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2019-2020年牛津英语一年级上册Module4ThenaturalworldUnit3Inthepark英文表格式教案Oxford English 1A M 4 U3 Period I活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesIn the parkWhat colour is it?Red green blue yellowBegin an interaction by asking wh-questions活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1Show the picture of a park to the students and describe the rainbow in it.T: Look at the rainbow. It is very nice. We can see red, yellow, green, blue, orange and purple.Step 2Show the students a plate of fresh fruit and describe the fruit.T: Look! This is an apple. It is red. Look! Thats a banana. It is not red. Its yellow.While-task ActivitiesStep 1Have the students repeat the names of the colours after you while you raise the corresponding coloured card.T: Red. Ss: Its red.Step 2Have the students listen to “Look and say” and “Look and learn” on Students Book pages 46 and 47. Have them repeat after the recording.Step 3Let students try to ask ”What colour is it?”Post-task ActivitiesStep 1Have the students do Part A ”Listen and colour” on workbook page 46.Step 2Have the students do Part C “Listen and draw” on workbook page 47. Then help them check the answers.板书设计Blackboard WritingRed green blue yellowWhat colour is it?课后作业 Assignments1.Listen and read the text for 3 times2.Recite the text.3 Have each student draw a picture of some kinds of fruit and colour it.课后反思 Reconsideration一年级的学生刚接触英语,对英语有着浓厚的兴趣和较高的热情。本课主要学习4种颜色的表达方式,我就直接利用颜料在纸上画出各种颜色,通过这个形式,引出新单词的学习。而且因为有实物,所以学生能够了解所学单词的意思。 Oxford English 1A M 4 U3 Period 2活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesIn the parkWhat colour is it?Its* pink orange black*Begin an interaction by asking wh-questions活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1Show the students fruit and describe it.T: Look! This is an apple. It is red. Look! Thats a lemon. It is not red. Its yellow.While-task ActivitiesStep 1Ask the students to act out the dialogue on Students Book page 46 in pairs.S1: Whats this?S2: Its a pear.S1: What colour is it?S2: Its yellow.Step 2Show the students the picture of a park. Ask them to work in pairs and make a dialogue.S1: Look! Whats this?S2: Its a tree.S1: What colour is it?S2: Its green.S1: Yes. Its a green tree.Step 3Using the new words: pink black orange to make more dialogue.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1Have the students do Part B ”Listen and answer” on workbook page 46. Then have them ask and answer in turn.S1: What colour is number 1?S2: Its red. What colour is number 6?S3: Its green.Step 2Have each student draw a picture of their favourite toy and colour it. Ask the students to play a guessing game in pairs.S1: What colour is it?S2: Its yellow.S1: No, it isnt.S2: What colour is it?S1:Its red. What is it?S2:Its a car.S1: Yes. Its a red car.板书设计Blackboard WritingWhat colour is it? Its.