2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2(1)说课稿 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 2(1)说课稿 外研版一、说教材通过第五模块第一单元Amys taller than Lingling 的学习,孩子们已经初步感知了形容词的比较级(tall-taller short-shorter old-older young -younger);同时,学会使用基本的比较级句型对人物进行比较。Unit2 在复习巩固比较级句型的基础上扩大比较级词汇,感知有关祖国风景的词汇,学习比较和描述两个事物。二、说教学目标英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。在认真分析教材的基础上,我将本课时的教学目标确定如下:1. 知识目标(1)使学生学会使用比较级的句型比较和描述两个事物:Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.(2)学会使用形容词的比较级 Long longer short shorter high higher big-bigger Small-smaller fat-fatter thin-thinner(3)了解有关祖国河山和名胜古迹:the Changjiang River the Yellow River the Summer Palace the Great Wall Mount Qomolangma Mount Tai 2. 能力目标(1)发展学生的听说能力(2)培养学生善于观察,比较和描述事物的能力以及小组合作交流的能力。3. 情感目标引导学生通过了解祖国河山,表达对祖国的热爱之情三、说教学重、难点1. 根据课程标准的要求,我把正确使用比较级句型,比较和描述人物、事物作为本课的重点;2. 了解有关祖国河山的单词,学会用英语比较和描述作为本课的难点。四、说教法与学法为突破本课重、难点,根据小学生活泼好动、好表现的特点,我主要采取以任务型教学模式为主,以活动、合作为主线,让学生通过观察、感知、体验、讨论、合作、游戏等多法并用的方式组织教学。让学生在活动中学习,在合作中学习,培养他们运用英语进行交际的能力。五、说教学准备在课前准备好CAI课件 、录音机。六、说教学程序在教学过程中,我根据学生的特点和教材的难易程度,分阶段、逐层递进、由易到难地设计了形式多样的教学活动。Step1: Warming up1. Chant:上课一开始,带领学生拍拍手,有节奏地朗读韵律诗。通过此环节,和学生一起边说Chant 边做动作,达到热身的效果,促使孩子们能够尽快地进入学习状态。(课件)tall taller, Amy is taller than Lingling.old older, Amy is older than Lingling.short shorter, Sam is shorter than Daming.young younger, Sam is younger than Daming.Step2: RevisionGame:比身高,比年龄,比力气一名学生用形容词的比较级说一个句子,而另一名学生用相应的反义词来说句子。S1: Im taller than you.S2: Im shorter than you.爱玩游戏是孩子们的天性,孩子们在这个游戏中复习了第一单元的知识,为进一步学习开了好头。Step3: New lesson1. 学习单词,词句结合课件出示大象和小狗的图片,导出“big 及比较级形式 bigger”,用跑火车的方法让学生接力朗读。这种方法能够快速有效地检查学生的发音情况。用同样的方法导出“long- longer high- higher”。根据小学生心理发展的特点,充分利用直观教具,帮助学生正确理解知识。2. Dialogue learning课文学习课文的导入可以这样说:同学们喜欢旅游吗?今天,老师将要带领同学们去旅游。第一站参观河流(课件)让学生观看长江和黄河的图片,了解它们的长度。引导学生通过对比,说出句子“The Changjiang River is longer than The Yellow River.”。采取模仿跟读和快速反应读的方法,使学生熟练地掌握新知。第二站:游览名山(课件)课件呈现泰山和珠穆朗玛峰风光的图片,带领学生熟读单词,并向学生分别介绍:T: This is Mount Tai, it is in our Shandong province.Its 1545metres high. And this is Mount Qomolangma.Its Metres high. It is the highest mountain in our earth! 接着让学生比较说出: Mount Qomolangma is higher than Mount Tai.带领学生在高低音的游戏中朗读句子,培养学生的语感。第三站:参观名胜古迹(课件)先后呈现长城和颐和园风光的图片,领读新词,作简单介绍:长城和頣和园在我国历史悠久,长城距今已有xx多年的历史,頣和园距今也有200多年的历史了。因此我们可以说:The Great Wal is older than the Summer Palace. Could you please tell me which is older?Ss: The Great Wall is older than the Summer Palace.通过小组接力比赛读句子的活动,使学生学会知识。新课程标准倡导合作学习,合作学习给每位学生提供了交流的机会,提高了学生学习的成就感和自信心。第四站:游览名城(课件)呈现北京、天津风光的图片和地图,学生看地图,通过比较得出结论:Ss: Beijing is bigger than Tianjin.3. Practise课文操练(1)播放课文录音three times,The first time just listen the second time listen and point the third time listen point and repeat. 听音模仿是为了加强学生听力的训练,培养良好的语音语调。(2)根据课文回答问题:(课件)Answer some questions:1. Which is bigger, Beijing or Tianjin?2. Which is longer, the Yellow River or the Changjiang River?3. Which is higher, Mount Qomolangma or Mount Tai?4. Which is older, the Great Wall or the Summer Palace?我设计了开展小组讨论和抢答比赛的活动,让学生进一步加深对知识点的理解,从整体上来把握课文。培养了学生主动探求语言的能力、判断能力。Step4: PractiseLook at the pictures, say sentences quickly.(看图比赛说句子)课件展示不同的图片,通过比较,让学生用形容词比较级来描述事物。这个活动分小组比赛进行,看哪个小组说得多,以此调动孩子们的积极性,培养竞争意识。游戏活动是英语教学的一种重要辅助手段,使学生在听说环节得到训练。Step5: Summary教师和学生一起朗读课文。Step6: Homework鼓励学生课下了解世界著名的城市、建筑和名胜古迹,实现由课内向课外的拓展延伸。以上就是我对这一教学内容的理解和设计,不当之处敬请各位评委老师批评、指正。谢谢大家!