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2019六年级英语上学期期末试题外研版(三起)(满分120分 时间60 分钟 ) 等级 听力部分(20分)每小题均读两遍。一、听音,完成句子。(10分)1.Why is the snake out of the box?2.There is a picture book in this photo. I photo books.3.Do you like reading books now? Yes, .4.There are many Chinese restaurants in this city. I like eating Chinese .5.Do you want to visit the UN in New York?6.Do you want to go ?7.I dont he can e here so early.8.Pandas are very fat and kind. They like .9.All the people all over the world want to bring to the world.10.Look at the library .It says,“Dont talk in the library.”二、听音排序。根据你听到的先后顺序,给下列句子标上序号。(10分)( )When is this Festival?( ) New York is in the east of America.( ) Whats your favourite sport?( )Pleased to meet you. ( )Ive got some stamps from China. ( )I dont believe it. ( )Do you want to go to Guilin? ( )Tell us more about the school,please. ( )Theres Chinese dancing there. ( )Therere four stations in the picture. 笔试部分(100分)一、英汉短语翻译。(10分)1.联合国大厦 2. ten to five 3.一天十二小时 4. the Summer Palace 5.图书馆规则 6. believe it or not 7.stand in line 8.全世界 9.端午节 10.sleep in the winter 二、根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)1.There are some old (建筑) in the city.2.Please (快点). Its ten to six.3.Pandas love (竹子).4.This is my email (地址).5.He (总是) ride his bike to school.6.Ive got some chopsticks, but they are (困难)7.That (听起来) nice.8.Do you often (清理) your room?9.There is a big (广场) in Beijing.10.Now you can have (另一个) Chinese stamp.三、根据上下文的意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1.I like (collect) stamps.2.I have two (knife).3.Flying kites and reading books are my (hobby).4.Theres Chinese (dance).5.Lingling (say) she will e soon.6. (please) to meet you!7.They are from 192 (country).8.Im (send) an email to my family.9.Let (we) go to the park. M10.There (be) some orange juice in the bottle.四、选择填空。(10分)( )1.He can dance he cant sing. A. and B. but C. so( )2.What interesting film it is! A. a B. an C. the ( )3.Daming can play table tennis ,and he can play flute. A. the ,the B. the, / C. /, the( )4.Im Linda. Please my pen friend. A. am B. is C. be( )5.I dont like pears ,so I eat them. A. never B. sometimes C. often( )6.Do you want inside? A. go B. to go C. goes( )7.Does he with toys? A. likes play B. like playing C. like play( )8. Lets _ to see films. Good idea! A. go B. goes C. going( )9.Father Christmas gives presents the children. A. at B. for C. to( )10.A baby can sleep twenty hours a day. A. in B. for C. to五、选择配伍(10分)从栏中找出栏每个句子恰当的答语,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。 ( )1How big is London? AYes,I d0( )2Where are you from? BNot very often( )3Is there a letter for me? CYoure wele( )4Do you want to Chinatown?DNo,I havent( )5Have you got any sandwich? EIm from Canada( )6Can she speak French? FIts got eight million people( )7Thank you so much GYes,there is( )8Pandas eat meat,believe it or not? HNo,she cant( )9Do you often clean your desk? IIts in England( )10Where is the London Eye? JI dont believe it六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分)1. about / book/ got /you / have / a / America ( ? ) 2. bedroom / puter / in / is / there / a / my ( . ) 3. to / go / do / to / you / want / Qingdao ( ?) 4. his / is / looking / hobby / stars /at ( . ) 5. be / your / can / friend /pen / who ( ? ) 七、补全对话。从方框中选出句子完成对话,并将答案标号写在相应空白处。(10分) ATuantuan and Yuanyuan BOf course,I can CThey were sent to Taiwan DGood morning EDid you finish your homework?A:_TomB:Good morning,Mr. Green A:_B:Yes,I didA:OKCan you tell me more about pandas?B:_ A:Good! What place were the two pandas sent to last month? B:_ A:What are their names? B:_A:They love bamboo very much八、阅读理解。(20分) A:先阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将答案标号写在题前括号内。 My name is AliceIm CanadaI have got four pen friends from ChinaI know something about China from themChinese people like using chopsticks and eating dumplingsI think chopsticks are difficult for meI often use knife and fork to eatMy favourite food is bread and cheeseYesterday I got postcard from my pen friendOne is a picture of the Summer Palace,the other is a picture of the West LakeI like them very much( )1Where is Alice from? AAmerica BEngland CCanada( )2How many Chinese pen friends has Alice got? AThree BFour CSix( )3What does Alice use to eat? AChopsticks BA fork CHands( )4Who did give the postcard to Alice? ASalesman BFireman CHer pen friends( )5What do Chinese people like to eat? ACheese BDumplings CBreadB:阅读短文,判断正( T )误( F )。Hello! My name is Lili. Im Chinese . Im twelve years old. Im in Class 1, Grade 6 .Ive got a good friend. Her name is Amy .Shes eleven .She is in Class 1, too. I like collecting dolls and drawing, but she likes playing football. Miss Wang is our English teacher. Miss Li is our Chinese teacher .We are in Xinhua primary school. ( ) 1.Lili is a Chinese girl . ( ) 2. Her good friend is a boy. ( ) 3. They are in the same class of the same school. ( ) 4. Miss Li is their English teacher. ( ) 5. Lili and Amy both like playing football.九、根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)1.Whats your hobby? 