2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2(2)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2(2)教案 新世纪版单元教学目标课题Unit 2教学目标及策略一、教育目标:通过学习课文及阅读故事,教育学生要热爱生活。二、知识目标:(一)基础目标:1.学习表示名词:parcel, CD rack, guest, disc 动词(词组):arrive at/in, blow, stop 介词:around2 能与学过的词整合起来表达一定的意义。3 听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料,并能根据主话题 My birthday Party”写6-8句话。听懂、读懂Q and A, 做书面、口头回答。练习朗读Music Box中内容,复习/e/, / / 的读音,能正确区分。诵读Rhyme: The Swallows Song,语音语调基本正确。(二) 发展目标:1. 能熟练使用动词词组,并能造句。2. 能用Grand Theatre的内容重新组织成语篇表达自己的想法,描述自己的生日。能力目标: 1. 句型:以when为引导词的时间状语从句2. 时态:熟练掌握现在进行时,并与一般现在时进行区别。情感、策略、文化目标:情感态度目标: 通过英语学习,教育学生学会用英语相互介绍交流过生日的情况。学习策略目标: 教育学生在生活中处事要根据实际情况。文化目标: 团结友爱同学,不铺张浪费。教学重点1. 句型:以when为引导词的时间状语从句2. 时态:熟练掌握现在进行时。教学难点以when为引导词的时间状语从句教学准备tape recorder pictures cards 课时安排Wonderland Farmland Grand Theatre + Language Lab ( Q and A )Review words and sentences + Language Lab ( On your own and Pair work)Music Box and review Disneyland and Work Book Same Step第一课 时课 时 目 标1.学习表示名词:parcel, CD rack, guest, disc 动词(词组):arrive at/in, blow, stop 介词:around2.能口头、书面默出单词,能与学过的词整合起来表达一定的意义。3区别 arrive in 与arrive at ; 掌握 stop doing sth. 与stop to do sth.的不同用法。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1.Review the rhyme: The clock2.Daily talk.While-task procedures:1. Show a picture of a birthday party and set the questions:What are they doing? Is it a birthday party? What can you see?2. Show a parcel and teach the word. This is a heavy parcel. That is a light parcel.3. Introduce “CD rack” * Show a parcel and ask the students to ask whats in it. * Show the CD rack and teach the word. * Guess: How much is it ? Whats it for? (The answer should be : It is cheap or expensive,“ Its for putting in discs”) * Teach “disc” , listen or watch the discs.4. Introduce the other words by using the picture. * guest: The teacher should say, “ They are guests. They take part in Toms birthday. They say, “Happy birthday” to Tom” * arrive at/in=get to/ reach in/atT: The guests arrived at Toms home at 5 oclock.# Practise the pronunciation# T: When do you arrive at school everyday? When do you arrive home after school?#pare arrive in and arrive at. They will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow. in 常和大地点连用,at 比较小的地点。 * blow(blew): T: What are they doing? S: They are blowing out the candles. blow out; blow awayaround: T: They are blowing out the candles around the table.walk/ run around around the world stop: Game: Run around one of the student. When the teacher says “Stop” . He should try to catch others.pare the phrases : stop doing sth , stop to do sth,e.g. We are having a lesson ,so we must stop talking and listen to the teacher.Its lunch time .so we must stop to have lunch.Ask the students to make sentences with two phrases.Post-task activities1. Listen to the tape and read after the tape. 2. Repeat the sentences by the students themselves.3. Make some sentences with the new words.at the party; have/ hold a party; enjoy the partyCD bag/ holderhost/ hostessblow up the balloon1) 围绕 2)在周围3)大约板 书设计 Unit 2 Wonderlandguest / gest / arrive at/in / /parcel /pa:sl/ rack / /disc /disk/ blow / /stop / / around / /课内练习设计 1. Listen and read the words or sentences.2. Make sentences.3. Listening prehension.课后练习设计Listen and read the Wonderland.Copy these words and learn them by heart.Rewrite the sentences as required.第二课 时课 时 目 标复习巩固现在进行时的句型,掌握常用的时间状语。复习巩固情态动词must 的用法。能结合所学知识,利用所给短语自编对话,并进行表演。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:Warming up: Daily talk.What are you doing now ?What we must mustnt do in classAsk and answer the questions with the words.Dictation.While-task procedures:Discuss: What must/mustnt you do in others birthday party?Oral presentation.Discuss: What are the people doing in the picture.Oral presentation.Ask the students to say something with “must”mustnt” on the different occasions The teacher can use the materials on P12 of textbook. Examples: They are washing hands. They must wash hands before meals.Ask the students to practise and act out the mini dialogue in pairs.Encourage the more able students to act out their own dialogue.Post-task activities: Finish the exercises: Workbook P13(6),P14(7)复习mustnt 与No Dont 的互换掌握词组:before meals/going to bed板 书设计 wash hands/ before meals brush teeth/ before going to bedgo to school/ on time listen carefully/ in classtalk to each other/ in the reading room课内练习设计 1.Dictation.2.Act the dialogue in pairs.3.Do some exercises on the workbook.4.Listening prehension.课后练习设计1. Read the mini-dialogue and repeat it.2.Do exercises: a. Fill in the blanks(一般将来时与现在进行时对比);b. Rewrite the sentences.(musnt, No v+ing)3. Recite the word groups of Farmland.第三课 时课 时 目 标听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre 中的语言材料。能根据主话题“ My birthday party”写6-8句话。句型:掌握以when为引导词的时间状语从句能正确流利的复述课文。