2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《He lives in the east of the US》教案 外研版.doc

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2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《He lives in the east of the US》教案 外研版.doc_第1页
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2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1《He lives in the east of the US》教案 外研版.doc_第3页
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2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1He lives in the east of the US教案 外研版2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 1He lives in the east of the US教案 外研版一、 教案背景1面向学生:中学 小学 2学科:小学英语 新标准 四年级 下学期3课题:He lives in the east of the US.4课时:1二、 教学目标(一)知识与能力目标:(1)词汇:east , west, north, south, where , country, The US, cousin, maybe, capital, Los Angeles, New York(2)语句:能听说读写的句子:He lives in the east of the US. Los Angeles is in the west of the US. Wheres Qingdao ? Its in the east of China . This country is the US. Does he live in (Los Angeles, New York ) ? I want to go to the US one day . Maybe you can visit your cousin .(二)情感态度目标:简单了解中国、美国各大主要城市在国家领土内的地理位置。培养学生热爱祖国,热爱家乡的思想感情,并初步建立与其他英美国家建立良好邦交关系,待人友善的意识。三、 教材分析本课是新标准英语第八册第八模块的第一单元 New York is in the east.主要教授的内容是第八模块第一单元的单词,句型和课文。本课的重点内容是方位的表达方法。重点单词有:east, west, south, north, The US, country, cousin. 另外有两个城市New York和Los Angeles也比较重要。重点句型为in theof, 表达一定范围内部的方位,比如,Qingdao is in the east of China. 课文围绕一副美国地图展开讨论,大明和萨姆讨论了大明的堂兄居住的地方,并希望能够有一天去美国参观。教学重点及难点重点 : east , west, north, south, where He lives in the east of the US . Los Angeles is in the west of the US. Wheres Qingdao ? Its in the east of China .难点: Los Angeles , country , lives in He lives in the east of the US . (the 在east前的发音)四、教学方法:上课之前我用百度在网上搜索中国和美国的地图等相关教学材料,找了一些教案和材料作参考,了解到教学的重点和难点,确定课堂教学形式和方法。然后根据本节课堂教学需要,利用百度搜索关于地图图片,课堂进行操练,加深印象。五、教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Sing a song: London Bridge is falling down.【百度视频】v.youku/v_show/id_XMzEwNjAzNjU2.html2.Brain storm(头脑风暴):Which country do you know?【教师活动】:Today there is a petition between two groups.Look, this is a map. Who can find China from this map?【百度图片】image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%CA%C0%BD%E7%B5%D8%CD%BC%CD%BC%C6%AC&in=19888&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=6&rn=1&di=136860329175&ln=1996&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1331797466296_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn6&-1&di136860329175&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fpic1.ooopic.cn%2Fuploadfilepic%2Fshiliang%2F2009-06-23%2FOOOPIC_moranhui_xx0623939ddcabf8f798e2.jpg&fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fuser.ooopic%2Fpic_586038%2F&W604&H422&T12499&S38&TPjpg【学生活动】: .【教师活动】Good!This is China. China is a country. “country” whats meaning?【学生活动】 .【教师活动】 Which country do you know?【学生活动】Group1: China is a countryGroup2: Canada is a countryStep 2 Presentation and practice 【教师活动】 My names .I live in weifang. Where do you live?【学生活动】: I live in weifang, too.【教师活动】 Where does you father live?【学生活动】He lives in weifang. (板书 He lives in .)【教师活动】Where is weifang? 【学生活动】 Its in China.【教师活动】 China is our country, look, which country is it? (出示美国地图)【百度图片】image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%C3%C0%B9%FA%B5%D8%CD%BC&in=10579&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=2&rn=1&di=21876942513&ln=xx&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1331798986453_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn2&-1&di21876942513&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fhiphotos.baidu%2Fforestwoodcc%2Fpic%2Fitem%2F1b07fa168cb85b31962b4343.jpg&fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fhi.baidu%2Fforestwoodcc%2Falbum%2Fitem%2F1b07fa168cb85b31962b4343.html&W2896&H1527&T10215&S306&TPjpg【学生活动】 .【教师活动】What do you know about the US? 【学生活动】:迪士尼、洛杉矶、纽约 . 【教师活动】Yes, Los Angeles and New York. Where is Los Angeles? Its in the west of the US. Where is New York? Its in the east of the US.(T teaches the words and stick the word cards on the blackboard)【百度图片】image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%C3%C0%B9%FA%B5%D8%CD%BC&in=10579&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=2&rn=1&di=21876942513&ln=xx&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1331798986453_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn2&-1&di21876942513&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fhiphotos.baidu%2Fforestwoodcc%2Fpic%2Fitem%2F1b07fa168cb85b31962b4343.jpg&fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fhi.baidu%2Fforestwoodcc%2Falbum%2Fitem%2F1b07fa168cb85b31962b4343.html&W2896&H1527&T10215&S306&TPjpg(利用美国地图向学生发问:Where is Los Angeles? 【教师活动】Maybe I want to go to New York one day, I think I need a pass.Look, this is a pass, whats the meaning of “w” “e” “n” “s”?【学生活动】西 东 北 南【教师活动】west east north south (teach the words with different ways) Practice the new words: I say, you do; I do, you say; I say the letters, you say the words.