2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 7(3)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 7(3)教案 新世纪版第三课时Grand Theatre预习:要求学生听Grand Theatre部分的录音,收集一些城市或国家的天气特点。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作,课堂练习的准备。课型:语篇阅读教学课时目标:1. 学习并掌握以下几个固定搭配:go to the hills 去爬山,on the radio 通过收音机,most parts of China 中国大部分地方,early spring 早春,cloudy with a little rain 阴有雨,most of the time 大部分时间,colder than before 比之前冷,another weekend 另一个周末。2. 理解并掌握:can 过去式could 和cant 过去式couldnt ;the Wangs 王先生一家 , 姓后加s , 表示一家人。3. 能熟练掌握天气在不同时态下的问答方式。4. 能熟练运用将来时态的两种表达方法:will+动词原形,be going to +动词原形。5. 能根据天气制定计划。6. 培养学生养成收听天气预报的好习惯。课堂活动(参见下表)活动过程教师活动学生活动教案调整Pre-task preparationChant: The weatherDaily talk: What did you do last weekend?What did you think of your weekend?What was the weather like last weekend?Do you often listen to the weather forecast when you go out?1. Say together.2. Answer the questions.Whiletask procedureLet students talk in pairs: How is the weather in different season?T: What season is it?T: Its early spring.T: Answer my questions:Who can tell me sty. else about early spring?Do you like early spring? How is the weather in early spring?Teach: most parts of China中国大部分地方,cloudy with a little rain 阴有雨,most of the time 大部分时间,colder than before 比之前冷。T: Answer my questions:What is the weather going to be like in Shanghai? What will the weather be like in Zhejiang and Jiangsu?What will the weather be like in most parts of China?Teach: go to the hills 去爬山,on the radio 通过收音机, another weekend 另一个周末,the Wangs王先生一家。T: Answer my questions: What do the Wangs like to do at weekends? Why couldnt they go last week? How is Mr. Wang listening to the weather forecast? What will the Wangs have to do?5. Play the tape.Talk in pairs.P: Its Read: early springAnswer.Learn and read.most parts of ,most of ,Describe weather.Answer.Then talk about the weather.Learn and read.The like to at weekends. They know the weather .Answer. Then retell the text in group.Read after the tape.Post-task activityAccording to the text, judge “T” or “F”.Fill in the blanks.3. Make a weekend plan according to the weather.1. Judge.2. Fill.3. Prepare in group and act out.教学反思与重构:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 7(4)教案 广东版开心一、 教学内容1. Vocabulary:headache,toothache,cold,fever,stomachache,take some medicine,see the dentist,stay in bed,earache,sore throat2. Sentences:(1) Whats the matter with you?I have a stomachache.You should take some medicine.(2) Whats the matter with you?I have a cold.You should stay in bed.(3) Whats the matter with you?I hurt my foot.Be careful next time.3. Sounds and words: red,mess,head,bed,dress,bread二、教学目的与要求1. 熟悉并掌握单词和语音,能正确拼读和书写。2. 能运用会话中的句型,联系日常生活,进行扩展性的情景会话。3. 通过学习,培养学生热爱生活,关心生活大小事的情感,激发学生探索生活的兴趣。三、教学重点、难点能运用所学句型进行扩展性的情景会话。四、教学手段利用图片,运用多媒体辅助教学。五、教具准备图画卡片,洋娃娃,录音带,录音机,头饰,六、教法与学法分析:游戏教学法。七、Analysis of Student Learning:Present in the lower grades of primary school English teaching, do not require students to master the vocabulary, but only requires students are prompted to say the word or picture, the essence is nothing but to students by rote, parrot. As the students were not the appropriate rules of pronunciation training, not familiar with the vocabulary of spelling rules, word pronunciation, form, meaning all three can not be effectively bined, resulting in the word memory difficulties, and students learning English has bee the bottleneck.八、教学课时:三课时The First Period(Vocabulary、Review)一、Teaching aims:Vocabulary:headache,toothache,cold,fever,stomachache,take some medicine,see the dentist,stay in bed,earache,sore throat二、Teaching important points :Use those sentences to make their dialogues.三、Teaching difficult points:Use those sentences to make their dialogues.四、Teaching material:tape, puter, objects.五、Teaching methods、Learning methods:GameTeaching prehension:Step 1. Greetings(1 minute) T: Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to meet you.Step 2. Presentation (4minutes) (1) Lead-in(展示洋娃娃,复习身体部位) T: Im Mary.Hello,every one.Ss:Hello,Mary.T:Now,see,tell me,whats this? Ss:This is a . (nose,mouth,teeth,head,stomach,feet,ears)(2)Mary is unhappy today.