2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 11(2)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 11(2)教案 广州版一、教学内容这节课学习的内容是Module4 Unit11, The Lion and the Mouse, Test二、教学目标(一)语言目标1.能“四会”掌握单词和短语,laugh, bite, if, look for, at last, get out of。2.进一步学习和巩固一般过去式,注意不规则动词的写法。3.在key words的帮助下复述故事,学习能力强的同学能生动地讲述或表演故事。(二)语言技能目标1通过学习课文,能理解、复述故事的主要内容。2能正确读写不规则动词的过去式,学习和巩固一般过去式。(三)学习策略目标1通过语言交际性训练,提高语言表达能力、思维能力和想象力。2学会借助插图或提示词复述故事。3通过小组合作活动培养合作能力。(四)情感态度目标1.学会感谢和赞美别人。2.通过活动,培养学生阅读的兴趣。3.通过寓言的学习和表演,促进学生学习的积极性,使学生体验到用英语表达情感的乐趣,增强学习自信心。(五)文化意识目标通过学习本课的故事,让学生懂得人与人之间应该互相帮助。三、教学重点1能“四会”掌握单词和短语,laugh, bite,if, look for, at last, get out of。2理解本课所学的故事。3在key words的帮助下复述故事,学习能力强的同学能生动地讲述或表演故事。四、教学难点让学生准确地运用语言、时态讲故事。五、教学策略1.借助讲故事、游戏、竞赛、图片、多媒体等呈现新知识。2.创设情景等让学生理解和操练语言点。3.加强小组合作,培养学生在小组合作中获得更多的语言信息,提高学生语言的学习能力。六、教学过程(一)Leading-inSing a song (on p46)Chant (on p46)Two little bears lived in a wood.One was bad and one was good.One went waling straight to school.One went fishing in a small pool.One learned add-up and take-away.One spent all of his time on play.One helped mother when school was done.One chased little boys just for fun.If you were a bear and lived in a wood.Would you be bad or would be good?从chant里引出新单词 if学习新单词if (二) Pre- taskPlay a game and review the irregular verbs.把学生分成A,B大组,让A组学生随意说动词原形,B组要马上说出动词的过去式并且拼读单词,然后A,B组对换。(这游戏帮助学生复习动词过去式。)从这游戏老师引出单词 bite ,教新单词并板书。 (三) While- task1. Play a guessing game and guess what animals are they?老师用简笔画画出2条尾巴让学生猜是什么动物。(狮子与老鼠)通过简笔画引出今天的课题The Lion and the Mouse。2. Free talk about the lion and the mouse.T: Children, Can you guess what happen with the lion and the mouse? The lion ate the mouse? The mouse wanted to kill the lion?老师引导学生自由地猜猜狮子与老鼠之间会发生什么事情。(这环节让学生发挥想象力,大胆猜测狮子与老鼠的故事,也让学生练习英语口语。)3. Listen and number the pictures.Listen the tape and number the pictures. (C) ( B) ( A)让学生听录音然后给图画编号。(让学生初步了解课文内容。)4. Watch and choose T or F. 看课件,判断正误。1) One day a mouse was looking for something to eat. (T)2) The lion ate the mouse. (F)3) The mouse was in a net. (F)4) The mouse can bit the net. (T)5) At last, the mouse helped the lion. (T)5. Show the pictures and learn the new words.1)看图,小组根据老师提出4W讨论故事内容。(4W: When, Who, where, what happen)2)讨论后老师提问4W,从4W的答案里引出课文的新单词并学习新单词。T: When?P: One day.T: Who?P: The lion and the mouse.T: Where?P: In the forest.T: What happen?P: One day a mouse was looking for something to eat. The lion caught the mouse. The mouse said he would help the lion. The lion laughed and let him go. The next week the mouse saw a lion again. The lion was in the net. The mouse helped the lion .He bite the net. At last the lion got out of the net. (老师通过图画一步步引导学生讲出故事梗概,并且学习课文的新单词。 Look for, laugh, bite, at last, get out of)3) The small can help the great. (让学生懂得课文的主旨。)(四) Task.1.跟录音机读。2.分角色读。3.四人小组分角色读并一起完成练习。