【教师活动】Where is Los Angeles?【学生活动】 Its in the west of The US.【教师活动】Where is New York?【学生活动】: Its in the east of the US.【教师活动】 Maybe I want to go to the US one day, because my cousin Xiaoyong lives there, which city does he live? I will give you a hint, you can guess.(T出示Hollywood的图片) 【百度图片】image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%BA%C3%C0%B3%CE%EB%BB%B7%C7%F2%D3%B0%B3%C7&in=31255&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=8&rn=1&di=92081241750&ln=1958&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1331799238234_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn8&-1&di92081241750&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fido.3mt.cn%2FArticle%2Fupload%2Fxx07%2F0907031827989916.jpg&fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fido.3mt.cn%2Farticle%2Fpicview1566860c33p9.html&W650&H470&T9377&S136&TPjpg【学生活动】 Los Angeles 【教师活动】 Where does my cousin live?【学生活动m】 He lives in Los Angeles. 【教师活动】So he lives in the west of the US.My cousin Simon has got three good friends, lets play a guessing game:Where do they live? (LinglingTomAmy) 【学生活动】 HeShe lives in theof The US.【教师活动】 Ok, lets chant together! Where does Amy live? Where does Amy live? North, north; South, south; West, west; East, east. She lives in the north.My cousin has got another friend, hes Simon .Please listen to the tape, and find “Where does he live?”【学生活动】 He lives in the east of the US.【教师活动】 Second time, listen and repeat, you should imitate the pronunciation, then find “east, west”. 【教师活动】This time, listen to me, then judge:T1.My cousin lives in the US.F2.Los Angeles is in the east of the US.F3.New York is in the west of the US.T4 .Daming wants to go to the US one day.Step 3 Consolidation and extension【教师活动】I have got another map. Look, is it in The US?【学生活动】 No, its in China. (T出示中国地图)【百度图片】image.baidu/i?ct=503316480&z=&tn=baiduimagedetail&word=%D6%D0%B9%FA%B5%D8%CD%BC&in=3388&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&pn=9&rn=1&di=50014387803&ln=xx&fr=&fm=result&fmq=1331799289078_R&ic=0&s=0&se=1&sme=0&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&is=&istype=2#pn9&-1&di50014387803&objURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fhiphotos.baidu%2Fbjzhangran%2Fpic%2Fitem%2F5756db2ae5a21e2cd52af1c8.jpg&fromURLhttp%3A%2F%2Fhi.baidu%2Fbjzhangran%2Falbum%2Fitem%2F5756db2ae5a21e2cd52af1c8.html&W780&H582&T10014&S50&TPjpgT Points to some places and ask: where is ? (板书)【学生活动】 Its in theof China. (板书)【教师活动】 Work in groups, ask and answer: Where is? Its in the.of China.Leta play an interesting game: Lets image: Maybe you e from a place of China, you can say a piece of dialect in this place, we can guess: where do you live?【学生活动】Miss lives in Sitsang./Miss lives in the west of China.Step 4 SummaryLet some Ss to sum up words and sentences they have learnt .【教师活动】今天我们学习了如何询问和描述一个地方的位置或一个人居住的位置。 (Let Ss to read the main knowledge together.)Step 5 HomeworkListen to the tape, listen and repeat 3 times .Copy the main word and sentences 2 times 。Step 6 Blackboard designModule 8 Unit 1 He lives in the east of the US.Where is ?Its in the of The US.He lives in the .教后反思:教学效果:回顾这节课,我充分利用了互联网的优势,从互联网上选取了大量的图片、视频等资料,展示给学生,以此激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生主动地获取知识,课堂取得了很好的效果。教学体会:通过教学,我感觉到在教学中利用互联网搜索,确实非常方便。现在的网络非常发达,网上的资源特别丰富,我们教师可以根据自己课堂教学的需要,随时在网上选取图片、视频、课件等可用的教学资源,这样就大大减少了自己备课、查阅资料的时间,同时省却了制作课件的麻烦,极大地方便了自己的课堂教学。附送:2019年(春)四年级英语下册 Module 8 Unit 2 I took some pictures教案 外研版第( 2 )课时参与教师课题(内容)Unit 2 I took some pictures.课型巩固教学目标知识与能力掌握重点词汇词组:took,tell,great,delicious,made,poster学习重点句型:主语+动词的过去式+其他.过程与方法协作学习;运用任务型教学法和情境教学法情感态度价值观激发学生的英语学习兴趣和树立一定的文化修养。教学重难点特殊动词过去式的发音以及书写。课前准备多媒体课件、单词卡片资源使用资源编号教 学 过 程教 师 活 动学 生 活 动应对预案Step 1.Warm up:1、G reetings:2、RevisionTalk about the six pictures of Page46Step2 review and Lead-in1.Review the main knowledge of last lesson.Students answer the questions.2.Review the words: sing- sang go-went see-saw drink-drank have -had eat-ate让学生说出知识点教 师 活 动学 生活 动应对预案Step 3: Presentation1.Activity 1(1) Listen, point and say.(2)Listen again and repeat.2.Activity2(1) Lets make a sentence with “ take”?如果你想表达上个周日我们照了一些照片。首先要知道take的过去式,take是特殊动词所以它的过去式是took.So we can say.Ss :We took some pictures last Sunday.(2)Look at this picture.There is some food in the picture.How delicious they are!(讲授delicious)(3) Listen, point and say the text. Listen again and repeat.Step4:Practice1.在PPT上呈现一些图片,让学生小组内合作练习。2.SB book Activity 3 Point and say.学生听、指、跟读引导学生说出答案小组内做练习教 师 活 动学 生 活 动应对预案3. SB book Activity 5 and 6Step5:Listen and say.Then sing.Listen and say. Then sing and do.Step6 Summry一般过去时的构成:主语+动词过去式+其他.特殊动词的过去式.如:take-tookmake-madeStep Step7 HomeworkRead the text.Copy the new words and new sentences.引导学生归纳总结板书设计Module8 Unit2 I took some pictures.I took some pictures.Yesterday I 教学反思


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