2019-2020年小学英语 Book4 Module3 Unit1教学设计 人教版.doc

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2019-2020年小学英语 Book4 Module3 Unit1教学设计 人教版School: Name: TitleNSE Book 4 Module 3 Unit 1Aims1. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words2.Can discuss at affair or actions that take placeFocus1.Key words:“tidy room homework secret card”.2. Help students grasp the key sentences: Sam isnt tidying his room. Is he doing his homework? No, he isnt.AidsRadio, cards, picture, Teaching ProcessTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityRe-preparation: Warming up and Revision1. Say “ hello” to children2. Sing a song “Im listening to music”.3.Review the present tense of the verbs: Leading-inShow a picture of Sam tidying his room and ask students:Whats Sam doing? Is he reading? Now, lets listen and look.:Listening& reading ActivitiesPlay the recorder. 2.Play and repeat the question.3. Show a picture about actions(listening to the radio) and ask:Is he doing his homework?Is he listening to the radio?4. Do some exerciseShow some pictures and ask:Is he doing his homework?.IV:Further Development1.Do the SB Activity Book 2.Make a dialogue with“Is he/she ?Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isnt.3.Act the dialogue about the text.V、Homework 1、Listen to the tape and read the text .2、Copy the new words 3 times.1.Say“hello”to teacher2.Sing together3.For example: play-playing listen-listeningOpen their books and take a look, then answer the questions.No, he isnt.1. listen and point2. Sam is tidying his room.3.Look and answer:No, he isnt.Yes, he is.4.Look and answer:Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.1.Do and check 2. Work in pairs3. Act as rolesFeed back附送:2019-2020年小学英语 Book4 Module3 Unit2教学设计 人教版School: Name: TitleNSE Book 4 Module 3 Unit 2Aims1. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words2.Talking about activities talking place nowFocus1.Key words:“flower today”.2. Help students grasp the key sentences: Are you doing your homework,Amy?Yes, Mum.AidsRadio, cards, picture, Teaching ProcessTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityRe-preparationWarming up and Revision1.Say hello to students.2.Show some pictures to different students (listening to music, playing basketball, tidying a room) ask: Is he/she ?Leading-in Yesterday was Ms Smarts birthday. Sam made a birthday card for her. She was very happy. Today, Amy is writing and drawing, is she making a birthday card for Ms Smart, too? Lets listen and find.Listening & reading Activities1.Show a picture on the blackboard.2.Play the tape recorder.3.Play the recorder one sentence at a time. 4.learn part 25.Play the tape again.Further Development .1.Do activity 32.Show some pictures.Homework.Make some sentences with “-ing”.1.Say“hello”to teacher2.Look and answer:Yes, he/she is.No, he/she isnt.Listen carefully, then listen to the tape.1.look at the picture.2.listen and point.3.listen and repeat.4.study part 25.Say the poem and do the actions.1. Play the game2. Say a sentence with the present tense.Feed back

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