(on page 50)a. Who did the lion catch one day?b. Did the lion eat the mouse up?c. Did the lion think the mouse was too small for a meal?d. Did the mouse think he could help the lion??e. Did the lion think the mouse could help him at first?f. Was the lion in a net one day? Could he get out of it?g. How did the mouse help the lion?h. Do you think the small can help the great?(五) Post-task1) Check and act out the story.(四人小组分角色表演课文。)2) Retell the story in groups. (给key words复述故事。)One day, a lion c _ a mouse. The lion s_ the mouse was too s_ for a m _. So he l _ it go. The next week the mouse m _the lion again. The lion was in a n _ and couldnt get o _. The mouse began to b _ the net. At l _, the lion g _ out of the n _. So the small can h _ the g _.(四人小组讨论完成,这环节既能训练学生连贯说话,也能渗透写作教学。)总结本课所学的内容。(六)Homework 必做: 1.抄写并记忆新单词。2.做“活动手册” Unit11,Ex 1, 2,3.熟读课文并尝试表演课文。选做:1尝试用5句话写出故事内容。 Unit 11 The Lion and the Mouselook for When * One day, a was. laugh Who the lion and the mousebite Where get out of What happened? At last.教学反思:1.基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是通过各种教学活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力与合作创新的精神,培养学生综合运用英语的能力。2.本节课,侧重于培养学生的听、说、读、写四方面的能力,把学生被动地坐着等知识,变为自己去获取知识;把习惯于听老师提问,变为学生自己发散思维去提问题;把重知识记忆变为重学生根据实际环境进行交际。3.本课教学目标明确,内容适度符合实际,可操作性强。本节课围绕狮子和老鼠的故事来开展教学,教材组织层次合理,能帮助学生接受。4.在发展部分可以尝试让学生用简单的语言写出故事的主要内容。附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 11(3)教案 广州版一、教学内容第八册Module 4 Unit 11 Work with Language二、教学目标(一)语言知识目标1. 掌握“四会”单词if,thick;掌握“三会”单词:traveler,mad,cover2. 巩固如何使用形容词的比较级和最高级3. 能听懂、读懂简单的故事。(二)语言技能目标能使用简单的英语句子向同学推介自己喜欢的故事书。(三)情感态度1. 通过老师的引导,树立正确的学习目的,培养学生热爱读书的好习惯。2. 通过课堂的活动,促进学生学习的积极性,使学生体验用英语表达情感的乐趣,增强英语学习自信心。(四)学习策略目标1. 通过观察、比较,发现语法规律。2. 学会借助关键的内容理解故事,发展语言的听说能力以及写作能力。(五)文化意识:通过故事的学习懂得做人的道理,并能多读有关的西方寓言故事及文学作品,更进一步了解西方的文化。三、教学重点1. 复习形容词的运用。2. 用英语介绍自己的故事书的外貌特征和故事的大意。四、教学难点用英语介绍自己的故事书的外貌特征和故事的大意。五、教学策略1. 学生对形容词的单、双音节的比较级和最高级已经比较熟悉,但是多音节词的比较级和最高级的变化可能已经遗忘,在教学中应多设计几个情景帮助学生理解并运用。2. 在学习故事的环节中渗透阅读、听力的技巧,用“who / do what / where / what happen at last”提取故事的主要内容帮助学生理解故事,为发展阶段的写作做铺垫。六、教学过程:(一)复习、热身1. Chant: Good, better, bestGood better best. Big bigger biggest.Never let it rest. Never let it rest.Till good is better. Till big is bigger.And better best. And bigger biggest.(复习已学的顺口溜,唤起学生对旧知识的回忆。)2. Game:单词拉力赛(复习形容词的比较级和最高级,为下阶段介绍书的环节做准备。)课前准备两头正在拔河的牛的情景图、彩色粉笔。将全班学生分成A、B两组,选择好代表自己组的“牛”,由两组轮流出题。一组先出题,说出一个形容词,另一组说出与之相对的比较级和最高级。正确的则出题方的“牛”被拉前一格;错误的则答题方的“牛”被拉前一格。然后换对方组出题。“牛”先被拉至中线的一方视为失败。(二)呈现与操练1. 呈现P52. Ex. 3(1)导入 Free Talk:What did you do last week?引入 I read three picture-books last week.学习read的过去式的读法。(2)呈现:老师分别呈现这3本书,并示范如何描述这些书的外貌特征。T: Look at this picture-book. Picture-book A is thin. Picture-book B is thick. It is the thickest of the three. Look at the cover of Picture-book C. There is a banana, a cucumber and a sunflower on it. Its beautiful. So the cover of this book is the best.