2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit4(1)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit4(1)教案 沪教牛津版Contents: Read and answer and Play a game.Education Aims: Helping each otherTeaching Aims:1. Basic Aims:(1) Use predicative adjectives to describe people e.g. He is blind.(2) Use modals to talk about ability e.g. I can smell biscuits.(3) Ask “yes/no” questions to obtain simple responses e.g. Is this a fruit shop?2. Developing Aims: Free talk Teaching Aids: cassette player , Drawing paper , Fruit and hamburger.Teaching Procedure: Pre-task preparation:1. Sing a song2. Introduce: David is Bens friend . He cant see. He can hear. He can touch. He can feel .He can smell. He can taste.While- task procedure.1. Words: blind(1) T (acts): I cant see. Im blind.Learn: blindP (acts):I m blind. Hes blind.T:Im blind. But I can smell. I can taste. Look, I can smell the pineapple. Its nice. I can taste the orange. Its sour.(3) T says and P acts out.2Drill: This is David. He can taste. Listen to the recording and T explains. Read after the recording. Read after the recording and one pupil acts out. P-P act out and do pair work.3.Picture 1,2.(1) Look at the picture and listen.(2) Ask the questions: What can David smell?Say after the recording.(3) P-P work in pairs.4.Picturt 3,4.T (show a hamburger): What can you smell? P:I can smell cakes. T:No,its a hamburger. Learn: hamburger Practise: I can smell. Is this a? Yes, it is. 5. Listen to the tape and act out the dialogue.6. Free talk.Post -task activities.Play a game: Close your eyes. What can you smell? 游戏能让学生提高学习兴趣,并运用所学语言技能与真实生活相联系,学以致用。 HaveStudents take turns to make guesses and offer food for their classmates to smell. The student with the most correct guesses is the winner.1. Grammar Practice Book 4B, page 12. 巩固学生所学知识, Assignment 扩大学生的知识面。1. Do Workbook 4B,Pg.2. Do a survey in your family (fruit).附板书设计: Read and answer This is David. He cannot see. He is blind. He can hear. He can touch. He can feel. He can smell. He can taste. David : I can smell Is this 课 后 随 笔附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit4(2-3)教案 沪教牛津版Education Aim: Smelling carefully.Teaching Aims:1.Basic Aims:(1) Use predicative adjectives to describe things e.g. Its rough.(2) Ask wh questions to find out various binds of information about a person e.g. What have you got, Kitty?(3) Developing Aims: 1) Learn other means of fruit e.g. durian. 2) Free talk. Teaching Aids: cassette player, Colour pencils and scissors ,Food Teaching procedure:Pre-task preparation: Purpose1.Sing a song Introduce one fruit; 运用上一节课布置e.g. It is big. 的小调查,对水果 It is rough. 进行介绍,一方面 It is green. 创设英语氛围,另 Smell it. 一方面充分调动学 It is not nice. 生的学习积极性。 It is a lime. While- task procedure:1. Picture 1.2. What have you got, Kitty? Close your eyes. Smell it.Its an apple. Its nice.Look at the picture and listen to the recording.Listen and act out.T-P work in pairs. 用实物进行操练,P-P work in pairs. 有利于学生提高学2.Picture 2-4 习兴趣,迅速对新The same to learn. 知识作出反应。3.Free talk . (durian). 让学生应用所学语4. Listen, draw and colour. 言技能与真实生活Post-task activities: 相联系,学以致用。1. Workbook page 9. Check answers.2. Whats in mon? Do photocopiable page14.Assignment:1. Do Grammar Practice Book 4B, page132. Listen to the tape and recite the dialogues.The Third PeriodContents: Read a story . Read and answer.Education Aim: Looking carefully.Teaching Aims:Basic Aims:(1) Use predicative adjectives to describe things e.g. The grapes are round and purple.(2) Use the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking e.g. A fox is looking at the grapes.(3) Ask wh questions to find out various kinds of information about a thing /an animal e.g. What shape are the grapes? What colour is the fox? (4)Use demonstratives to refer to people on things e.g. Those grapes are sour.Developing Aims: Act out the stories.Teaching Aids: cassette player , Wallpicture(the fox and grapes, colour pencils and scissors, grapesTeaching procedure:Pre-task preparation: Purpose1.Sing a song 2. Daily talk (1). Who can accept the other pupils asking? 在说故事中创设 (2).Who can say a story about the titles on the blackboard : 英语气氛既培 The lion and the mouse. 养了学生的学习 The cat and the mouse. 兴趣,又提高了 学生的口头表达能力。 While-task procedure 1Answer the questionsT(take out the grapes): What are these? 实物的准备利于 What colour are the grapes? 课堂上的多姿多彩, What shape are the grapes? 也有利于提高学生(Take out the picture of a fox ):Whats this? 学习兴趣。Today were going to learn the story .The title is the fox and the grapes.2. Show the picturesT: Whats the fox doing?P: It is looking at the grapesLearn: look at T: Why is it looking at the grapes? 区分like 与likes的It likes grapes. 不同用法,也使 I like grapes, too. 学生懂些浅显的 Let me taste them. 语法知识。用表演的 Oh, theyre very sweet. But those gapes are sour. I dont like those grapes手法使学生更能体3. Look at the pictures and listen to the tape twice. 会故事中人物的心4. Try to repeat the story. 理。5. Try to act out the storyPost-task activities1. An extended version of the fox and the grapes.(1). Finish photocopiable pages15 and 16 to the groups.(2). Design and make a cover for their story.2. The film producers version of the story.(1) .Act as film producer and edit the extended version of the story on phtocopiable pages 15and 16.(2). Have some students act the role of a film producer and vote for the best one.Assignment1. Listen to the recording and act out the story.2. Copy the story.附板书设计:Read a story fox like grape doesnt like sweet round sour purple课 后 随 笔


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