2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8(4)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8(4)教案 广东版开心教学目标:学会制作班级日历册教学重点:January,February,March,April,May,June,before,after,July,August,September,October,November,December.教具:录音机,图片教学过程:1. Revision(1)Free talk: Whens your birthday? Whats the date today? Whens winter/summer holiday? Whats the weather like in summer/winter? How many months are there in a year? What are they? Etc.(2)Books opened. Get into groups. Ask and answer about birthdays. Then fill in the first table.(3)Let some students ask questions, like whens winter holiday? Whens spring term? Whens summer holiday? Whens fall term?(4)Write down the answers in the second table.(5)Get into groups. Students ask and answer about the weather in each season.Write down the answers in the third table.(6)Get into groups. Each group chooses a month and makes a chart including all the information they gathered about that month. Like the last table on page 46.(7)Put all the groups charts together and make a class calendar.2. HomeworkBlackboard writing:Whens winter holiday? Its in .Whens your birthday? My birthdays.8 Review The third period(Bonus 2)一、Objectives and RequirementsLanguageTarget: Whats the weather like in spring? Its rainy in spring.Is it rainy in fall? No, its not. Its windy. Whats the weather like today? Its sunny and hot. Whens winter holiday? Its in January and February. Is January after February? No, January is before February. Whens your birthday? My birthdays October 20th.Whats the date today? Its October 20th. Today is my birthday!Sounds and words: l , j , n 二、Key: The vocabulary and target of Unit5-7.三、Materials: paper strips, envelopes四、Teaching processActivities:1. Who am I? Write all the names of the characters in the illustration on paper strips and put them in an envelope for each group of five students. In groups, Ss pick a name out of the envelope and act the character. They must then say things about the character, e.g. (for Lisa) I love spring. I like walking in the park. I have a dog. They should not say their exact birthday, but they can say their birthday is in spring, for example. Then have other Ss guess who that character is. Continue the game until characters identities are found.2. Birthday line/memory game: Put Ss into groups of three. Then ask them to write the peoples names and birthdays down in order, starting from January. The first team to do this correctly is the winner. Next, play a guessing game. Tell Ss to close their books, and then say a persons name and have Ss raise their hands to say their birth dates. Give points for correct answers. Homework:1. Use the target sentences to make a “four seasons poster”.2. Finish the workbook P27附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 8教案 上海新世纪版教育目标:1让学生知道,当自己有事外出时应当给家长留下信息,告知自己的去向,不要让别人为自己担心。2鼓励学生能够运用书写便条的方式表达自己的情感,如感谢之情、道歉之意等。知识目标:基础目标:1. Words and expressionstouch feel smell taste sweet sour hot2. Sentence patternsHow does it smell/taste/feel?Language Lab根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。Music Box能掌握音标学习掌握辅音音标/W/,/T/和元音音标/EJ/,/aJ /并能看音标读出单词,并能看音标读单词。Disneyland能用正确的语音、语调朗读Rhyme,节奏基本正确。Difficult Points1.英语中用于电话交流的用语和面对面的交流有所不同。2.shall和will用法上有所区别。他们都可以用于预示将要发生的事,但shall与I或we连用,而will可以与各种人称连用。 Developing Aims1.能通过书写便条传递信息,如告诉父母自己的去向,对他人表示感谢或歉意等等。2. 能用英语在电话中与他人进行交流。教学资源:教学投影片、配套磁带、多媒体课件课时安排:课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。教材处理:本单元Rhyme的主题是Mothers Birthday,其中包含了I shall的句型。教师可以将这个版块的内容与单词版块Wonderland整合进行教学。Farmland版块中的主要内容为电话用语,教师可以通过这一版块中的对话引出教学内容。Grand Theatre的内容为一张便条,学生除了学习便条中所涉及到的知识点,(如ask sb to do sth,a story about,phone home,at about 7:00 pm等),还应当掌握便条的基本格式。教法建议:词汇教学方法:1. 通过电影这一主题展开单词教学。与学生讨论Do you like to go to the cinema? Which is your favourite movie? Is the cinema far from your home? Who do you often go to the cinema with? 逐步引出单词的教学。2. 与学生讨论自己喜欢的电影。并说说理由和看电影的经过。同样,教师可以通过提问或提供关键词的方式,帮助学生完整地叙述事件。Questions: Which is your favourite movie? Why? Who went to the cinema with you? Which cinema did you go to? Was it far from your home or near your home? Key words:interesting, funny, exciting, friends, Si Ping Cinema, far from3. 在教学shall时,为学生提供若干个情景,让学生用shall说话。学生首先应当掌握的是它的结构,及shall+动词原形。用于表示将来时,与其连用的是I或we。情景可以是I shall on mothers birthday. (结合Disneyland中的Rhyme)I shall on Christmas day.I shall this weekend.I shall after school/class.句型教学方法:1. 可以通过课文中的对话引入教学。先请学生听录音,并回答问题。Whats the matter with Tom? How does Toms teacher help him? Are they talking face to face? 并引导学生关注一些比较特殊的电话用语,如This is Tom.等。2. 创设与课文相似的情景,并请学生根据情景编写对话。Situation 1:There is going to be an English evening. Call your friend and invite her to go together.Situation 2:You are going to watch a movie with your friend. Please call your mother and tell her.Situation 3Tom is ill. He didnt e to school today. Give him a call and tell him you will visit him after school and help him with his lessons.课文教学方法:1. 与学生讨论他们喜爱的电影或书籍,并用Its a story about告诉大家它的故事概要。2.在与学生讨论业余生活时提出问题“假如有事情外出,妈妈又不在家,如何告诉她?”,以此引入本课的主题note。告诉学生便条所包括的内容(日期、称呼、主体内容、署名)以及书写位置。3. 结合Language Lab中的Questions and Answers检验学生对课文的理解程度。4. 组织学生进行brainstorm,说说日常生活中,有那些情况需要给别人留下便条。之后教师可以将这些情景作一个总结或归纳,如a note to say sorry, a note to thank someone, a note to ask for leave, a note to inform someone等等。请学生根据自己的需要给别人写一张便条。5背景资料:宝葫芦的秘密 The Secret of the Magic Gourd玩具总动员 Toy Story哆拉A梦 Doraemon变型金刚 Transformers美食总动员 Ratatouille怪物史莱克3 Shrek the Third辛普森一家 The Simpsons Movie加菲猫:现实世界历险记 Garfield Gets Real赛车总动员 Cars快乐的大脚 Happy Feet西岳奇童 Saving Mother海底大冒险 Shark Bait长江7号 A Hope大灌篮 Slam Dunk

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