2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson9 第三课时教案 科普版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson9 第三课时教案 科普版教学目标1、知识与技能:学会运用“Where is she/he/it/my”的句子,会情景 对话。2.过程与方法:1、由Lets learn 句型导入talk 的内容。 2、让学生看关键词听录音逐句理解课文内容。3.情感态度与价值观:通过本课的学习,学生会运用句型,培养学生互相帮助的好品质,体现了英语学用结合的特点。 教学重难点1、学习talk前两部分中的情景对话。2、利用情景对话走进生活。教具单词卡片、录音机及磁带教学过程 Step1.Warming upFree talkReview the lets learn 的句型Step.2presentation1、Show a card 或一些实物(book、 pen)T:Hello boys and girls. Good morning(教师可以把英语书放在身后,装着非常着急的样子问学生)“Where is my book?I cant find my book.Where is it?Who can help me?(激发学生的学习兴趣)Ss:We can help you.T:Really?Step.3:Into new lesson T:Now,Icant find my dog,too.Where is it? Ok.boys and girls, open your English book.Today lets learn lesson 9. lets talk part one and part two.Ss:OkTom: I cant find my dog Sam.Where is he?Eve:We can help you find him.Tom:Sam! Sam! Where are you?Ss:Sam isnt near here,where is he?Step.4 Drill:Listen and repeat.Read after teacher.ASK two or three students read.Step.5:practiseRole play reading.Act the textStep.6:ConsdidationWhere is Sam?Who can help Tom?Step 7 板书设计: Where is my dog ? Where is Qiqi? Hes on the box 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Lesson9 第二课时教案 科普版教学目标1知识与技能:句型“Where is he?Hes on/in/under/near”能理解和掌握,并能用替换词造句和运用。 2.过程与方法:利用实物让学生们操练本节句型。3.情感态度与价值观:对学生听力能力的培养和训练。教学重难点1、方位介词的正确运用。2、把本课“Where is ?” 句型,运用生活中。教具大箱子一个,布娃娃一个,学习用品若干个。教学过程 Step.1 Warming upT:Hi,boys and girls !Im very happy.Are you happy?S:Yes.T:Now.Please look at the desk. Answer my question . Whats on the desk ?S : Its a box .T : Whats in it ? please guess .S : A pen /An eraserT : Now , let me open it . Oh , Its Qiqi .设计意图:为激发学生学习欲望,让学生在猜测中发挥想象,自主学习并为后面的教学作下埋笔。Step.2 PresentationT : What can you see on the desk ?S : I can see a box .T : What can you see in the box ?S : I can see Qiqi in the box .Step.3 Into new lesson :(1)T : Now , boys and girls .Answer my question . Where is Qiqi ?Hes in the box.(连续地问,采用直观教学。)(2)板书:by靠近、挨着(讲解、领读)T : Where is Qiqi ?(Qiqi的卡片靠盒子)He is by the box .(引导学生回答)T : Where is the book?(把书放在桌子两旁)S : Its by the box .(3)板书:near在的附近(讲解、领读)T : Where is Qiqi ? (Qiqi的卡片放盒子的旁边)He is near the box .T : Where is the box?S : It is near the desk .(4)板书:under在的下面(讲解、领读)T : Where is Qiqi ?He is under the box .T : Where is the ruler ?It is under the box .(5)板书:behind在的后面(讲解、领读) T : Where is Qiqi ?S : Hes behind the box .T : Where is pencil-box?S : It is behind the box .(运用直观教学和肢体语言表达本课知识点,印象直观、深刻。) Step.4 Practise 老师把课桌上的学习用具放在不同的位置,让学生们一问一答。Teacher ask and students answer.Boys ask and Girls answer.Practise in Pairs(两人一组)Step.5:Lonsolidation老师拿出实物放在不同的位置,指名学生回答。S1 : Where is my ruler ?S2 : Its in your pencilbox .S1 : Where is my pencilbox ?S2 : Its in your bag .S1 : Where is my bag ?S2 : Its behind the desk .S3 : Where is my ball ?S4 : Its under the desk .S5 : Where is my book ?S6 : Its near the pencilbox .(由于句型简单,学生们表现十分踊跃,也极大提高了学习兴趣,增强学生的自信心,从而更好地理解本课的知识点。学生在互动学习中获得交际成功的喜悦。)Lets make and practise.3、listen and match.作业1、熟练运用本课的方位介词。2、会用“Where is ?Its ”造句。

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