课 型新 授 课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation: 1.Daily talk:When is your birthday?Do you often have a birthday party?Talk about your birthday party.2. Reviewing: Make sentences by using the phrases.While-task procedures:Ask the students: Whose birthday is in March? What do you often do in your birthday party? Do you know “whose birthday is today?3. Ask the students: read the text by themselves. Answer the questions: Whose birthday is it? Whats she doing? What time is it? Who is arriving at her house?What will J ennys grandparents give her?4. Explain the key pharses:a. have a partyb. arrive at/ inc. give sb. Sth.= give sth. to sb.d. blow out the candlese. run around the chairsf. when: e.g. When I was young, I liked to fly kites. When I arrived at home, mum was watching TV.g. more than (many, much)h. out of the gamei. have to: muste.g. its cold outside. I have to put on more clothes.j: have a great time= enjoy oneself5. Listen to the tape and repeat the text sentence by sentence.6. Ask the students to image what games they may play on a birthday party? Describe the game in details. The teacher write the details of “ Music Chair” on the board: When the music starts, they run around the chairs. When the music stops, everyone has to get a chair to sit on.7. Q&A on P13 (Oral Written)Post-task activitiesAsk the students to make more sentences by “When”( Suggestion: Translate the Chinese sentences to English.)Oral discussion: My birthday Party.more +n(pl.) than n.(pl.)2. more +UN than UNless thanThere is no chair for Mike.= There isnt a chair for Mike.板书设 计 have to/ mustWhen., .课 内练 习设 计 1. Read the phrases and text.2. Answer the questions:1) What are you doing?2) What must and musnt you do in class/?3. Finish Q&A4. Listening prehension.课后练习设计1. Read and recite the Grand Theatre.2. Copy the text.3. Write down your birthday party on Workbook.4. Recite the word groups of this text.第四课 时课 时 目 标1.复习巩固Grand Theatre知识点。2.完成On your own及Pair work3.学会区分元音音标 /e/, / / 。并能看音标读出单词。4.学习Rhyme: The swallows song。课 型复习课教 学 过 程生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme: The Swallows song (New learning)a. warmer landsb. e tumbling downc. freezed. flit 2. Daily talk.While-task procedure:1. Review the words and the phrases, then take a dictation.2. Review the text and Q&A 3. Review the sentences: When What doing? must 3. Ask and answer: On your own (Oral Written) a. Whose birthday is in March? b. Do you have a birthday party? c. What do you want for your birthday? d. How do you feel on your birthday? 4. Learn: Pair work 1) Explain the phrases:a. Will you please ? = Would you e.g. Will you please open the door for me? Will you please clean the blackboard? 2) Read the dialogue. 5. Make a dialogue in pairs at the last.Post-task activities: 1. Do exercises. Work book on P15-16 2. Read the music box. /e/ / / 板 书设计 Pair Work:Will you please ? e to ones partyMusic Box/e/ / /pen panbed badhead hadset satlend landBen band课内练习设计 1.Act a dialogue.2. Do exercises. Workbook P15-163. Read the music box.课后练习设计1.Read the music box.2.Recite the pair work.3.找一找含有/e/ 和/ /发音的单词,并把它们写在书上P14。4.Finish workbook on P10-13。、5.Rewrite the sentences as required.第五课 时课 时 目 标1. The total revision of Unit 2,2. Learn Kids Palace课 型复习课Unit 2生成问题调整设计 Pre-task preparation:1. Warming up: Rhyme 2. Ask and answer in pairsWhile-task procedure:Review some words and phrases.Music BoxReview the phonetics: / e /,/ /Read them loudly.Show the words with them to read. 说一说含有/e/和/ /发音的单词。Learn Kids Palace: Boys or Girls.!) Explain the new words:Western countries(country)the same kind of Weather orgo for a walkthe other side of the river2) Read the passage themselves and finish :”T”F”3) Check the answer4) Read the passage in chorus.Post-task activities:Analyze the Workbook.Do exercises.课内练习设计 1 Listening prehension.2. T or F on P15 一课一练课后练习设计一课一练Review Unit 2.课后反思附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2(20) 第一课时教案 人教(PEP)课题Unit 2 My Favourite Season课型New lesson改进内容教学目的1.能够听、书、读、写单词:season , spring , summer , fall , winter .2.能够使用句型: Whats your favourite season ? 提问,并能够根据实际情况回答。重点难点Whats your favourite season ?教学方法Teaching method教具Tape recorder教学过程及内容1.热身(1)播放四年级下册第四单元A 部分的Lets chant 的录音,复习有关天气的形容词。(2)播放五年级上册第三单元B部分的Read and write 的录音,复习巩固句型:Whats your favourite ?2.预习(1)教师向学生提问:Whats the weather like ? 同时向学生展示不同天气情况的图片,引导学生用warm , cool , hot等形容词进行回答。(2)猜谜语:学生做Pair work , 操练句型:Whats the weather like today ? Its 由一名学生提问,另一名学生猜对方手中天气图片的内容3.新课呈现Lets learn(1)教师在黑板上画一棵树的树干,再画上几片浅绿色的树叶,对学生说:Look ! The leaves are green now . What season is it now ? 出示单词卡片season , 教学 season . 再呈现单词卡片spring 教学spring ,学生跟读,并根据自己的生活经验对spring 的天气特征进行描述,如: Spring is warm in Hangzhou / Taiwan .等。之后,教师指着地图上南、北、东、西一些主要城市,提问:Whats the weather like in spring in Beijing/ Shenzhen?等,引导学生回答。师生一起拼读单词spring .(2)教师继续在枝干上画树叶,继而引出summer (3)教师利用简笔画引出fall 和winter .(4)交换司出示各种天气状况的图片,进行师教师放Lets chant 部分的歌谣,学生跟录音说唱歌谣。教师反复出示相应的图片与语句对应,加强学生的理解,复习巩固生词。改进内容教后记All the students casn say it good ! But a few of the cant do it .


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