(学生通过实物的呈现,理解thick和cover)板书:Picture-book B is thick.This book is the thickest of the three. The cover of this book is the best.学习:thick和cover(3)引导学生回忆相关的形容词后,指导学生用thin, thick, heavy, small等词来描述书的外貌特征。(先让学生回忆相关的形容词,为下面描述书的外貌特征铺垫。)T: Now boys and girls, lets play a game. I give you a topic, who can say as many adjectives as you can? For example, the topic is “a girl”, you can say “young”, “tall”, “beautiful” Understand?Now lets talk about “a book”.(板书学生提及到的形容词。)T: Can you use these words to describe your favorite story book? Such as: My favorite story book is the Snow White. It is interesting. The pictures of the book are beautiful. The Seven Dwarfs are funny. 老师给予示范后鼓励学生用尽量多的句子向同学描述自己的故事书。(4)Guessing game:P53 Ex. 2师生示范后,学生用自己的教科书在四人小组中活动。(通过游戏,让更多的学生开口练习,发展他们的听、说能力。)(5)布置任务:阅读老师提供的3个故事,讨论:Which book is the funniest?Which character is the most interesting?2. 呈现“Little Fox”的故事“Better than You”(1)以谜语的形式呈现故事的主要人物。(通过简单的谜语,除了训练学生英语思维的能力外,还能让全体学生马上集中精神进行阅读。)T: OK. Do you want to listen to my first story? Who will be in my first story? Lets guess.I am a kind of fruit, yellow outside and white inside with small black seeds. What am I?I am a kind of vegetable, green outside and white inside. You can eat me without cooking. What am I?I am a kind of flower. I look like the sun. What am I?(2)用flash呈现故事1st reading: 找出故事中的形容词(包括比较级和最高级)。引导学生回忆:形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法。(复习、归纳形容词的比较级和最高级的构成和用法)2nd reading: 找出相关的信息:who / do what / where / what happen at last。(提取故事的主要内容,帮助学生更好地理解内容。)T: Do you like this story? Lets watch it again and find out the information about “who”, “do what”, “where”, “what happen at last”.回答问题:Who were in the story?What did they do?Where were they?What happen at last?What did you learn from the story?(3)根据问题的答案以及相关的提示,学生尝试复述故事的内容。(听过复述故事,发展学生语言表达能力。)3. 呈现P51 Ex.1故事(1)导入:In the story “the Lion and the Mouse”, what did we learn from it? Yes, everyone has its own gift. So can the great kill the small? Please read the story of “the Tiger and the Monkey”.(2)阅读1st reading:阅读句子,完成P51 Ex. 1指导学生阅读句子后,根据图意填入句子的编号。2nd reading:同桌朗读故事,划出新单词,并找出 “who / do what / where / what happen at last”相关的信息。(通过小组学习,相互学习,提高学习效率。)反馈:老师板书单词if,学生自学单词并齐读故事。老师提问:Who were in the story?What did they do?Where were they?What happen at last?(3)学生根据提示(who / do what / where / what happen at last)复述故事。4. 呈现P52 Ex. 2(1)导入:Do you like travelling? Now, lets read the story about “the Traveler and the Old Man”. (2)听力练习1st listening:引导学生阅读6个句子,大致了解故事的内容,带着问题判断正误。(通过指导学生如何做听力,帮助学生更好地理解听力材料的内容。)2nd listening:检查答案。3rd listening:边听边对答案,学生判断正误并更正错误的句子。(更正错误句子的同时可以加深对听力内容的理解。)(3)学习新词:通过travel猜traveler;通过上下文猜mad。(渗透猜词法,帮助学生理解在阅读中遇到的新单词。)(4)全文播放一遍,学生理解大意后用who / do what / where / what happen at last复述故事。