课后作业 Assignments课后反思 Reconsideration1.Listen and read the text for 3 times2.Recite the text.在学过了基本的三原色之后,本堂课我就和学生来做一个有趣的实验。利用2种不同的颜色合成一种新的颜色,并引出和操练what colour is it? 这个重点句型。因为在学习之前有布置任务,所以学生观察是都很认真,生怕错过了精彩。这个有魔力的实验,不仅培养了学生的观察力,还很好地训练了学生的注意力,激发了学生的学习兴趣,教学的效果就不言而喻了。Oxford English 1A M 4 U3 Period 3活动主题The theme活动内容The contents活动目标The objectivesIn the parkColoiur the(thing)(colour)orange brownBegin an interaction by giving someone else riddles.活动过程 Teaching StepsPre-task ActivitiesStep 1Have the students listen to the riddles and then try to find the corresponding animal picture on the blackboard.T: Its yellow. Its small. It goes ”PeepPeep” What is it?Step 2Have the students listen to the rhyme on Students Book page 49. Then ask several students to colour the kites on the blackboard.T: Colour the kite red. Colour the kite blue. Colour the kite orange. Colour the kite brown.While-task ActivitiesStep 1Have the students listen to “Ask and answer” on Students Book page 48, and repeat after the recording.Step 2Divide the class into groups. Have them say the sentences on Students Book page 47 in turn,S1: Colour the book red.S2: Colour the pencil green.S3: Colour the rubber yellow.S4 Colour the ruler blue.Step 3Have the students in groups of four choose one of group animals (cow, pig, chick, duck) and make a riddle about it.Ss: Its big. Its fat. It goes “OinkOink” What is it?S1: Its pig.Step 4Have the students work in groups and colour the picture of a park according to the clues you give.T: The tree is green.Ss: Colour the tree green.S1: Colour the tree green.T: The flower is red.Ss: Colour the flower red.S1: Colour the flower redStep 5Then have some students make a riddle about it and let others guess what the riddle is about.S1: it is green. It is tall and big. What is it?S2: It is a tree,S1: Yes, Its a tree.Post-task ActivitiesStep 1Ask the students to do Part D” Colour and say” on workbook page 48. Then have them tell you what animal it is.T: Colour number 1 yellow. Whats this?Ss: (Colours and says) Its a chick,Then have the students talk about the pictures in pairs.S: Look! This is a chick, Its yellow. It goes ”PeepPeep”Step 2Divide the class into groups. Have them instruct each other on how to finish painting the picture of a park.S1: Colour the flowers red and pink.S2: (Colour the flowers red and pink.)S3: Colour the tree green.S4: (Colour the tree green.)Then have the students describe the picture to the others.S1: Look! This is a flower. It is pink. It is nice.S2: Look! Thats a flower, too. It is red. It is nice, too.Step 3Have the students perform Task “Colour, ask and answer” on workbook page 49.S1: Whats this?S2: Its a kite.S1: What colour is it?S2: ItsStep 4Have the students do Project 4 on Students Book page 53 in groups. Then ask them to ask and answer as follows.S1: Whats this?S2: Its a panda. It is fat. Is this a tiger?S1: No. Its a monkey. Its brown.