2019-2020年六年级上册英语复习试卷 (二).doc

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2019-2020年六年级上册英语复习试卷 (二)一、Listen and write the words.听音写单词(每题2分,计8分)1. 2. 3. 4.二、Listen and translate.听音,翻译(每题3分,计12分)1._2._ Yang Chen:Hey,LinLi. Where are you going for vacation?Lin Li: Im going to Hong Kong.Yang Chen:Really? What are you going to do there?Lin Li:Im going to visit my cousin.What about you,Yang Chen?Where are you going?Yang Chen:Im going to Beijing.Yang Chen:Im going shopping.Lin Li:You will love it.Beijing is great. Lin Li Yang Chen Where What to do ? 附送:2019-2020年六年级上册英语复习试卷(一)一、Listen and fill in the blanks.听音用所给单词填空。(每空2分,计10分)big small tall short thim thick light heavy good bad1.My cake is _. Yours is _.2.My grandmas house is _.Mine is _.3.The black bike is _. The red one is _.4.Mr. Liu is _. Mr. Wang is _.5.Its _ to be quiet in a library.Its _ to shout in a corridor.二、Read and match. 读一读,将反义词连接起来.(每空2分,计10分)thickheavylong thinlightshortbigsmalloldyoungw W w .三、Read and choose.读一读,选一选(每空3分,计15分)()1.我的书包最重。A My schoolbag is the heaviest.B My schoolbag is too heavy.()2.这座城市最古老。A This city is the oldest.B This city much older.()3.李明宇在班级最聪明。A Li Mingyu is very clever in the class.B Li Mingyu is the cleverest in the class.()4.比利跑得最快。A Billy runs very fast.B Billy runs very fastest.()5.这座楼是这个城市中最高的。A This building is the highest in this city.B This building is very high in this city.四、Lets write.写写看(每题3分,计15分)Model:Helens hair is long.(Mary) Marys hair is longer.1.Miss Liu is young.(Miss Sun)_2.Zhao Wei runs fast.(Yu Min)_3.Mount Tai is high.(Qomolongma)_4.The Yellow River is long.(The Yangtze River)_5.Dalian is big(Shanghai)_五、Reads and write.读一读,完成句子(每题3分,计15分)1.Dongdongs hands are _(big)than Mingmings.2.Liu Yang runs _(fast) than Jenny.3.Tom is _(happy) than Billy.4.Mike is _(strong)than Bob.5.The man is _(tall)than the woman. 六、Read and write.读一读,写写(每题2分,计8分)I have two friends.We are in the same class.Ma Ming is _(short/shorter)than Yang Li and Yang Li is _(thin/thinner)than Ma Ming.Every day we play football together.Ma Ming runs _(fast/faster)than other boys.Yang Li runs_(slowly/more slowly).But he can catch the ball and passes it to Ma Ming.They cooperate(合作)very well,So theyre aluays on the same team.七、Read.Guess and Match(每题3分,计15分)Whats the smallest room in the world?()A sunlightWhats the shortest bridge in the world?()B sea-horseWhats the smallest horse in the world?() C mushroomWhats the longest bed in the world?()D nose bridgeWhats the brightest light in the world?()E riverbed八、Make sentences with the words given.用所给词组句子(每题3分,计12分)1.at, hippo,look,that _2.than,cars,faster,buses,run _3.youngest,the,Yang Ling is,class,in,my_4.my bag,lighter,is,yours,than _

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