2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy教学设计 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2 How much cheese did you buy教学设计 外研版教学目标:1.语言知识目标:能掌握以下单词和句型:单词:bottle, half, kilo, a lot of, over there, use .句型:How much cheese did you buy?2.语言技能目标:使学生学会如何询问数量,如何谈论购物。3.情感态度目标:在英语课堂中培养孩子们的英语涵养,把学生情感态度的培养渗透到英语教学之中,让学生体会学习英语的乐趣。学习策略目标:对学生的学习进行指导,让学生完成具体学习任务并采取有效的步骤和方法。在教学过程中合理利用多种媒体进行学习和运用英语。教学重难点:能掌握并熟练运用以下句型:How many /much.did you buy?教材分析:本课教材是外语教学与研究出版社的新标准英语三年级起点的第五册教材的Module2Unit2内容。本课要求学生根据前面所学内容会用How much cheese did you buy?句型,并会用这些句型来询问数量,如何购物。运用所学的来练习对话,把课本上的语言生活化,从而达到运用语言的真正目的。教学准备:课件,图片,录音机,单词卡片,白板,多媒体远程资源等。教学课时:1课时。教学过程:Step1: Warming-up1. Greeetings and introduce.2.Sing a song “Ten little fingers”, and use your fingers do the actions.用手势帮助学生复习数词,让同学们在歌曲中复习,并且为后面的“How many”出现左铺垫。并通过图片和实物进行操练。再让学生运用How many do you want?自由对话,然后点名汇报。如:1、T: How many? (教师出示不同数量的手指。)S: Seven.2、T: How many books?S: Two books.(设计意图:教师出示两本课本,引导学生注意后面的可数名词要以复数的形式出现。对话活动在英语课堂教学的重要形式。课堂上,我不仅可指导学生体会对话的内容,更要创设学生操练的机会,让学生在交际过程中运用所学的语法知识,真正做到“在用中学,在学中用”。这个活动让学生利用本课的重点词汇和句型,把知识的学习转变成知识的应用,充分体现了学生的自主学习,并能激起学生的学习兴趣,有利于强化和巩固学习.)Step2 Lead in.(presentation)1.教师创设情境,导出课题。(利用课件)T:Yesterday I went shopping. Can you guess “What did I buy?”(1) 出示香蕉图片 , 让生齐读出来 。T: How many did I buy?(2)一张出示奶酪 , 引入单词 cheese。教说该单词 , 分小队 , 分排练读。告诉学生cheese 是不可数名词。T: Do you like going shopping? Do you like cheese? How much did you buy? 学生不会回答。引出课题,告诉学生通过本节课,我们就能回答这个问题。(3)利用课件,show shopping list, let Ss read them out, and find they are countable nouns. And they can add “-s” .T: How many?(设计意图:复习上一单元“How many?并引导孩子们回答。”)(4)设计一个任务;Talk about your shopping.利用课件出示“cheese”“”rice“meat”,引入单词kilo.使生理解该单词意为“一公斤”。教说、练说该单词引入词组half a kilo。使生理解为“半公斤”。教说、练说该词组。(5)利用课件出示“juice”,来导入“bottle”,通过课件演示,知道“juice” 不可数,“bottle”可数名词。(6)Show “chocolate” ”eggs”, to lead in “a lot of”.(设计意图:任务型教学是小学英语教学很重要的教学手段。在“任务前”阶段,教师通常向学生介绍需要学生完成的“任务“(目的、完成任务的程序、时间等)Step3 Learn the text.(1) Lets look at What did Sam and Amy buy?First, listen and point, then answer three questions.(2)Answer questions, and repeat, check the answers.(3)Listen and try to act it out.(4)Activity4.Listen and repeat.Step4 Practice1. Game.Put the nouns to the right house. ”How many” ”How much”(巩固孩子们本模块的学习重点,可数名词和不可数名词在句型How many .did you buy ?“How much.did you buy?”)2. Summary. “how many”和“how much”的用法。3. Listen and say the song “How many do you want?”,再来巩固加深孩子们对知识重点的掌握。4.Practice in pairs,然后出示课件Book13 Activity6.Step4 扩展性活动1.Game:最佳购物者。Book13 activity7A: What did you buy?B: I bought some_A:How many/much _ did you buy?B: I bought some_2.