2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 11(5)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 11(5)教案 广东版开心教学目标:What did you do in the parade? I played the trumpet.教学重点、难点: a. 灵活运用所学的句型进行对话。 b. 单词 trumpet 的读音 教具: Pictures, word cards, a trumpet, tape, recorder教学过程: Step 1 Revision a. Revise v-ed using pictures and word cards. B.Ask and answer using pictures. E.g. T: May, what did you do yesterday? P1: I played basketball. T: What did you do the day before yesterday? P1: I played basketball, of course. T: Jane, what did May do the day before yesterday? P2: She played basketball. Step 2 Presentation a. Showing a trumpet and ask. T: Whats this in English? P: Sorry, we dont know. T: Its a trumpet. (Repeat and write it on the Bb.Read it one by one.) T: Can you play it? P: Yes, I can/No, I cant. T: I can play the trumpet in the parade. (Repeat.) (Showing a picture on the Bb and write” a parade on the Bb.Ask the students to read them.) T: What did you do in the parade? P3: I danced. T: I played the trumpet. (Repeat.) How about you? (Point to two students.) P4P5: We watched. b. Listen to tape twice without looking at the book or picture.c. Look at the picture or book and read after the tape twice.d. Read dialogue by themselves.Step2. Practice in pairs/groups.Step3. Act dialogue.Step4. Listening at P61 Practice1.Step5. Chant activity at P62.a. Listen and chant.b. Look, write and chant.c. Check answers.d. Finish WB P40 3.Step6. Exercises.a. Do exercises in WB P37 2.b. Check answers.Step7. Summary.Step8. Homework.a. Try to recite dialogue.b. Finish P63 Look and write. Blackboard writing: What did you do in the parade? parade I danced/played the trumpet. trumpet We watched. 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 11(6)教案 广东版开心教学目标:语音和单词:toad,goat,road,boad,row,slow教学重点、难点: a. 字母组合oa,ow在单词中的发音。 b. 能独立完成WB P40 4。教具: pictures,word cards,tape,recorder教学过程:Step 1 Revision a. Revise P5960 using pictures and word cards quickly. b. Chant activityc. Listening in WB P37 1Step2 Presentationa. Teaching the word using pictures and word cards.E.g. T: Whats this? P: Its a goat. (Write goat on the Bb and read it then talk about oasounds.)(Showing other picture and ask) T: Is this a goat, too? P: No, it isnt. T: Its a toad. (Repeat and write toad on the Bb then read it and talk about oasounds.)b. Teach road”,” boat in the same way.c. Teach row”,” slow using actions/pictures.d. Talk about the pronunciation of oa,ow .Step3 Listen and repeat.Step4 PracticeStep5 Check answers at P63.Step6 Exercisesa. Do exercises in WB P40 4.b. Check answers.Step7 Listen and chant at P64 2.Step8 SummaryStep9 Homework a. Revise pronunciation and words. b. Revise Unit 11.Blackboard writing: goat road row toad boat slow


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