板书设计Blackboard WritingWhat colour is it? It is orange brownColoiur the(thing)(colour)课后作业 Assignments课后反思 Reconsideration1.Listen and read the text for 3 times2.Recite the text.游戏是英语课中常见的,学生特别喜欢的活动。对一年级的学生来说,更该多安排些游戏或活动,让他们对英语产生极大的兴趣,从而更好地学习英语。所以我就利用” Whats missing?”这个游戏,来巩固学生对颜色单词的识记,在此基础上,做练习“Listen and colour”,是学生在实际运用中再次巩固单词,让学生在完成练习的过程中促进语言能力的发展,同时也学生“理论联系实际”。附送:2019-2020年牛津英语三年级下册RainbowSmiles课改教研公开课教案附点评反思【设计思路】三年级学生已经掌握了一定量的单词与句型,并能进行简单对话,而且对英语学习都抱有很大的热情。但在自主学习、体验学习、合作学习中仍旧存在不足,缺乏认真、仔细的态度,不善于与组员们交流、讨论。而本节课的教材内容比较适合设计成自主、体验、合作学习的模式,整节课营造故事氛围,让学生在一定的语境中学习,因此在教学中注意引导学生借助多媒体课件在情境中运用所学的知识。本课是根据上海教育出版社出版的上海市九年义务教育课本牛津英语教材三年级下学期p29的内容自编的校本教材。在第一课时的教授中,学生已经掌握了有关彩虹的颜色,并能够结合实际生活说说生活中物品的颜色。于是,在第二课时中,基于学生对Colours 这一课语言知识的掌握,我整合了学生的新旧知识,改编了一个颇含寓意的关于彩虹的美国传说,并取名为 Rainbow smiles 。整节课主要围绕1个关键单词boast展开,要求学生通过新授句型the bestof来体验故事中各个角色的心理变化,表达自己的看法。根据上述情况,本课尝试以教师指导下的“自主、体验、合作”探究性学习作为总体设计。即学生在教师的指导下,自主学习单词,自主体验故事的内容,合作表演的形式来感悟故事内涵。【三维目标】1. 知识与技能1.学生通过语音归类、体验含义,来学习新单词boast与hug的含义。2.通过听力训练,回答老师的问题,学习句型the bestof来体验故事各个人物的心理特征。2. 过程与方法学生通过基本单词的学习与理解,自主表达与自主理解,体验角色学词说句,体验拥抱,感受故事寓意的过程,让学生动口又动脑,更加有效地掌握故事内容;从中体悟自主学习、自主体验、合作表演的方法。3. 情感与态度学生通过形式多样、丰富多彩的活动,学习故事的内容,理解其内涵,激发学生自主合作学习、运用英语进行体验学习的兴趣,培养学生学会欣赏他人、热爱他人的情感。【首次实践】时间分配(分)教学环节教师导学学生学习课题研究3I.Pre-task preparation (准备阶段)一、唱歌放松,营造情境。1. A song: Raindrops1.Sing a song: Raindrops.学生通过演唱歌曲,得到放松,并进入了老师特意营造的氛围雨季。5II.While-task procedure(新授阶段)一、自主学词(一)自主表达1. Show the picture of the rainbow.1) Rain, go away. The sun is ing. What can you see in the sky2) What colour can you see in the rainbow?3) What colour do you like? Why?4) How do you feel about the rainbow?How do you feel about it?1.Look and learn. Try to answer the questions.学生通过观图,联系自己的生活实际,回答问题,培养学生用英语自主表达的能力。5(二)语音总结,自主学词2. Show the picture of Mama Rainbow.T: Guess why Mama Rainbow is sad?3.New words: boast.2.Try to answer the questions3. Learn the words: boast学生通过问题,回想日常生活中妈妈伤心的理由,体验彩虹妈妈的感受。并通过语音总结法,自主学习单词。10(三)体验角色,学词说句1、听力训练1.The part of colour brothers. Give the tape: How all the colour brothers boast about themselves.2. Questions:1) How many colour brothers are there?2) What colour are they?3)What do they like to do all day?1.Listen to how all the colour brothers boast about themselves.2.Answer some questions about the dialogue.学生通过录音内容,自主学习句型,理解故事的大概内容,并回答问题,通过听力训练培养学生良好的自主学习能力。2、儿歌练读Sentence pattern: the bestofIn your opinion, who is the best colour of the rainbow.Learn the sentence pattern by using it, imitate the characters and read a chant.学生通过自己日常生活经验与观点,回答问题,操练句型,模仿故事人物的语音语调,自主完成儿歌的学习。3、操练句型,体验角色,合作表演1.Ask Ss to talk about all the words that colours have boasted about.1.Talk about all the words that colours have boasted about.学生通过感受不同颜色的优点,完成“自我吹嘘”的角色体验,注重有感情朗读的自我提示。2.Show an exercise for matching.2.Do a match and sing a song about the rainbow.学生通过整个故事的阅读和理解,自主完成连线配对题目,培养学生自主阅读的能力。