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2019-2020年小升初数学毕业总复习计算题(口算题)专项练习含答案解析63.750.751.5()40.10.997.50.25611771= = = 2= 4.20.5= 6.43.25= 9.30.03= 44= 2=9=5 0.1612() 0.12 4 215 44 73.14 6.30.1 0.5364298=114= 2= ()20=16.4= 110%= 44= (6.256)3.8=45261435=+=0.77+0.33=4+4=1.40.6=51.41.6=2=25244.20.2120.2 1.25810.6 38()4= = 7.20.4= =66= 3.93= 10.92= 2+2%=12564= = 0.620.8=1.258=1= = 0.875= 115= 9= 55=3.8+6.2= 8.132= 568198= 0.651.3= 7510%=1 + 48% =2.6 + 4 = 0.9 - 0.45 =0.120.8 = = 1251.6= 12.566.28= 77= =X Kb 1. C om3.145 =3.1440=7510%= 3=xx 6198207.06 0.06= 0.30.4=1800799560876.49.6128125(1)16627-198 3.056.2 3.810 1-35 0.60.45-1.4-2.6 0.78+0.12= 320080= 0= 1+= = 120%= 3222 425244.20.2120.21.25810.642311.6 0.80.01 (0.25)8110.64138 84100.01 0.250.419 2 22.25 ()303.143.14 18771404 15.2(13) xx+620= 1-0.09= 0.45101= 20.02= = 5=1+= 2.68+9-2.68+9=38-19= 0.360.3= 2.54= 37=2.91000= 1-=-= = 1= +=5 0.16 12() 0.12 4 21544 系列资料 www.xkb1.com 不用注册,免费下载! 附送:2019-2020年小升初英语知识点专项复习 专题五 句子 There-be-句型课程讲义There be 句型的用法:表示某个地方存在某物或某人,Be动词的单复数必须依主语的变化而变化。如:房间里有一张桌子。There is a table in the room.区别: 表达一个人拥有某样东西时则用have/has,如:我有一张桌子。I have a table.There be 句型的结构:There is+第三人称单数可数/不可数主语+地点状语例:There is a ruler on the desk. 书桌上有一把尺。There is some water in the bottle. 瓶子里有一些水。There are+复数主语+地点状语 例:There are four apples on the tree. 树上有四个苹果。 There are many flowers in the park. 公园里有许多花。There is+第三人称单数可数+V-ing+地点状语例:There is a bird singing in the tree. 树上有一只鸟正在唱歌。 There is a baby sleeping in the room. 房间里有一个宝宝正在睡觉。There are+复数主语+V-ing+地点状语例:There are some birds singing in the tree. 树上有一些鸟正在唱歌。 There are two boys running on the street. 街上有两个男孩正在奔跑。There be 句型的疑问句及回答(二)一、There be 句型的疑问1. 在“There is/are.”的疑问句中,要把Be动词放在there之前,并将句号变问号。难点:句中出现的some要改成any。 2. 肯定回答为:Yes, there is/are.3. 否定回答为: No, there isnt/arent.结构分析:Be动词+there+主语?There is an apple on the tree.Is there an apple on the tree?肯定回答: Yes, there is.否定回答: No, there isnt.2. There are five pens on the desk. Are there five pens on the desk?肯定回答: Yes, there are.否定回答: No, there arent.3. There is some water in the cup. Is there any water in the cup?肯定回答: Yes, there is.否定回答: No, there isnt.There be 句型的否定形式(三)There be 句型的否定:否定形式只要在be动词后面加not即可,但要注意的是句中的some改成any.1. There is a knife in the kitchen.否定:There is not a knife in the kitchen.2. There are five apples on the tree.否定:There are not five apples on the tree.3. There is some ink in the bottle.否定:There is not any ink in the bottle.4. There are some birds singing in the tree.否定:There are not any birds singing in the tree.There be否定句型中的not any与no可以互换。not any强调一个都没有。 There are not any books in the bag.=There are no books in the bag. There is no baby crying in the room.=There is not any baby crying in the room. There are no students in the classroom.=There are not any students in the classroom. There is not any milk in the bottle.