2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit2(3)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit2(3)教案 苏教牛津版教学目标: 复习本单元所学的家庭成员和人体部位单词。进一步掌握句型Whos thewith? Is thatyour? The one in the?能初步了解字母组合ck在单词中的读音。教学过程:ReviewTalk about Li Ans family.T: Whos this / that?Whos the with / in ?Play a game: Whats missing?游戏方法:将所学人体各部位的图片出示数秒,后取下一张,问学生:Whats missing? 从而达到复习这些单词的目的。Practice1)Ask and answer A: Whos thewith? B: Hes / Shes my2)Look and sayA: Is thatyour?B: Which one?A: The one in theB: Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isnt.Read and act听录音模仿,并分角色朗读。Listen and repeat出示四个单词black, clock, jacket, sock及相应插图,学生听录音并跟读。在读的过程中体会字母组合ck在单词中发/k/。Look and read1)要求学生仔细看图、读句,理解故事的幽默之处。2)请学生分角色朗读故事。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 4B unit3(1)教案 广东版开心I、 Teaching contents:1、 Lets check听力练习检查学生对unit 2 所学内容的掌握情况。2、 Lets chant, 通过说有节奏、有韵律的歌谣学习与巩固本课所学的单词。3、 Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。4、 Lets think. 通过联想,培养学生运用新单词的能力。II、 Teaching aims:1、能学会本课的八个新词组。( sweeping the floor, cleaning the windows, doing the dishes, making the bed, folding the clothes, watering the plants, dusting the furniture, washing the clothes.) 2、能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。3、培养学生的注意力,激发学生的积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。III、Teaching aids:本课的单词图片;录音机;磁带。IV、Teaching procedureStep 1 Revision Lets sing and chant.11. Lets chant2. Lets have a dictation. ( Unit two words)Step 2 PresentationConversationGetting ready Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.T: Look at Jenny. Wheres she?Ss: Shes in the yard.T: Yes. Shes helping her dad. Look at Tony. Wheres he?Ss: Hes in the kitchen.T: Yes. Hes helping his mom.T: Tony and Jenny are helping their parents. What are they doing? Lets find out.Using the book T: Lets listen to the tape.Have Ss follow the dialog by pointing to the pictures in their books.T: Whats Jenny doing?Ss: Shes washing the car.T: Whats Tony doing?Ss: Hes doing the dishes. T: Lets listen again and repeat. Play the tape , pausing after each line to have Ss repeat.Encourage Ss to use facial and voice expressions when they say Im sorry. And Im waiting. Point to the pictures and model if necessary. Put Ss into three groups. One group takes the role of Gogo, one plays jenny and the last group is Mom. Read out each line in the dialog for each group to repeat.VocabularyGetting ready Bring in picture cards 21-30. Show the picture side of picture card 21 sweeping the floor T: Repeat. Sweeping the floor.Ss: sweeping the floor. Show the word side of the card and put it on the board. Write sweep the floor next to the card.Continue with the of the cards and introduce both simple form and ing from of the verbs.Using the book T: Open your books. Listen and point to each phrase. Play the tape again and have Ss repeat each phrase. Pantomime the actions in random order and have Ss say the phrases.TargetGetting ready T: Look at page 15 and find Tony.T: ( Point to Tony.) Is Tony cooking breakfast?Ss: No, hes not. Hes doing the dishes. Ask individual Ss.T: ( S1s name), is he washing the car.Ss: No, hes not. Hes doing the dishes. T: ( S2 name), is he doing dishes? Yes. Hes doing the dishes. Ask several more students similar questions.Using the book T: Now lets look at page 16. Point to the pictures and model the dialogs.T: Lets listen to the tape and repeat. Play the tape and pause after each sentence, allowing Ss time to repeat. Put Ss into pairs to practice the Q&A exchanges.Step 3 SummaryToday we have learned and sentences.Step 4 Homework1. Read P. 15-16.2. Cope the phrase.Blackboard writingUnit 3 Im washing the car.Is she doing dinner? Sweeping the floor No, shes not. Shes washing the clothes. Cleaning the windows Are they cleaning the windows? Doing the dishesYes, they are. Making the bed


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