2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 10 Part C教案 湘少版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 10 Part C教案 湘少版教学目标:Knowledge objects: The students can master the four skill words and sentences of part C.words: rainy, hot, sunny, windy, cool , cold, snowy,cloudy.Sentences: Whats the weather like today? Its sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy. How do you feel ? I feel cold/hot/cool/warm.Ability objects: Ability to use the words and sentences to ask the weather freely. Moral objects: The students can feel happy and eager to use English in this lesson.教学重点:Using the four skill words and sentences correctly according to the different situations.教学难点: The grammar: Whats the weather like today? Its rainy.教学准备: CAI pictures教学方法: Practice Acting 教学过程:Step 1 Warming up:1. Greetings:T: Good afternoon, everyone!Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Zhang! T: Nice to meet you !Ss: Nice to meet you too!2. Free talk:T: What day is it today? Ss: It is Thursday.T:Boys and girls,Whats the weather like?Ss: Its sunny.3. Now lets sing the song . How is the weather.Step 2 Revision1. Revise some words about weather.T:Now ,let s review some words about weather,please look at the screen. Ok,lets look at picture one. 1.Do you know them? (S-N-O-W snow) 2.Do you know this ?(S-U-N sun)3.Can you guess this word?(C-L-O-U-D cloud)4.What can you see in the picture?(tree),Can you spell this word,Yes or no?(wind)5.Can you remember this word ?(rain )2. Look at the pictures of the weather. (Students read and watch the PPT). 3. Say the name of the weather.4. Practice in pairs.T: (now,its your turn.Read the words with your partener. )5. Remembering game.Step 3 Presentation1.Point at important sentences and say.T:Boys and girs ,please open your books ,turn to page forty.Lets point out some important sentences.(show the pictures )T: Whats the weather like?Ss: Its snowy/ cloudy /rainy/windy /sunny .T: How do you feel?Ss: I feel cold/hot/cool/warm.2.Look at the pictures and guess the meaning.3.Ask and answer.4.Try to read by themselves.5.Listen to the tape and follow it.6.Read together.Step 4 Practice 1.Lets practice some dialogues .2. Look and say.3.Ask and answer. 4.Read after the teacher.5.Group work.Then act it out.6.Acting.Step 5 HomeworkLook and write.Designs(板书设计):Unit 10 Its a cold day.1. Whats the weather like? 2. How do you feel?snowy cold . cloudy cool Its rainy I feel hot . windy warm sunny 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 10(1)教学反思 人教新起点本教材三年级下册第十单元话题My classes,我讲的Part A 部分的单词教学,本课的教学重点是学习单词,Chinese, English, math, Music, Art, Science, PE.以及理解运用句型What class do you like?I like.单词教学其实是很枯燥的,学习起来很无味,考虑到学生的好奇心及求知欲,我设计了不同的游戏和操练方法学习这几个单词。并加入了一些表达自己喜好的句型,如:I like .Do you like? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.让学生在特定的语境内领悟和使用,进行有意义的交际,以此达到语言教学的真正目的。下面我就结合这节课我谈谈自己在突破难点时的一些做法和体会。一、歌曲开篇,引入情境 以心理学角度讲,学生刚上课时心理处于紧张状态,所以我通过用英语与学生打招呼,和他们一起唱歌,活跃了课堂气氛,消除了紧张,使学生的注意力很集中,激发了学习兴趣,使学生很自然地进入了良好的学习状态,并且为下面的教学环节作好铺垫。二、不同方式,教学单词 小学生对新事物总是充满着好奇,真实的水果对于他们来说是再熟悉不过,恐怕很难保持他们长时间的注意和高涨的情绪,所以我用了不同的呈现方法来引出单词。首先,让学生用chant的形式复习有关学校的单词,学生兴致高昂;然后通过直观呈现、猜谜、提问等方式引出,使学生眼前一亮,调动了他们的积极性。以此保持了他们学习单词的兴趣;另外又让学生通过闻、摸等形式导出新单词,激发了学生的好奇心。最后利用“我说你做、大小声、生说生指”的游戏,给学生提供了一个有趣、轻松、活泼、竞争的氛围去操练单词。三、联系实际,灵活运用 倡导体验,实践,参与,合作与交流的学习方式是英语教学的一个重点。本课时我通过创造真实的生活情境,拉近了所学知识与学生间的距离,同时练习了句型“I like.”教学单词后,利用1、2、3、4,5单词卡片让学生选择喜欢的数字,利用数字后面的单词用 “ What class do you like? I like. 的句型小组内来练习然后分别汇报表演”让他们亲身体验,主动参与,真正达到语言的交际目的。四、尊重全体,自主发挥 我们常说教学要面向全体,要因材施教,因此为了每个学生都达到一定的交际目的,我在最后设计了一个任务型活动Interview 。在这活动中,我让学生通过互相调查喜欢的学科,同时也在学习句型的基础上,深入运用练习了句型,并将此句型运用到生活实际当中去。这样,每个学生根据自己的能力,自由的发挥,达到了各自的语言目的,不仅如此,同学之间的情感也在此活动中不知不觉的有所提升了。五、总结反思在今后的教学中,应该多给学生创设一些运用所学知识的机会,让学生在实际运用中感知语言,达到学以致用的目的。通过这次课,我深深地感受到,教师应该真真正正的关注每一名学生的发展,把学生的兴奋细胞统统调动起来,才能让学生真正的成为课堂上的小主人。的意识。

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