3. Ask Ss to Read the beginning of the story and the part of colour brothers in groups.3. Read the beginning of the story and the part of colour brothers in groups.小组合作,分角色朗读整则故事,自主体验各个角色的感受。4体验拥抱,感受故事寓意Show the end of the story. Try to help kids to understand the meaning of mama rainbows words.Listen to the end of the story. Read the last part, enjoy the story and get to know “ Appreciate and love others.通过学生之间相互拥抱,体验拥抱的感受,让学生理解故事结尾的含义。III:Post-activities(巩固阶段)体验巩固Ask Ss to appreciate your friend. 1. Learn to appreciate classmates by trying to say: Kitty is the best singer of the class.2. Listen to the songRainbow connectionand feel about “appreciate and love others” again. 通过学生之间互相夸奖优点,学会欣赏身边的小伙伴,体验“欣赏、热爱他人”的美好感受。1VI:Homework(家庭作业)自主拓展1.Share the story with your friends.2. Appreciate your friend.Listen, look and think it over.让学生在今后的学习生活中也能够学会欣赏他人。评价部分 本节课的着眼点就是通过教师引导,学生进行自主体验、合作学习的方式来完成故事Rainbow Smiles的学习,培养学生自主阅读、合作表演的能力。本节课层层递进,通过语音总结法,让学生自主学习单词;通过录音内容,自主学习句型,完成儿歌阅读,理解故事内容;通过感受不同颜色的优点,完成“自我吹嘘”的角色体验,注重有感情朗读的自我提示。整节课内容丰富,形式多样,从三年级学生的年龄特征出发,以活泼有趣的方法引导孩子体验故事内容,激发他们热爱他人,欣赏身边的小伙伴的美好感受。自我反思我在设计本课时,希望学生通过已经学过的内容,体验各个颜色兄弟的感受,用英语表达自己的想法,完成“自我吹嘘”的角色体验,并在最后的“夸夸身边的小伙伴”活动中,引导学生懂得如何欣赏他人的长处。 上完课后,我有两点思考:一是让学生用英语表达自己的想法,完成颜色兄弟自我吹嘘的角色体验。由于教材事先已经发给学生,对于故事内容,学生们已有些了解,所以在回答此类问题时,大部分学生均用故事中的原句回答,而没有充分发挥自己的想象,自主组织语言进行表达,这一过程就缺少了发表自我意见的内容。二是“夸夸身边的小伙伴”活动,有的同学可能并不是非常理解其中的含义,以为只要完成句型就可以了,于是就很随意的说了身边同学的优点,由于有的并不切合实际,得到了其他同学的反对。 拟改部分针对第一点,我在课前的师生问答中,让学生表述喜欢某个颜色的理由,然后在后面的体验角色中,学生们就有话可说,能够自主表达了。针对第二点,我打算设计one by one的形式,让学生实事求是地找找身边伙伴的优点,得到表扬的同学再以欣赏他人的心态去夸夸别人。【再次实践】改进部分: 于是在第二天的展示中,我做了改进实践,主要有以下两点:一是说话内容的铺垫。在课前的师生问答中,我先提出了What colour do you like? Why? 这个开放性问题,让学生表述喜欢某个颜色的理由,然后在后面的体验角色中,学生们就有话可说,能够自主表达了。二是夸奖别人优点的设计。one by one的形式,让学生实事求是地找找身边伙伴的优点,得到表扬的同学再以欣赏他人的心态去夸夸别人。评价部分: 英语教学作为非母语教学,在中国有着它一定的局限性。环境的局限、交流的局限、运用的局限让英语教学总是有着这样或者那样的阻力。因此,体验式教学就显得尤为重要了。通过师生“互依、互动、互促。”来促进学习主体的主动积极的发展。在教学中,执教者 借助多媒体辅助设置情境,让学生通过自己习得语言知识的运用,学生自主探索,进入角色来体会,使之成为学习的主人。七色兄弟想离开彩虹妈妈,独自成为一种颜色,他们开始各自炫耀起自己。这其中,就碰到了大量的新单词与新句型,执教者就让孩子们在体验“boast吹嘘”一词后,充当不同的颜色,利用已经习得的语言基础,发表自己不同的意见,这一求异教学活动的设计,不仅使学生的思维能力得到了提升与发展,也锻炼了他们英语的口头表达能力,同时也使得他们的语言知识,在创新教学实践活动中得到了体验。本节课的后半部分雷雨交加,七色兄弟很害怕,紧紧地抱在了一起,这里遇到了新单词hug(拥抱),执教者先与两个同学拥抱,然后让大家互相拥抱在一起,并谈谈感受。这种真实的体验,让学生们很有兴致,并谈出了自己拥抱后的真实想法。之后,呈现了“学会欣赏他人,爱护他人”的主题,又顺势让大家学着互相欣赏,夸夸别人的优点。这次实践,也是有意识地引导孩子们在日常生活中也能够去欣赏周围的小伙伴。自我反思:当然,班级的学生水平是不同的,即便是修改后的方法,有的学生还是无法在故事中进行自主学习,表达自己的看法。如何让不同层次的学生都能够在课堂中进行自主学习,还需要进一步研究。【意义揭示】回顾两次课堂教学的实践过程,我觉得有两个方面值得注意:1、创设情境,引发体验在英语教学中尤为重要。基础教育阶段英语课程的基本理念之一就是“采用活动途径,倡导体验参与”。即让学生在教师的指导下,通过体验、参与民主完成学习目标,感受成功。通过师生“互依、互动、互促。”来促进学习主体的主动积极的发展。知识来源于生活,应回归生活,为生活服务。而体验并不是仅限于课堂,它应延伸到课外,延伸到学生们的日常学习与生活中去。英语课程的最终目标是用英语去做事。用实际生活中的感受,来理解故事本身的内容,表达自己的真实看法。2、根据教材内容自主编写教学设计非常重要。本节课就是根据教材已有的内容,教师自己编写了一则小故事。故事是学生容易接受的形式,并可以通过自主体验、自我感悟、发表自己的见解,并通过合作表演来理解故事内容,从而解剖故事内涵,形式多样的教学过程容易吸引学生的注意力,提高学生学习的兴趣。

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