、对话展示。(设计意图: 有许多学生在日常生活中熟悉并感兴趣的话题,提供了许多真实的语境和语言材料。因此,我们可以充分利用好教材,以学生为主体,运用任务型教学,培养学生的创造性思维能力,鼓励学生自己思考,使他们能够用所学的知识来解决新问题。这个活动从学生的生活出发,从他们的兴趣入手,把教学内容生活化,情景化,使之真实可感,突出了语言的实用性。)Step5作业布置:从以下作业中选择一道自己喜欢的作业:1、课文录音,模仿课文句子,能够熟读课文;2、用今天所学的句型询问朋友周末购物情况。板书设计:Unit2 How much cheese did you buy?How many .did you buy?Four.How much .did you buy?Half a kiloTwo bottles.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4 (Dialogue)教案 广州版一、 教学内容分析本课是Module 2 Unit 4的第一个课时,主要是学习I can. I cant.这一描述自己本领的句型。在本节课设计适量有效的活动和任务,给孩子们提供较多听、说、读所学过的动词词组和在实际中运用语言的机会。教学中会运用到较多以前学过的动词词组,在理解知识点的基础上帮助孩子们记忆和运用,还可形成初步的语法概念。二、 教学对象分析学生是从三年级开始使用和学习,在两年的学习过程中,对新教材的特点和学习的模式有了一定的熟悉感和适应性。尤其是成绩冒尖的部分学生,已经逐渐形成了一套适合自己的学习方法,他们学起来兴趣高,很轻松,很有自信心。但由于我们是地处老城区的普通学校,一部分学生觉得学起来比较困难。而且本册书相对于第1-4册,英语的输出量又大大地增加,对语言运用的要求也提高了很多,难度又大了很多,学生学起来更困难一些。因此教学的多样性和灵活性显得非常重要,还有情景的设置对帮助学生理解和运用语言知识尤其重要。同时老师应改变教学观念,紧密地结合新课标的要求,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,爱上英语课。三、 教学目标1、语言知识新单词:kangaroo,far,frog,turtle,fly,own,gift句型:I cant . , but I can.2、语言技能(1)学生能较牢固的从听、说、读和记忆方面掌握本课的新单词,理解其正确的意义,并会实际运用。(2)学生能用自己的语言描述自己和他人的本领。(3)学生能运用本课所学的知识点参与各项活动和任务,成绩好的同学能灵活地运用所学的知识点,并起到做示范和带动其他同学的作用。 (4)听、说、运用所学过的旧知识。3情感态度目标:(1) 通过学习,不断增强英语学习的兴趣和参与热情,保持良好的学习习惯。(2) 学生在学习操练过程中体现与其他的同学相互协作,共享荣誉。(3) 在学习的过程中培养学生的评价能力,形成一种公平的竞争意识。4学习策略目标:(1)运用Game、chant、TPR等教学方法帮助学生理解和操练句型,在教师地引导下,在创设的情景、任务和活动中,个人、小组、集体交替学习。在学习的过程中,鼓励学生合作参与。(2)设计贴近学生实际和学生感兴趣的活动和任务,让学生在学中玩和玩中学。四、教学重点与难点本课新单词的上口及句型的运用;句子Everyone has his own gift.的理解。五、教学媒体动物图片,金太阳课件,自制头饰,自编练习纸六、教学过程(一)Warming up1.Chant:Lucy, Lucy , what can you do? I can dance , I can dance. Can you dance? No, I cant dance , but I can cook. e and have a look.师做动作,让学生用 jump, run ,swim,sing 等词代入划线部分单词,以达到复习旧知的目的。2 Free talk: A: . ,. What can you do ? B:I can . ,I can . ,can you ? A: Yes, I can . , and I can ./ No, I cant , but I can .教师先作示范,请一生一来作以上对话,然后让学生自己提问同学,说出自己的本领。T: Simon can swim and play badminton well, Jacky can run, Emily can play table tennis very well. Different people are good at different things. Everyone has his own gift. 呈现难点句,教单词:own, gift.3. Leading into the topic :Module 2 Abilities Unit 4 What Can They Do? T: Everyone has his own gift. We have our own gifts, the animals also have their own gift. Today we are going to talk about the animals abilities . What can the animals do ?. Have the Ss to read the title together.(二)Presentation1. Guessing games to review some words about animals and present the new wordsT: I have some pictures in my hand , there are some animals on them, can you guess what animals they are?