=There is no milk in the bottle.There be 句型的练习题一、选择题:There are_ pencils in my pencil box.(Level1-4S)Aa B.an C.someThere is _ rocking chair in my bedroom. (Level1-5S) a B.an C.fiveThere are _ new books for you. (Level2-1T) a B.an C.twoThere is _ ruler on the desk. (Level2-1S) a B.an C.someThere is_cap on the desk. (Level2-1S)One B.an C.threeThere are _ pencil boxes in the book bag. (Level2-1S) a B.an C.two二. 把下例句子改成疑问句: 1. There are four apples on the ground. (Level2-1S)疑问句:_2. There are five birds in the tree. (Level2-1S) 疑问句:_There are five birds singing in the tree. (Level2-1S)疑问句:_There is an armchair in the living room. (Level2-2S)疑问句:_Theres a sofa in the living room. (Level2-2S)疑问句:_Theres a rubber duck in the bathmat. (Level2-3S)疑问句:_ 三.把下例句子改成否定句: 1. There are two bowls on the table. (Level2-4S)否定句:_2. There are some beautiful flowers in the garden. (Level2-5S)否定句:_3. There is a tree in the garden. (Level2-5S)否定句:_ There is an apple tree in the garden. (Level2-5S)否定句:_四. 按要求改句子(not any=no) 1. There are not any cats in my family. =_2. There is not any milk in the bottle. =_3. There are no teachers in the school. =_五、用There be 句型翻译下列句子1. 教室里有很多桌子和凳子。 2. 冰箱有很多水果。 3. 小猫有一身干净而洁白的毛。 4. 树上有两个风筝和一只鸟。 树上有一只鸟和两个风筝。书桌里有三本故事书和一个书包。 6. 苹果树上没有苹果。(方法:将这句话变成肯定句子,然后在变成否定句) 7. 树上没有三个苹果但是有三个风筝。此句要注意苹果、风筝和树的不同属关系,在翻译时要注意in the tree和on the tree(长在树上)的区别。 8. 家里没有人。(此句要注意people实是复数的问题。) 9. 书架上有很多书。 六、背诵下列There be句型There are some pencils in my pencil box.(Level1-4S)There is no ink in my pen. (Level1-4S)There is a rocking chair in my bedroom. (Level1-5S)There are two new books for you. (Level2-1T)There is one ruler on the desk. (Level2-1S)There is one cap on the desk. (Level2-1S)There are two pencil boxes in the book bag. (Level2-1S)There are four apples on the ground. (Level2-1S)There are five birds in the tree. (Level2-1S)There are five birds singing in the tree. (Level2-1S)There is an armchair in the living room. (Level2-2S)Theres a sofa in the living room. (Level2-2S)Theres a rubber duck in the bathmat. (Level2-3S)Theres a cake on the table. (Level2-4T)There are two bowls on the table. (Level2-4S)There are some beautiful flowers in the garden. (Level2-5S)There is a tree in the garden. (Level2-5S)There is an apple tree in the garden. (Level2-5S)There are four members in my family. (Level3-2S)And there are eight pencils. (Level4-1T)And now there are nine pencils here. (Level4-1T)There are six candies in the jar. (Level4-1S)There are nine pencils in the pencil box. (Level4-1S)Theres a table in the room. (Level4-2S)Theres an apple on the table. (Level4-2S)Theres a map on the wall. (Level4-2S)Theres some shampoo. (Level4-3T)Theres a bathmat in the bathroom. (Level4-3S)Theres a place mat on the table. (Level4-4S)There are some meats on the plate. (Level4-4S)There are some trees in the garden. (Level4-5S)Theres a big house on this street. (Level4-5S)

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