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2019年一年级英语上册Unit6Colours第34-36课时教案人教新起点一、Teaching contents:了解红,黄,蓝三原色的混合色。二Teaching aims:与美术学科融合,要求学生了解红,黄,蓝三原色的混合色。三、Teaching important point:本课为第二层次学习,要求学生结合常识感知所学内容。四、Teaching utensils:Tape, recorder, color pictures五、Teaching course:(一) reviewplay games1listen and actT: Show your pencil(ask)What color is it?S(answer):review color words2show colors: yellow, blue, red Teacher show and students answer3listen to the chant and follow read4say and actS: part B: Listen and color(1) do your work: 听录音机讨论,1-6分别是什么颜色。比一比哪一组作对得最多。(2) 让学生根据录音,在脸谱下方的小框中涂上相应的颜色。然后再以这个为依据,给脸谱涂色。(3) Show picture, check it六、SummaryLesson 35一、Teaching contents:Review the Unit 61. the words about colors2. the sentences about the colors二、teaching aims采用信息形的形式,使学生在相互交流中得到对方的信息。三、Teaching important points正确说出表示颜色的单词并能用所学的日常交际用语与别人交际。四、Teaching utensils:Tape, record, colorful pens五、Teaching course:(一) review:show word cards and say chant(二) new lesson(三) 1.TPR复习有关四肢和五官的词汇Touch your nose2.point and sayThis is my ear3show color and askwhat color is it?4students answer5play games: Lets color让学生根据自己的意愿将书的的木偶涂上颜色。6Do pair workListen to questions and answer students ask each other六、summaryLesson 36一、Teqching contents:Fun time二、Teaching aims复习本单元的新词汇,了解有关气球的常识。三、Teaching important point:能听懂并简单的复述对话。四、Teqaching utensilsBalloons, pictures, tape, recorder五、Teaching course:(一) Show balloonsT:Look, this is a balloon.Read words: balloonT(ask)Do you like read balloon?S:(answer):Yes./No.T:(ask)What color is balloon?Students answer.(二)1Look at the pictures and say the story in Chinese.2Listen to the tape and point that picture.3Listen again and follow read4如果每一幅图的语言都已经学会,就可以进行角色表演。5在学生熟悉故事内容后,让他们用阿拉伯数字在书上的七个彩色气球下方的括号里填出买气球的顺序。六、SummaryTeaching plan 附送:2019年一年级英语上册Unit7MyfamilyLesson5教案沪教牛津版教学目标:知识与技能目标:掌握并背诵Rhyme.过程与方法目标:通过听音跟读来熟练掌握本节课的内容。情感态度与价值观目标:培养学生尊敬师长教学重点:背诵Rhyme教学过程: 一、组织教学:二、复习导入:复习本单元的重点内容。三、讲授新知:1T:Today we will learn a rhyme about our family members and how we love them. 2Discuss with students what is happening in the first picture and then read the first verse to them. 3Explain “is ing” and “I love him.” 4Invite pairs of students to act out the first verse. 给学生上台表演的机会。通过儿歌练习,让学生做出相应的动作,真正做到寓教于乐。个别学生进行表演,激发学生。以小组为单位,发扬团队精神。四 、巩固操练: Individual Ss act out the first verse.Ss read the rhymeSs work in pairsIndividual Ss act out the new verse.五、小结、作业: 跟读本课录音2遍。六、板书设计:Lets enjoy:My father is ing. Di-Di.My father is ing. Di-Di.Say hello. How are you?My father is ing.I love him.

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