在投影器上呈现动物的图片,用纸遮盖主要部分,只露出身体的一小部分,并进行一定的描述,让学生猜出动物的名称。 Show the picture of horse, and tell the Ss:It can run very fast. P1: Is it a horse? T: Yes , its a horse. I can run very fast. 教师戴着马的头饰,让学生一起问:horse , horse ,what can you do? 教师回答:I can run very fast. Can you run very fast. . 让学生戴起马的头饰,让部分学生问:horse , horse ,what can you do? 戴着头饰的学生一起回答:I can run very fast. Can you run very fast.通过猜一猜游戏呈现本课的新单词: kangaroo, far, frog , turtle , monkey , climb, fly . Guessing games 的形式除了老师遮盖部分动物身体的主要部分,只露出突出部位外,还可以让一学生出来看了图片,然后扮演图片上的动物,并进行简短的描述,让学生猜出是何种动物; 又或者由老师或者学生模仿动物的声音让学生猜出动物。2 Practise the new sentences: I cant , but I can ./ I can , and I can .Have the Ss act out the animals after they put on the puppy ,and ask and tell the abilities of the animals in groups.T: OK, boys and girls , please put on your puppy and make the dialogue like this.T put on a puppy of kangaroo, and let a pupil put on a puppy of frog.T: Frog , frog , what can you do ?P1; I can jump and I can swim. Can you jump and swim?T: I cant swim , but I can jump very high and very far. 3. Have 2 or 3 groups act out in class. 4. Lead in the dialogue of unit 4T: Children , you can act out your own dialogue very well, now, lets watch the dialogue of unit 4, first of all ,please take out the exercise paper, plete Ex . 1 after you listen and watch the video. 播放金太阳课件2次, 整体呈现课文,让学生边看边完成练习纸上有关课文的练习,以检查学生对课文的理解。附练习题:Listen to the dialogue and plete the sentences.(听课文,按照课文的内容填空)1.The kangaroo _ jump very high and very _ , but it _ swim.2. The _ can swim very fast,but it cant _ very high.3. The turtle _ swim,but it _ jump .4. The bird can _, but it _ swim.5. The boy _ swim and run.6. Everyone has his _ gift.4 让部分学生说出答案,全班齐读句子,让学生对课文内容有个整体感知。5 Have the Ss open their books , read the dialogue after the tape together.(三) Development1. Have the Ss read the dialogue with emotion. and then act out the dialogue in groups.2. Check up.3. Have the Ss tell their partners one of their favourite animals or persons after the demo , then plete EX.2 on the paper sheet . 附题目:二Tell your partner one of your favourite animals or your favourite persons according to the model. Then fill in the blanks.(请仿照例子向你的小伙伴介绍你喜欢的一种动物或一个你喜欢的人物,完成句子。)Eg: I like LiuXiang very much . Hes very tall and handsome . He cant fly.,but he can run very very fastI like _ . He/She/It is _ . He/She/It cant_ , but he/she/it can _(四) Summary小结本课所学的知识,包括单词与重点句。(五)Homework 1. Copy the new words and the dialogue .2. Listen , read and act out the dialogue.3. Prepare for unit 4 work with language.


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