2019-2020年小学五年级英语《What does your mother do》教案.doc

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2019-2020年小学五年级英语What does your mother do教案教学目标:能够向他人介绍自己家人和朋友的基本情况,包括职业、工作地点,所从事的活动等教学重点:认读有关涉及职业的句子。教学难点:认读有关涉及职业的句子。课前准备:1准备本课的学生卡片、教师卡片、教学挂图、投影片、录音磁带。2自制具有doctor, reporter 等职业特征的头饰。3准备节奏欢快的、学生熟悉的音乐磁带。4布置学生准备家庭成员和朋友的照片。5教师画一些能体现职业特征的滑稽的画片。教学步骤:1 Warming-up / Revision1)播放欢快的、学生熟悉的音乐,教师随着音乐举起手中有关职业的画片填入新词,并且边唱边做职业的典型动作,学生随后模仿,在歌曲中复习Whats your dad? Hes a doctorWhats her job? Shes a policewoman等表达方式。为本课的学习奠定良好的基础。2)教师拿出能体现职业特征的滑稽画片,每个小组选择自己喜欢的画片,教师引导学生用自己喜欢的曲调,结合手中的画片创编歌曲,然后展示给大家,教师与学生共同评价。这样,能够进一步复习与本课教学密切相关的单词和语句,激发学生的学习兴趣,为本课教学的成功作铺垫。2新课导入(Presentation)1)教师举起手中的滑稽图片,分别是TV reporter 和 vet的人物图片。教师首先通过语言、动作解释以上两种职业,告诉学生他为这两张图编写了歌曲,然后唱给学生听,学生听过歌曲后,边做动作边跟着教师学唱。歌词是:What does your mother do? Shes a TV reporterIs your father a TV reporter, too? No, he isntHes a vet2)唱过几遍后,学生可以分为两人一组进行表演。3)教师问学生们是否喜欢这两个人物图片,如果喜欢教师可以把它们送给学生,学生自然高兴,然后通过与教师的自然问答选择自己喜欢的图片。如:T: Which one do you like? S: I like this oneT: Can you tell me what does he do?S: He is a vetT: Is your father a vet, too? S: No, he isntHe is a teacherT: Here you areS: Thank you4)教师邀请学生自己分发图片。提供机会让学生之间练习与上述对话类似的对话。教师做好辅导工作。3趣味操练(Practice)1)教师展示Just speak 挂图,播放对话录音,请学生认真听一听:Bob的父母分别是做什么工作的?Vet的具体工作是什么?录音可以根据需要,反复多放几遍。2)学生通过小组讨论后,得出并展示答案。3)打开书,再次听录音并跟读,然后戴上头饰进行对话演示,验证刚才的答案是否正确,教师和学生共同给予评价。4)对话表演竞赛教师领带学生模仿Just speak,结合自己的家长职业编演对话。学生同意后,各组先交流每位学生的父母职业情况,然后以本组一个学生的家庭为背景,戴上头饰,编演对话。5)小组展示对话。教师和学生共同给予评价,评出优胜者。4课堂评价(Assessment)附送:2019-2020年小学五年级英语What your favorite food教案课 题:Unit3 What your favorite food?第一课时教学内容:Lets start Main scene Lets chant A. Lets learn Group work教学目标:Be able to listen, say, read and write four-skills words: tomato, tofu, green beans fish, potato, eggplant.Can recognize the words: cabbage, mutton, pork.Grasp the drill: What would you like for lunch?Can listen and chant.重点难点:Four-skills words and sentences.教具准备:Recorder, tape, picture, cards, color pens, white papers.。理论依据教学过程 Step I warm upSing a songReview the wordsReview the structures: What would you like four lunch/? Id likeStep PreviewListen and chant (Book4 unit6 B. Lets chant)Lets startT shows the picture then says: Im yummy to eat. Im yellow and long. I grow on the tree. My name begins with the letter as “bee”. What am I?(Let Ss guess: Whats this?)Step PresentationLets learna. Guess: Im yummy to eat. Im red and round. I grow on the ground. My name begins with the letter as “tea”. What am I? tomatob. T shows the word card, reads the word“tomato”, Ss read and spell it: t-o-m-a-t-o, tomato.c. Teach the other words. Play game: T: eggplant. Ss: purpleT: red. Ss: tomatoListen to the tape and read the words: cabbage, tomato, tofu, eggplant, mutton, fish, potato, green beans.Have a race: Spell the four-skills words quickly.Lets chantLearn to chant: What would you like for lunch?3. Group workStep IV Consolidation and extensionAction 1: 编谜语Action 2: 做调查( What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supperId like)Do exercisesListen and repeat1.Create a relaxed and active classroom atmosphere. Let the students learn to municate freely.2.Guide the new knowledge naturally from teacher and students municating.3.Let Ss understand and get to know the knowledge continuously,and learn the knowledge in the municative activities.教学反思 单词和句型在第四册中都以接触过,学生掌握较快;在一些名词的单复数上问题较多,主要表现可数和不可数名词以及词的变化上。


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