2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit1(3)教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit1(3)教案 沪教牛津版Contents: Say and act & Look and say & Play a game. (P4)Basic Aims: Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking. e.g. What are you doing? Im drawing.Developing Aims: A: What is he/she doing? B: Hes/ShesEducation Aims: Good habit.Main points and difficult points: What are you doing? ImMaterials: Workbook 4B page 3, a cassette player, some pictures, Photocopiable pages 1, 2and 3Teaching procedures: 教学意图一、Warming-up.Listen and sing a songAre you sleeping? 所学唱歌曲与新 课有联系。二、Revision1. Ask and answer: What can you do? 以旧引新,为新授作铺垫。2. Talk about: Whoseare these/those/they?三、New teaching.1. Listen and act.e.g. T: Write, please.What are you doing? Im writing. 注重口语,培养学Say and write: paintpainting writewriting 生听、说能力,talktalking drawdrawing 并注意渗透学法,readreading sitsitting 鼓励学生主动求 sleepsleeping singsinging 知,充分体现以 saysaying 学生为主体的英2. To learn how to add-ing. 语课堂活动。3. Look at the pictures, listen to the tape.4. Talk about the pictures.e.g. What is Eddie doing? What is he saying?Is Eddie sleeping? Are you sitting?5. Read after the tape.四、Consolidation.1. Please form groups of four, make some new dialogues. 举一反三,培养2. Paly a game. 和提高学生灵活3. Photocopiable page 1, 2 and 3. 运用知识的能力。五、Homework.1. Read after the tape.2. Grammar Practice Book 4B, page 3.附:板书设计 课后随笔A: What are you doing? _B: Im _paintpainting _writewriting _sitsitting _ _附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Module1 Unit1(4)教案 沪教牛津版Contents: Look and say (P5)Teaching aims: To learn the new sentences: Wheres? HesShes Whatsdoing? HesShes Where are? Theyre What are they doing? TheyreDeveloping aims: 1) To learn the new words. 2) Say more sentences about somebody.Education aims: 1) To take care of the things around us. 2) Asking sb. not to do sth. e.g. Dont walk on the grass.Teaching main points and difficult points: 1) A: WheresWhere are? B: HesShesTheyre2) A: Whats heshe doing? B: HesShes3) A: What are they doing? B: TheyreTeaching materials: A cassette player, some picturesa puter, A small blackboard.Teaching procedure: 教学意图一. Warming-up.1. Sing a song.2. A Childrens Rhyme.二. Pre-task preparation1. Read the following words. may day play playground he meet teacher speak my five bicycle library go no know home use you pupil super2. Add-ing (Group work) e.g. jumpjumping makemaking sitsitting 3. Say and act.Where are you? ImWhat are you doing? Im三. While-task procedure1. To learn: Wheres? HesShes Whats heshe doing? HesShes1) Show a puterpicture. 循序渐进,从所学T: Look. Whos he? 知识入手以多媒体S1: Hes Danny. 教学为主线,鼓励T: Wheres he? 学生用英语直接思S1: Hes on the grass. 维,同时维护和谐T: Can you say something about Danny? 的师生关系,体现S: Hes Danny. Hes a boy. Hes a pupil. Today is 师生之间的互动教Sunday. 学。 He has no classes. Hes in the park. Look. Hes on the Grass.2) T: Now look. What is he doing? 由直观教学及谈话 S: Try to say: Hes walking on the grass 法引出思想品德教T: Can you walk on the grass? 育,让学生在学习S: No, we cant. 知识的同时,接受T: What will you say to Danny? 情感体验。S1: Danny, please dont walk on the grass.3) T: Look. Wheres Danny? S: Hes in the playground.T: Can you say something about him now?S: This is Danny. Hes in the playground. He is not walking. Hes playingNow hes playing in the street.T: Can he play in the street? 通过play in the S: No, he cant. playground引出T: What will you say to him? play in the street等S: Dont play in the street. 增加语言的摄入量,并为学生的后续学习打基础,又通过不该做某事对学生进行思想教育。4) Please talk about Danny, using the following sentences with your partners.Show: Wheres ? HesShesWhats he doing? HesShesPlease look at the scream. Whos she? Is she 激发学生用语言dancing? Wheres she? Please talk about her, 组织来引出本课do pair work. 学习重点,并让其接受思维训练。5) Show many pictures, ask each group to choose 2 pictures to Talk about with the partners. To learn: A: Where are? B: Theyre A: What are you doing? B: Theyre1) Show a picture.T: Where are Danny and Kitty?S1: Theyre in the playground.T: What are they doing?S2: Theyre playing.2) Show a library.T: Can you talk about the library? 充分发挥学生的S: This is a library. We can borrow books from 主体作用,强调the library. We can read books in it. 主体意识,让学But we must be quiet in it. Show: Peter and 生从生活实际悟 Betty are in the library. 出真理。T: Can you talk about Peter and Betty? Please form groups of four. 3) T: Very Good. Would you please using the 并懂得为人,从following sentences to talk about them? 小学好真本领。Show: Where are ? Theyre 发挥合作探究精 What are they doing? Theyre 神,使学生在相 互合作探究中寻 求答案。4) Show another pictures, then talk about them. 概括性操练,帮one personsome people 学生理清学习思 路,同时进一步 突破本课难点, 反馈新授情况。四. Post-task activity 1. Ask and answer. (Group work) 巩固新知的同Show some pictures on P5, talk about with your 时,增加语言量,deskmates. 同时提高输出e.g. A: Whos she? B: Shes Alice. 量。 A: Wheres she? B: Shes in the classroom. A: Whats she doing? B: Shes writing in the classroom.2. Listen and colour, then talk about the pictures. 这部分体现本课e.g. Kally is singingdancingsweeping the floor 高潮,让学生通drawing a picture doing some washingplaying 过复习再求得本pianoin the classroom. 课升华,达到“学Listen and choose one, then colour it and talk about 以致用”的目的, it with your good friend. 同时通过动手涂色,剪剪,说说等形式,使Homework. 师生情绪始终饱满,提高教学效果。3. Sing a song. Read after the tape & Say something about your friendspartners After class.附:板书设计 教学随笔Look and say1. A: Wheres? _ B: Hes/Shes _ A: Whatsdoing? _ B: Hes/Shes _2. A: Where are? _B: Theyre _A: What are they doing? _B: Theyre

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