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2019-2020年五年级英语上册Module1-Module2试题一、 英汉互译(10分)操场( ) before ( ) 卖( ) year( ) 重的( )country( ) 有时( )饭馆 ( ) lift ( )八月( )二、 根据课文,选词填空(16分)1.You were (in/at) China for two years.2. There (werent/ arent) any swings here before.3. (Did/Does) London look different now.4. (How/What) a big supermarket.5.Please help me put the bags (in/on) the car.6.This one is (heavy/light). I cant lift it.7.And there (is/are) many fruits over there.8. You are helpful children. (eat/have) an ice-cream.三、 将下列句子译成汉语(20分)1.There werent any swings here before. 2. Does London look different now? 3. There were lots of little trees here. 4.We are going to go to the supermarket. 5.They sell food from lots of countries. 四、 按要求完成下列各题(20分)1 big(反义词) 2 its(展开形式) 3 expensive(反义词) 4¥22.00(译成汉语) 5 dont(展开形式) 6 lets(展开形式) 7 wasnt(原形动词) 8 are(过去式) 9 could(否定式) 10 can not(缩写形式) 五、 连词成句,注意标点符号及大小写(20分)1.pictures/school/look/of/the/at/our 2.your/how/school/about 3.now/do/the/park/you/like 4.slide/a/there/only/was 5.big/many/supermarket/English/are/very 6.at/supermarket/sometimes/are/there/restaurants/the 7.over/sweets/are/many/there/there 8.you/me/help/let 9.wasnt/pond/a/there/before/here 10.is/heavy/one/this 六、拓展题,仿照例子写单词(14分)例:bi_big bike bird bit1. ch- 2 .th-3. ex- 4. co-附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册module1同步练习一、英汉互译两年了 我们学校的图片 看起来不一样 看 让我们去喂鸭子 许多 二 、连词成句1、in two you for were China years. 2、look London does different now ? 3、any were there swings not before here. 4、like do the you park now? 5、 feed we the can ducks. 6、us let to go the feed ducks . 7、at the our look pictures of school. 8、are there of little lots trees here. 9、about your how school? 10、desks were small in there classroom the before. 三、单选1、You were China three years.A 、to for B、on for C、in for D、in at 2、There some swings in the school before. A 、is B、are C、was D、were3、There any slides in the park nowA 、is B、arent C、was D、werent 4、There are flowers in the park .A 、any B、some C、a D、the 5、There arent ponds in Chengyang.A 、some B、any C、a D、the

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