2.How many countries are there in the UN? 3.When is Christmas Day? 4.Whats your pen friend s English name? 5.Where is Qingdao? 答案: 听力部分(20分)听音,完成句子。(10分)每小题一分。1.Why is the snake ing out of the box?2.There is a picture book in this photo. I love photo books.3.Do you like reading books now? Yes, of course .4.There are many Chinese restaurants in this city. I like eating Chinese fast food .5.Do you want to visit the UN building in New York?6.Do you want to go inside ?7.I dont believe he can e here so early.8.Pandas are very fat and kind. They like bamboo .9.All the people all over the world want to bring peace to the world.10.Look at the library rules .It says,“Dont talk in the library.”二、听音排序。根据你听到的先后顺序,给下列句子标上序号。(10分) 每小题一分。1.Do you want to go to Guilin?2.When is this Festival?3.Theres Chinese dancing there.4.Tell us more about the school,please.5.Pleased to meet you.6.Whats your favourite sport?7.I dont believe it.8.Ive got some stamps from China. 9.New York is in the east of America.10.Therere four stations in the picture.笔试部分(100分)英汉短语翻译。(10分)每小题一分。the UN building 2.四点五十 3.twelve hours a day 4.颐和园library rules 6.信不信由你 7.站成一排 8.all over the worldDragon Boat Festival 10.冬眠根据句意和汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)每空一分。buildings 2. hurry 3. bamboo 4. address 5.always 6.difficultsounds 8. clean 9.square 10. another三、根据上下文的意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分) 每空一分。collecting 2. knives 3. hobbies 4. dancing 5. says 6. Pleased 7. countries 8. sending 9. us 10. is四、选择填空。(10分)每小题一分。BBCCA BBACA五、选择配伍(10分)每小题一分。FEGAD HCJBI六、连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。(10分) 每小题2分。Have you got a book about America?There is a puter in my bedroom.Do you want to go to Qingdao?Looking at stars is his hobby. / His hobby is looking at stars.Who can be your pen friend?七、补全对话。从方框中选出句子完成对话,并将答案标号写在相应空白处。(10分) 每空2分。DEBCA八、阅读理解。(20分)每小题2分。CBBCB TFTFF九、根据实际情况回答问题。(10分)每小题2分。 1.My hobby is reading /collecting stamps /riding (一定是动名词)2. 191 3. December 25 4. Sam / Amy / Tom (一定是外国名字)5. Its in the east of China.附送: 班级 姓名 xx第一学期六年级第一、二单元语文试卷 1、抄写下面的字。(10分)(4)怀念母亲是_写的,我们还学过他写的_。作者怀念两个母亲,一个是,一个是_。3、口语交际。(2分) 在第二组课文学习中,我们围绕“祖国在我心中”这个主题展开学习,开展了综合性学习,搜集了中华儿女报效祖国、为国争光的资料,学唱歌颂祖国的歌曲,收集了祖国建设、家乡建设新成就,通过这些活动,谈谈你的收获或感受。_三、阅读(30分)(一)阅读草虫的村落片段,回答问题。 我看得出草虫的村落里哪是街道,哪是小巷。大街小巷里,花色斑斓的小圆虫,披着俏丽地彩衣。在这些粗壮的黑甲虫中间,它们似乎南国的少女,逗得多少虫子痴望。蜥蜴面前围拢了一群黑甲虫,对这庞然大物投以好奇的目光。它们友好地交流着,似乎攀谈得很投机似的。看啊!蜥蜴似乎忘记了旅途的劳倦,它背着几个小黑甲虫,到处参观远房亲戚的住宅。我的目光为一群音乐演奏者所吸引,它们有十几个吧,散聚在两棵大树下面这是两簇野灌丛,紫红的小果实,已经让阳光烘烤得熟透了。甲虫音乐家们聚精会神地振着翅膀,美丽的音韵,像灵泉一般流了出来。