附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 1(1)说课稿 外研版Good morning everyone, Ill talk about Module6 Unit1 This girl is good. Its mainly talking about how to pare, how to evaluate. Well learn how to say: this girl is good. This boy is better than girls. Students have learnt good, bad, tall, taller, long and longer, based on the students and the books.Lets first look at teaching aims:1. Language aims:To enable the students to say:This girl is good.This boy is better than the girls.2. Ability aims:1)To develop the students ability of listening ,speaking, reading and writing.2)To train the students work in groups.3. Moral aims:1)From learning this unit ,make the students to applause the others.2)Keep the students interest in learning English . As we all know interest is the best teacher.About teaching key points and the difficulties:For the students working in groups, make sure that they can use the word good, better, bad, worse to say the sentences: this girl is good. This boy is better than girls.About teaching method and learning strategies:Class is not only the teachers, but also mainly the students. Every class we should give the students more time to practise, to municate, to improve their skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Michael West said: “Foreign language is acquired by independent learning not by others teaching.” I think English is first a language, and then its a subject. Ill use studentscentral teaching method, task-based teaching method, the activity based teaching method.Ill finish this lesson in five steps:1. As the student of grade four, they are very young and they are very active. Proper petition can arouse the students interest in English learning. Divide them into two groups. They are very interested in saying poem. Lets say the poem: this little girl to warm up. Do some TPR to review tall, taller, young, old, good and bad. Review is very useful. It can keep them interest in speaking English, and its easy for the students. When they say when she is good, she is very good. The teacher say: she is better. When she is bad, she is very bad. The teacher say: she is worse to leading in the new lesson.2. The students are interested in games. Lets play a guess game. I prepare a bag. I put many things in it. Touch and guess. I think its a pencil. This pencil is good.3. As an English, I should try my best to give every student chance to speak English. Encourage them to work in groups. First finish a table. Students should prepare the paper with good-better bad worse to prepare the key structures to practise.4. About ten minutes later, lets learn the new text.Listen and answer the questionsListen and point and repeatRead it together or read it in groups check themCD-Rom or tape is very useful. It can give the students real situations to improve their listening. Listen to the tape, the more the better. Check them and finish the Activity Book EX2, 4.5. Its very important to encourage them use English .flash on TV, show them 4 pictures. Practise in groups. I think students are first kids, second they are my friends and then they are my students. I must try my best to improve their confidence of speaking English, as possible as I can.Homework:1. Listen to the tape of U1 M6 5 times.2. Talk about themselves with good, better, bad, worseNow look at my blackboard design:Module 6 Unit 1 This girl is goodgoodbetter bad worseThis girl is good.This boy is better than the girls.

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