2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 4(1) 第三课时教案 陕旅版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 4(1) 第三课时教案 陕旅版教学内容Lesson4 Its snowing (第三课时)教学目标1.会说会用这些句子:It is snowing.What can we do?We can make a snowman and throw snowballs.2.会说会用会写这些单词 snow blow skate。重点难点理解会说会用短语:look out of the window make a snowman clean the snow教学准备snow blow skate look out of the window make a snowman clean the snow 这些单词的图卡和词卡。教学过程一、 热身(Warming up)看flash动画,回答问题 。1)Whats the weather like today?(Its snowy .Its snowing.)2)Shall we go out to play?(Great/ Allright/Good idea.)二、 新课展示(New Presentation)词汇学习:展示本课对话主页图.1) Is it a fine day today?No.Its snowy. Look out of the window. Its snowing hard/heavily.Look out of the window.老师边说边朝窗外看。look out of 向外看做游戏练短语:Listen and do. Who can do faster?先请几个同学上来站在黑板前,老师背对着他们,手拿门,窗,教室或 学校的图片给全班同学看,让全班同学根据图片发指令,站在前面的同学听指令并快速作出反应,看谁做的又快又好。Look out of the window.Look out of the door.Look out of the classroom.Look out of the school.2) Its snowing( heavily).雪下的很大。snow,下雪,动词。我们还可以用这一组进行时态的句子描述天气:It is raining.The sun is shining. The wind is blowing.3) 示图卡,词卡,拼读拼写单词: blow,动词,刮(风),吹(风)。The wind is blowing with snow.风加雪。It is very cold.4)Can we go out to play?Yes.We can skate.It can make you feel warm.示图卡, 示词卡,拼读拼写单词: skateCan you skate? Who can skate?请几个同学做做滑雪的样子。He/She can skate very well. I like skating.5)We can make a snowman. 出示图卡.A snowman with a mouth,a nose,and two eyes.Its very nice and interesting.示词卡,拼读拼写单词: make a snowmansnowman是个合成词,由snow和man组成 .6)And we can clean the snow on the road。 出示图卡We can clean the snow in front of the house, on the playground.示词卡,拼读拼写单词: clean the snowclean檫,打扫游戏:Listen and do.先请几个同学上来站在黑板前,老师背对着他们,手拿门,窗,课桌,椅子,黑板的图片给全班同学看,让全班同学根据图片发指令,站在前面的同学听指令并快速作出反应,看谁做的又快又好。Clean the desk.Clean the blackboard.Clean the window.Clean the chair.Clean the door.三作业布置板书设计教学反思附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Lesson 4(1) 第二课时教案 陕旅版教学内容Lesson4 Its snowing (第二课时)教学目标1、能听、说、认、读、写单词:snow,blow,rain,make a snowman ,skate,clean the snow,snowball,并能在日常生活中使用。2、能听懂、会说短语:get up,look out of the window,go out to play,good idea,make a snowman,throw snowball,clean the snow.3、能听懂、会说、会用下列句型:(1)Get up!(2)Look out of the window!(3)Its snowing.(4)Shall we go out to play ?(5)Good idea!(6)we can make a snowman and throw snowballs.(7)They are playing in the snow重点难点1、听、说、认、读、写单词及短语:snow, blow, rain, look out of the window, get up, make a snowman, skate, clean the snow 2、掌握句型:Get up!Look out of the window!Its snowing/ raining.并能在实际生活中灵活运用。教学准备教师准备图片、单词卡。教学过程一、复习导入。1.做游戏:老师说一组祈使句,让学生听指令做动作。Go to school. Do your homework. e here. Go there. Wash your face.Draw a picture. Watch TV. Sing a song.提醒学生注意老师是怎样发出一个接一个的指令的:当我们命令或要求别人做某事时,一般使用祈使句。为了礼貌,我们还可以在句首或句末加上 please。例如:e in please. Please sing a song for us.2.接着,老师拿出一个图片(下雨图),问:Look! How is the weather? 学生回答:Its raining.换张下雪的图片问:How about this? 回答 :Its snowing.说明:现在进行时的意义:表示正在发生的动作或存在的状况。当我们描绘当前人正在做某事时,我们用 be+动词的现在分词来构成进行时态,其中be有人称、数的变化。3.老师放录音,学生反复听音并复述,进一步熟悉课文内容二、课堂练习请你看课本图片回答问题。A:Whats the weather like ?B:Its cloudy.A:What can you do?B:We can fly kite.仿照例句,独立完成课本19页的练习。三、作业安排(1).抄写单词。(2)背会本课对话板书设计教学反思


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