2019年一年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 This is I my head教案 外研版(标准版).doc

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2019年一年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 This is I my head教案 外研版(标准版).doc_第1页
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2019年一年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 Thisis I my head教案 外研版(标准版)一 教学内容新标准英语第二册Module4 Unit1 This is my head. 二 教学目标能听懂,会读,会说并能灵活运用单词 head ,face ,nose ,mouth ,ear ,eye。三 教学重点和难点单词的教授,单词的发音以及单词的熟练运用。四 教具准备课件,图片,单词卡片五 教学过程Step 1 Warming-upGreeting:T: Good morning, boys and girls!S: Good morning, Miss Ding!Step 2 Revision播放课件T: Now look at the screen, what can you see? Whats this?课件中先快速闪烁几种职业的人:nurse, teacher, doctor, driver让学生猜并回答S: She/he is a然后再快速闪烁几种有上面职业特征的物品: bus, dress, coat, bag让学生猜并回答S: This is her/his然后让学生把两句话连起来说.Step 3 PresentationT: OK, very good! Whats this?S: Its a flower (在一个学生头上贴上一朵小花)T: (问其他学生)Wheres the flower?S: 在某某某头上引出head(Show a picture) Read the word head after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their head.T: (Take out a star) Whats this?S: T: Give you a star. (在一个学生的脸上贴上一个小星星)T: Wheres the star now?S: 在某某某的脸上.引出faceShow a picture face .Read the word face after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their faceT: There are some organs in our head, what are they?S: 引出mouth, eye, ear, noseShow the picture eyeT: whats this?S: Read the word eye after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their eye. Show the picture noseT: Whats this?S: Read the word nose after the teacher .Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their nose.Show a picture mouthT: Whats this?S: Read the word mouth after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their mouth.Show a picture earT: Whats this?S: Read the word ear after the teacher. Teacher must emphasize the pronunciation. Use team work or group work to practice .让学生边说边touch their ear.Step 4 Practices and Consolidation1、拿出图片让学生说出单词,然后让学生把单词贴到相应图片下面.T: Put the words to the right picture. I will ask a boy and a girl.比一比谁贴得又对又快.2、为小动物找丢失的鼻子,眼睛,嘴巴,耳朵,并帮助他们贴上。T: Now look at these animals. How lovely are they! But they look very strange. They miss something. Can you help them?T: OK! Whats this?T: S: Its a bear.T: Whats the bear missing? Who can help the bear?先说出小动物们少了什么部位,然后上黑板帮它们贴上。3、Play a gameTouch your head/face/eye/nose/mouth全班分为四组进行比赛,一组一组地进行。T: I say touch your head/mouth/face/eye/ear/nose. You must touch the right organ. If you are wrong, you must sit down. The last student is the winner. She/he can get a flower or a star.全班先集体坐在下面进行一下热身,然后再分一组一组地站起来进行游戏。六、Home work回家后每人画一幅自画像。附送:2019年一年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 1 单元练习题 外研版(一起)一、 选出你听到的图片。1. ( ) A. B. C. D. 2. ( ) A. B. C. D. 3. ( ) A. B. C. D.4. ( ) A. B. C. D. 5. ( ) A. B. C. D. 6. ( ) A. B. C. D. 二、 找出相应的搭配用线连起来。playing homework writing to the radiowatching a book talking a picturedoing basketball drawing to friendreading TV listening a letter三、 Please listen and choose.请听课本活动1的录音,根据听到的内容选出合适的选项。A My face. My nose. My mouth. My ear. My eye .My head.B This is my eye. And this is your eye.C This is my face. This is my nose.D Hi, Im Panpan, This is my head.E Good boy!F This is your mouth. This is your ear.听力原稿一、 选出你听到的图片。1.Im doing my homework. 2. Hes tidying his room.3. This is my room. 4. In autumn, I wear sweater.5. Im drawing a picture of flower. 6. Shes talking to her friends.

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