5. 学习了3个故事,小组讨论:Which book is the funniest?Which character is the most interesting?板书相应的答案。(为下一部分学生的推介提供更多的表达方式。)(三)发展:1. 写一本pocket book:选取一个最喜欢的故事,用英语把它写出来。能力较好的学生选择一个熟悉的故事,用英语写出来。能力稍差的学生允许他们写英语书上的寓言故事,要求用自己的语言简单写出来。(让每个学生根据自己的能力写故事。)2. 举办“新书发布会”要求:先表述这本pocket book的外貌特征(从内容、人物等方面描述),再简单介绍这本书的情节。评价方式:“五星制”,由同学们根据故事的内容、作者推介的语言打分。(综合运用本节课所学的内容。)(四)总结与评价1.学生小结本节课的收获,老师作适当的补充。2.学生对本节课的表现做出相应的评价。(五)布置作业:1.继续完成pocket book,在每一页加插图,设计好封面,上颜色。2.完成阅读练习(见附件)七、反思:本课是一节复习旧知、发展学生语言技能的巩固课,在学生已有的英语学习经验的基础上,通过学习故事,进一步发展学生的语言表达能力和写作能力。在本节课中,我重新组合教材,适当增加了一些内容。考虑到P52 Ex.3 say something about the picture-books 与前面两个内容有一定的关联,因此就把Ex. 3作为本课的一条主线。最后通过写、介绍自己的pocket book这一环节,把Ex. 3的内容在“新书发布会”这一情景中运用,达到学以致用的目的。重新调整了教材,学生更容易掌握了本课的重难点,在推介自己的pocket book时都能结合本课的句型进行描述,而且能积极发言,取得了较好的教学效果。在教学中,注意培养学生学习策略的形成。在教学过程中,适度放手让学生自学单词,通过上下文和旧词理解新单词。在阅读练习中,让学生学会找短文的主要信息,为下一步的写作奠定了基础。听力练习中,让学生带着问题做听力,学生的听力能力得到一定的提高。不足之处:由于这节课增加了一个故事和一个写作,担心时间不够,因此各环节的处理比较仓促,可能有部分基础较差的学生还不是很理解故事内容,影响教学效果。其次,学生的写作水平还有待提高,课后我看了学生的pocket book,个别学生的句子出现时态、句序等方面的错误,因此在下一节课专门开设一节写作训练课,让学生学会使用“who / do / what / how / where / when”这个陈述句句式进行写作。附件:1. 阅读故事一,按故事的情节重新排列顺序,并为故事命名。 _( ) It was not dead, but it couldnt move because it was so cold. ( ) On his way home he found a snake on the ground.( ) It was a cold winter evening, an old man had done(已经完成)his work and was going home from the fields. ( ) He picked it up and put it inside his clothes. ( ) Poor thing, the man said, I must try to save your life. ( ) When it had bee strong enough. it gave the man a deadly(致命的) bite. ( ) A few minutes later, the snake came back to life and began to move. ( ) The old man killed it and went on. When he got back, he was very ill.2. 阅读故事二,完成下面的练习。The wolf in sheeps clothingA wolf wanted to eat the sheep, but he was afraid of the vigilant(警惕的)shepherd and his dogs. One day the wolf found the skin of a sheep. He put it on and walked among the sheep. A lamb thought that the wolf was its mother because his skin looked like hers. So it followed the wolf. Soon after they had left(已经离开)the dogs, the wolf came at the lamb and ate it up. For some time he succeeded in deceiving(欺骗)the sheep, and enjoying its meal.Whats the Chinese for “shepherd”? _A. 屠夫 B. 牧羊人 C. 农夫 D. 樵夫(2) Whats the Chinese for “succeed”? _A. 成功 B. 失败 C. 失落 D. 伤心(3) Who was the wolf afraid of? _A. The lamb. B. The shepherd. C. The dogs. D. Both B and C.(4) What did the wolf put on? _A. He put on a skin of a pig. B. He put on a skin of a dog.C. He put on a skin of a sheep. D. He put on a skin of a cow.(5) Did the wolf deceive a lamb?A. Yes, because the lamb thought the wolf was its friend.B. Yes, because the lamb thought the wolf was its mother.C. No, it didnt.D. The story didnt tell us.

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