(摆出布娃娃不高兴的样子)Do you know why?Because she feel sick today.Whats the matter with her?She has a headache.Step 3 teaching words (10 minutes)1. 电教(图片导入)headacheT:Headache,read after me,repeat.Ss:Headache,headache,h-e-a-d-a-c-h-e,headache.T:Show me a headache.(手抱头作头痛状)学生模仿动作 Ss:Yes,I did.3. Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as possible.(要求学生动作夸张)4. cold,fever,sore throat(1)coldT:I have a cold. (接着教师拿出纸巾捏一下鼻子)(电教)cold,read after me,repeat.Ss:cold,cold,c-o-l-d,coldT:Show me a cold.(手捏鼻子)学生模仿动作T:Did you have a cold?(2)fever,sore throat(图片教学)5.review the words (5 minutes)Let some of students do the actions,and others say the words.For exemple:S1 shows a headache,and others say the word as quickly as possible.(要求学生动作夸张)Step 4 (8 minutes)1.One student show a fever,then teacher asked:Whats the matter with you?I have a fever.T:Whats the matter with you?S:I have a fever.2. Look at the picture,and answer the questions.T:Whats the matter with her/him?S1:She/He has .3. pair work:A:Whats the matter with you?B:I have.Step 5 (11 minutes)1. performence:One student act a doctor,the other act a patient.2. listen to the tape twice.Step 6 homework(1 minutes)Teaching writing on the board: Unit 7 Whats the matter?headache,toothache,cold,fever,stomachache,take some medicine,see the dentist,stay in bed,earache,sore throat教学后记:The second period (Vocabulary、Review)一、Teaching aims:Sentences:(1) Whats the matter with you?I have a stomachache.You should take some medicine.(2) Whats the matter with you?I have a cold.You should stay in bed.(3) Whats the matter with you?I hurt my foot.Be careful next time.二、Teaching important points :Use those sentences to make their dialogues.三、Teaching difficult points:Use those sentences to make their dialogues.四、Teaching material:tape, puter, objects.五、Teaching methods、Learning methods:GameTeaching prehension:Step 1 (10 minutes)1. Show the pictures and review the words: headache,toothache,cold,fever,stomachache, earache,sore throat2. review the sentence:T:Whats the matter with Gogo?S:He has a .Step 2 (10 minutes)1. T:Whats the matter with you?T:If I want to help you,I can say, “you should see the doctor.”or “you should stay in bed.”repeat. “you should.”Ss:You should_.2Call one student show a stomachache,T: Whats the matter with you?S1:I have a stomachache.T:You should take some medicine.(板书)3Call one student show a cold,T: Whats the matter with you?S1:I have a cold.T:You should stay in bed.(板书)4.导入Gogo 图片T:Whats the matter with Gogo?He hurt his foot.T:So, “Be careful next time.”Step 3 (19 minutes)1. Listen to the tape:P39 Practice1And then check the answers2. Do the exercise:workbook P23 practice2.And then check the answers3.listen to the tape:conversation,vocabulary,targetStep 4 (1 minute)Homework:Write the ConversationTeaching writing on the board:Unit 7 Whats the matter?Whats the matter with you?I have a stomachache.You should take some medicine. Whats the matter with you?I have a cold.You should stay in bed.Whats the matter with you?I hurt my foot.Be careful next time.教学后记:The third period (Vocabulary、Review)一、Teaching aims:red,mess,head,bed,dress,bread二、Teaching important points :red,mess,head,bed,dress,bread三、Teaching difficult points:red,mess,head,bed,dress,bread四、Teaching material:tape, puter, objects.五、Teaching methods、Learning methods:GameTeaching prehension:Step1 (6 minutes)1.call some of pairs to make the dialogues and do the performances.(头带饰物)One act the doctor,and the other act patient.Step 2 (6 minutes)1. do the exercise:students book Practice2And then check the answers2.students book:P41 activity (8 minutes)3.sounds and words (4 minutes)red,mess,head,bed,dress,bread4.song activity ( 4 minutes)5. Ask the students to go to different hospital and see the doctor.(14 minutes)(把全班分成五个组,即五间“医院”,病人可以到任何一家“医院”“看病”。教师到各组去指导,同时教师也当病人看医生。Teaching writing on the board:Unit 7 Whats the matter?red, mess head,bed, dress, bread教学后记:

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