此时,我觉得它们的音乐优于人间的一切音乐,这是只有虫子们才能演奏出来的!我的目光顺着僻静的小路探索,我看到“村民们”的劳动生活了。它们一队队不知道从什么地方来,一定是很远很远的地方吧?现在它们归来了,每一个都用前肢推着大过身体两三倍的食物,行色匆匆地赶着路。是什么力量使它们这么勤勉地奔忙呢? 我完全迷惑了,在小虫子的脑海中,究竟蕴藏着多少聪明?我看见测气候者忙于观察气象;工程师忙于建筑设计各种不同的工作,都有专门的虫子担任。 我还看见了许多许多1.填空:(3分)“勉”查音序应查( ),查部首应查( )部。“勉”在字典中的解释有:A 努力 B 勉励 C 力量不够而尽力做。“勤勉”一词中,应选择( )种解释。2.请在文中找出下列词语的近义词。(3分)交谈( ) 幽静( ) 储藏( )2019六年级语文一二单元测试卷2019-2020六年级语文一二单元测试卷题 号卷面书写成绩一二三四(考试时间90分钟) 一、基础(20分)1、抄写下面的字。(10分)(4)怀念母亲是_写的,我们还学过他写的_。作者怀念两个母亲,一个是,一个是_。3、口语交际。(2分) 在第二组课文学习中,我们围绕“祖国在我心中”这个主题展开学习,开展了综合性学习,搜集了中华儿女报效祖国、为国争光的资料,学唱歌颂祖国的歌曲,收集了祖国建设、家乡建设新成就,通过这些活动,谈谈你的收获或感受。_三、阅读(30分)(一)阅读草虫的村落片段,回答问题。 我看得出草虫的村落里哪是街道,哪是小巷。大街小巷里,花色斑斓的小圆虫,披着俏丽地彩衣。在这些粗壮的黑甲虫中间,它们似乎南国的少女,逗得多少虫子痴望。蜥蜴面前围拢了一群黑甲虫,对这庞然大物投以好奇的目光。它们友好地交流着,似乎攀谈得很投机似的。看啊!蜥蜴似乎忘记了旅途的劳倦,它背着几个小黑甲虫,到处参观远房亲戚的住宅。我的目光为一群音乐演奏者所吸引,它们有十几个吧,散聚在两棵大树下面这是两簇野灌丛,紫红的小果实,已经让阳光烘烤得熟透了。甲虫音乐家们聚精会神地振着翅膀,美丽的音韵,像灵泉一般流了出来。此时,我觉得它们的音乐优于人间的一切音乐,这是只有虫子们才能演奏出来的!我的目光顺着僻静的小路探索,我看到“村民们”的劳动生活了。它们一队队不知道从什么地方来,一定是很远很远的地方吧?现在它们归来了,每一个都用前肢推着大过身体两三倍的食物,行色匆匆地赶着路。是什么力量使它们这么勤勉地奔忙呢? 我完全迷惑了,在小虫子的脑海中,究竟蕴藏着多少聪明?我看见测气候者忙于观察气象;工程师忙于建筑设计各种不同的工作,都有专门的虫子担任。 我还看见了许多许多1.填空:(3分)“勉”查音序应查( ),查部首应查( )部。“勉”在字典中的解释有:A 努力 B 勉励 C 力量不够而尽力做。“勤勉”一词中,应选择( )种解释。2.请在文中找出下列词语的近义词。(3分)交谈( ) 幽静( ) 储藏( )()他轻轻地叩门,没有反应。再轻轻一推,虚掩的门开了,不大的房间里只摆了一张桌子,桌子上放着一张纸牌,上面用红笔写着几个字把纸牌送给总经理。(10)年轻人十分困惑地拿起那个已沾了许多灰尘的纸牌,走出房间。(11)这时,闻知年轻人闯入了这个禁入的房间,又拿出一张纸牌,有人开始为他担忧,有人替他保密,谁也不说他曾进入那个房间。(12)可年轻人却谢绝了众人的好意,乘电梯直奔楼的总经理办公室。当他把那个纸牌交到总经理的手中时,总经理_地宣布了一项让他震惊的结果“从现在起,你被任命为销售总经理。”(13) “就因为我把这个纸牌拿来了?”年轻人_地问。(14) “没错,我已经等了快半年了,相信你能胜任这份工作。”总经理_地看着年轻人。(15)那个年轻人果然不负厚望,把销售部的工作搞得红红火火。(16)事后,总经理向众人解释道:“这位年轻人不为条条框框束缚,勇于走进某些禁区,这正是有开拓精神获得成功所具有的良好品质。”(17)众人恍然大悟。1.破折号有种用法。()表示解释说明;()表示意思的递进;()表示意思的转折;()表示声音的停顿或延续。短文中两处破折号表示( )。(分)2.文中第()自然段的括号里应填上的恰当的成语是_。(2分)3.(12)(14)自然段是年轻人与总经理的对话。在文中的横线上填入恰当的词语会使人物形象更加丰满。请依次填在下面的横线上。(分)_ _ _4.文章题目中的“门”有两层含义,表面的含义是指那扇虚掩着的“门”,深层含义是指_。(3分)5.众人听了总经理的解释后都“恍然大悟”,如果你就是其中的一位,你会怎么想呢?(不少于字)(3分)_。6.给这篇短文加一个结尾,发表自己的看法。(3分)_四、作文。(30分)暑假生活真是丰富多彩。你可能游览了风景名胜,可能参加了有意义的活动,也可能帮父母做了一些力所能及的事。你是不是有什么收获和大家分享呢?把它写下来,注意写出自己的感受和体会,题目自拟,字数在400字以上。xx学年度第一学期六年级第一、二单元语文附加卷一、填空。(5分)我们中华民族涌向了许许多多报效祖国,为国争光的人物,你知道他们是谁吗?1、南宋民族英雄,兵败被俘,坐了三年土牢,多次严辞拒绝了敌人的劝降。他是( )。2、民族抗日英雄,他曾担任“南满抗日联军”司令,面对敌人的重兵围剿,在打完最后一颗子弹后壮烈牺牲。敌人残忍地用刺刀剖开他的肚子,里面没有一粒米,有的只是树皮、草根和棉絮。他是( )。3、早年留学美国,新中国成立后,主动放弃美国优厚待遇,冲破重重阻挠回到祖国,隐姓埋名,扎根戈壁搞科研,被称为中国“原子弹之父”,他是( )。4、神舟五号载人飞船发射成功,实现了中国千年航天梦想,也是第一个进入太空的中国宇航员,他是( )。5、在体育赛场奋力拼搏,让鲜艳的国旗飘扬在奥运赛场上,他是( )。二、连线。(5分)新雷 狂风落尽深红色,绿叶成阴子满枝。 朱熹早春寄王汉阳 瀚海阑干百丈冰,愁云惨淡万里凝。 岑参 白雪歌送武判官归京 千红万紫安排著,只待新雷第一声。 杜牧春日 闻道春还未相识,走傍寒梅访消息 。 张维屏 怅诗 胜日寻芳泗水滨,无边光景一时新。 李白


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