2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版二、教学目标1、.知识目标:使学生能听说、认读单词should, cross, dangerous, hold, hand, say, in a hurry;能了解字母及字母组合m,um, n,ng, l, w,y 在单词中常见读音|m|,|n|, |l|,|w|,|j|;能演唱歌曲You shouldnt jump on the bed; 能准确理解并熟练地运用“You should look, then cross the road, You shouldnt walk in the road. You shouldnt hold my hand, too.”2、技能目标:通过活动体验,在交流中学会描述良好的习惯与行为规则,发展综合语言运用能力。3、情感目标:培养学生养成良好的行为习惯、文明意识、安全意识和团队合作精神。三、教学向导1.语言功能:行为指导,描述良好的习惯与行为规则。2.教学重点和难点:在真实情景中灵活运用新知识表述该做不该做的事。四、教学程序Unit 1 You should look, then cross the road. Warm-up【热身复习】1. Greeting.2. Sing a song: I get up in the morning.3. Free talk: Talk about your life.What do you do at school?What do you do in the park?.Pre-task【任务呈现】 任务呈现制作Safety Rules.1、导入:What do you do on the road?谈谈你在马路上做些会么?2、任务呈现师:“Do you run in the road? Do you play in the road? What should you do ? What shouldnt you do? Today, Lets make safety Rules together.”.While-task【任务实施】1、师:We can see safety Rules in many places.Look at the cards and tell me what you should or shouldnt do?根据安全标志和图片让学生用I should/ I shouldnt描述生活中需要注意安全的场景。2、视听结合,有声有色。师:Mrs. Smart and Tom are going to the park today. Please find out “should” and “shouldnt”.教师播放课文,并进行听法指导。教师分段听录音,找出含有“should”和“shouldnt”的句子,解读课文难点:walk in the road, dangerous, cross the road, hold my hand, say hello to Pam, take the right child.教师再次播放录音,请学生跟读,教师给予适当的指导,并完成活动用书练习1。.Post-task【任务展示】1、学生说一说日常生活中需要注意安全的场景。You should/ shouldnt2、学生在小组内讨论制作安全规则标识,分不同场景:in the school, in the road, in the park.3、学生以小组为单位,向全班汇报本组制作的标识,并张贴在楼道墙上,供全校同学观看。V. Homework【作业超市】1、完成课堂活动用书练习2和练习3。选作:为校园设计文明规则标识。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1(3)教案 外研版教学任务:Tom,say hello to Pam, please.You should say hello to my friends.You shouldnt walk in the road.功能:运用should和shouldnt规范礼貌的日常行为运用任务:1利用游戏Bingo巩固词汇教学;2选出“最佳合作奖”(Well-cooperated);3完成AB练习 3。教学程序:1热身复习 教师与学生边说Module 10 Unit 2的Dont jump on the bed。边做动作。为学生创造愉快的英语学习氛围。2任务呈现与课文导入 教师说:“星期一的早晨,Tom的妈妈Ms Smart急急忙忙地送Tom去幼儿园,幼儿园离家比较远,需要经过一段马路才能到。不过,Tom过马路的时候却并不着急,东张西望的,你们猜猜Ms Smart是怎样跟他说的呢?在去幼儿园的路上,他们遇见了Tom妈妈的好朋友Pam和她的女儿,Ms Smart告诉Tom要有礼貌,见到熟人应该打招呼。为了赶去幼儿园,他们与朋友匆匆地告别,可是却发生了一件令人啼笑皆非的事情,是什么呢?让我们一起看看。” 3课文教学(1)学习新词出示抽认卡,示范发音,单词walk,road,dangerous,before,cross,hold,when,talk,say,hurry,take,right,child,sorry,词组in the road ,cross the road,hold my hand,in a hurry,say.to,cant talk,take the right child。利用这些词汇,做游戏Bingo。如:Listen and cross out,then say“Bingo”。完成运用任务 1。示例:right in a hurry canttalk sorry say.totake the right child cant talk child(2) SB活动 1播放会话磁带和投影片或配套的VCD或CD-ROM。学生听并回答下列问题。1.Who are they?2.Where are they?3.What shouldnt Tom do?4.What should Tom do before crossing the road?5.What should Tom do when crossing the road?6.Who are the woman and the girl?7.What should Tom say to his mothers friend?8.Why cant Ms Smart talk?9.What does Tom say to Ms Smart?10.What does Ms Smart do?4任务完成(1)完成AB练习1把全班同学分成若干个小组,以小组合作的形式完成课堂活动用书练习1,务必使每个学生都有读单词的机会。(2)完成AB练习2教师播放磁带,学生认真听。再放一遍,借助图写出听到的句子。然后以小组为单位核对答案。对完答案后,每个小组以汇报的方式,向全班展示,选出“最佳合作奖”(Well-cooperated Team),完成运用任务2。5课后作业(1)全班完成:SB活动1(2)个别完成:AB练习3能力拓展训练:小组表演:You should take the right child.教学板书设计 Module 10 Unit 1 A B C DUnit 1 You should look,then cross the road.Words Sentences.

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