含答案)一语音判断(2分)判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。(共4小题,每小题0.5分)( ) 1. A. name B. make C. have( ) 2. A. desk B. seven C. these( ) 3. A. bottle B. sorry C. orange( ) 4. A. lunch B. sunny C. pupil二.选择填空(6分)从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共6题,每小题1分)( ) 1. I have a sister. name is Jill. A. She B. His C. Her( ) 2. Can you ? A. swim B. swims C. swimming( ) 3. - are these potatoes? - They are twelve yuan. A. How many B. How much C. How old( ) 4. - is the weather? - Its windy. A. What B. How C. Where( ) 5. Are there shops on Green Street? A. any B. some C. much( ) 6. There a square and two stars in the picture. A. is B. are C. have三.情景问答(6分)根据所给情景选出适当的问句或答语。(共6小题,每小题1分)( ) 1. - What can you do? - A. I can write. B. I like swimming. C. I go shopping.( ) 2. - Are you hungry? - A. Yes, I am. B, No, I dont. C. Yes, I can.( ) 3. - - Yes, there is. A. Are there any restaurants? B. Is there a park? C. Is it near the supermarket?( ) 4. - What does your uncle do? - A. He lives in Guilin. B. He is a driver. C. She is a nurse.( ) 5. - What would you like? - A. I like milk. B. Id like some coffee. C. I like watching TV.( ) 6. - Whats the matter? - A. Im tired. B. I want to skate. C. I like the black T-shirt.四补全对话(1 0分)i从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话。(共5小题,每小题1分)supermarket meat shopping rainy tomatoes Tom: Mum, theres no food at home. Lets go (1) today.Mum: But hows the weather? Tom: Its a sunny day. Its not (2) Mum: OK. Is there any (3) in the kitchen? Tom: No, there isnt.Mum: Are there any (4) or potatoes? Tom: There arent any potatoes but there is only one tomato.Mum: All right. Lets go to the (5) now.ii.试从所给出的句子中选出合适的完成对话。(共5小题,每小题1分)A. I need a new dress. B. How are you? C. You can have my money.D. Are you busy now? E. Would you like to go shopping with me?Cindy: Hello, Linda. (1) Linda: Fine, thanks. Nice to see you here, Cindy.Cindy: (2) Linda: No, Im not busy. I just go out to walk around.Cindy: (3) Linda: Sure. But I dont take money.Cindy: It doesnt matter. (4) Linda: Thanks. Do you want to see new clothes?Cindy: Yes, I do. Its very hot. (5) Linda: But I think you can have a skirt.Cindy: Maybe youre right.五选词填空(1 0分)选出适当的短语,完成对话。(共5小题,每小题2分)three plates have lunch live in some carrots many puters1. - Where do you live? - I Garden Estate.2. - What would you like? - Id like .3. - How many plates are there on the table? - There are .4. - Are there in the classroom? -Yes, there are.5. - Are you hungry? - Yes. Can we now?六.连词成句(5分)根据所给单词,连成完整的句子。(共5小题,每小题1分)1. any / you / cousins / have / do (?) 2. is / mother / nurse / my / a (.) 3. eggs / like / and / some ! Id / meat / some (.) 4. there / how / circles / are / many (?) . 5. cant / park / football / in / we / the / play (.) 七阅读理解(8分)A i判断下列句子是否与短文相符,相符写A,不相符写B。(共4小题,每小题1分)Kitty is 12 this year. She has two friends. They are Tom and Alice. Tom has a pair of black shorts and a green T-shirt. He can skate and climb trees. Alice has a pair of glasses. She has a red dress. She can sing and dance. She can draw pictures, too ( ) 1. Tom and Alice are Kittys friends. ( ) 2. Tom has a blue T-shirt. ( ) 3. Alice has a red skirt. ( ) 4. Tom can skate and Alice can sing.Bii阅读下列短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共4小题,每小题1分)Its autumn. Its cool and windy. Charlie is flying a kite in the park. His father is watching(观看).The kite is flying high(高) in the sky. They are happy. Look! The kite is not in the sky now. Where is it? Oh, its in a tree. Charlie is sad. Charlie jumps and jumps. The tree is tall but he is short. He cannot get(拿到) the kite. Charlies father is not very tall but he is clever(聪明的). Look, he is on a car. He can get the kite for Charlie. Charlie is happy.( ) 1. Its autumn. Its . A. hot and sunny B. cold and cloudy C. cool and windy( ) 2. Charlies kite is flying high in the sky. He is . A. happy B. sad C. tired( ) 3. Charlies kite is a tree in picture 3. A. under B. behind C. in( ) 4. gets the kite for Charlie. A. Charlies mother B. Charlies father C. Charlies uncle八看图写话(3分)根据表格和图片信息,仿照例子写出三句以上完整而有意义的英文句子,要求将表格中提供的人物年龄、外貌特点、职业和兴趣爱好完整而准确地表达出来。 DetailsNames Age Body Job Hobby 58 tall/thin 52 short hair/a pair of glasses 例如: This is my Grandpa. He is fifty-eight this year. He is tall and thin. He is a doctor. He likes reading books. 参考答案I. II. CABBAAIII. AABBBAIV. i. 1. shopping 2. rainy 3. meat 4. tomatoes 5. supermarket ii. (1)B (2) D (3) E (4) C (5) AV. 1. live in 2. some carrots 3. three plates 4. many puters 5. have lunchVI. 1. Do you have any cousins? 2. My mother is a nurse. 3. Id like some eggs and some meat. (some meat和some eggs 可互换) 4. How many circles are there? 5. We cant play football in the park.VII. i. ABBA ii. CACBVIII. This is my grandma. She is fifty-two years old this year. She has short hair and a pair of glasses. She is a teacher. She likes singing.

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