2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit3(4)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit3(4)教案 沪教牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit3(4)教案 沪教牛津版Content: Read and answer.Education Aim: Helping each otherTeaching Aims:1、Basic Aims:(1)、Ask Wh-questions to find out the position e.g. Wheres my rabbit?(2)、Ask yes/ no question to obtain simple responses e. g. Is it under your desk?2、Developing Aim: Free talkTeaching Aids: cassette player, toy animals, picturesTeaching Procedure: PurposePre-task preparation 1、Sing a song.2、Some prepositions. 复习介词短语为新授作准备。e.g. The pencil is on the desk.3、Ask and answer.e.g. How does it feel? Wheres your.?While -task procedure1、Wheres my rabbit? Look, this is my rabbit. Close your eyes? 在游戏中逐渐进行新授,培养了学生的学习兴趣,增加 Guess .Wheres my rabbit. You can say: Is it .? 了课的趣味性。2、Today, well learn: Read and answer: Where is Kittys rabbit?(say the title after the teacher)(1)、T: Look at the picture 1.Who are they? 根据图片逐张进行学习,有利于学生难点的理解和接受。 P: Theyre Kitty and Alice. T: Lets listen: What is Kitty saying? (This is my rabbit.)(one by one)(2)、Now, look here: What are Kitty and Peter talking about? Practise: T-P G-G P-P(3)、Picture 3-6(4)、Now, look at the pictures and say sth. about them.(5)、Answer questions: a、Whose rabbit is it? 培养学生知识的运用能力,有利于他们综合素质的提高。 b、Is it soft and smooth? c、What colour is it? d、Is it in the desk? e、Is it under the desk? f、Is it in the bag? g、Wheres the rabbit?3、Do “True or False ”4、Act out the dialogue.Learn the soundListen to the tape and repeat.Post-task activities.1、Make some dialogues about your bags.2、Workbook page8.Assignment.1、Do Photocopiable page 12、13.2、Make some dialogues about your toy.附板书设计:in your desk under your desk in his bag on your chair 课 后 随 笔附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit4(1)教案 沪教牛津版Contents: Read and answer and Play a game.Education Aims: Helping each otherTeaching Aims:1. Basic Aims:(1) Use predicative adjectives to describe people e.g. He is blind.(2) Use modals to talk about ability e.g. I can smell biscuits.(3) Ask “yes/no” questions to obtain simple responses e.g. Is this a fruit shop?2. Developing Aims: Free talk Teaching Aids: cassette player , Drawing paper , Fruit and hamburger.Teaching Procedure: Pre-task preparation:1. Sing a song2. Introduce: David is Bens friend . He cant see. He can hear. He can touch. He can feel .He can smell. He can taste.While- task procedure.1. Words: blind(1) T (acts): I cant see. Im blind.Learn: blindP (acts):I m blind. Hes blind.T:Im blind. But I can smell. I can taste. Look, I can smell the pineapple. Its nice. I can taste the orange. Its sour.(3) T says and P acts out.2Drill: This is David. He can taste. Listen to the recording and T explains. Read after the recording. Read after the recording and one pupil acts out. P-P act out and do pair work.3.Picture 1,2.(1) Look at the picture and listen.(2) Ask the questions: What can David smell?Say after the recording.(3) P-P work in pairs.4.Picturt 3,4.T (show a hamburger): What can you smell? P:I can smell cakes. T:No,its a hamburger. Learn: hamburger Practise: I can smell. Is this a? Yes, it is. 5. Listen to the tape and act out the dialogue.6. Free talk.Post -task activities.Play a game: Close your eyes. What can you smell? 游戏能让学生提高学习兴趣,并运用所学语言技能与真实生活相联系,学以致用。 HaveStudents take turns to make guesses and offer food for their classmates to smell. The student with the most correct guesses is the winner.1. Grammar Practice Book 4B, page 12. 巩固学生所学知识, Assignment 扩大学生的知识面。1. Do Workbook 4B,Pg.2. Do a survey in your family (fruit).附板书设计: Read and answer This is David. He cannot see. He is blind. He can hear. He can touch. He can feel. He can smell. He can taste. David : I can smell Is this 课 后 随 笔

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