2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 4 How was your holidayLessony教案 人教新版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 4 How was your holidayLessony教案 人教新版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 4 How was your holidayLessony教案 人教新版Teaching Time: Lesson Type : Practice lessonI Teaching Aims and Demands1 Main words : shop , bookstore bookshop ,cinema , science museum .2 Main sentences : Where were you yesterday ? I was at home . Were you at the bookshop last Sunday ? Yes , I was . No , I was at the cinema .3 Lets act .4 Lets read and chant :5 The ability of Ss reading and writing .II Teaching Important and Difficult point1 Apply the sentences to the real situation . 2 Make sentences with the words . 3 Can understand and speak out in right tone .III Teaching AidsPicture card , recorder , sticker .IV.Teaching Methods 1 Situational Teaching Method2 Listening and Speaking3 TPR happy Teaching MethodV Teaching Affection1 To promote the Ss confidence and interest .2 Learn to cooperate with others .3 Develop the Ss innovation .VI Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming-up (5)(1) Free talking . Greeting .Step 2 Presentation (20)(1)T : Hi ! What were you do last Sunday ? Where were you last Sunday ?(2)Ss : -(3)T : Look at the picture Where was he she in last Sunday ? Ss : - . How about you ? Were you at the bookshop last Sunday ? Ss : - .(4)The Ss ask and answer each other like this .(5)Listen to the tape and repeat .Step 3 Practice (10)(1)Make the sentences with the words .(2)Lets act in you group .Step 4 Assessments (5)(1)Lets read and chant .(2) Write the main words and sentences .VII The Blackboard and DesignUnit 1 Lesson 4A :Where were you yesterday ?B : I was at home .A : Were you at the booksshop last Sunday ?B : Yes , I was .No, Iwasnt . I was at the cinema .VIII Back Courting附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 5 How was your holiday教案 人教新版Teaching Time: Lesson Type : New lessonI Teaching Aims and Demands1 New words : born , same day , last week , as .2 Main sentences : Where were you born ? I was born in Beijing . When were you born ? I was born on January 1st ,1992 .3 The ability of Ss reading and writing .II Teaching Important and Difficult point 1 Can understand and Speak out in right tone .2 Can make sentences with the words .3 Apply sentences to the real situation .III Teaching AidsRecorder , picture card , sticker , photo .IV Teaching Methods1 Direct Teaching Method2 Listening and Speaking3 Situational Teaching MethodV Teaching Affection1 Be confident during studying English .2 To foster the Ss cooperation and interest .3 Develop the Ss innovation .VI Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming-up Revision (5)Read words : January , February , - December , ferst , second ,therd - .Step 2 Presentation (20)(1) T : Show the photo and ask :Hi ! This is my photo , This is me of young child . Where is it ? Ss : - .T : Yes , I was born in Jinghong . And , I was born on April 2nd . How about you ? When were you born ?S1 :- .S2 :- .(2)Teach the main sentences and words .(3) Listen to tape and answer some question : Where was Yang Mings born ? Where was Li Yans born ? (4)Read the text in your group and answer the question : When was Li Yan and Yang Mings born ? Were they born on the same day ?Step 3 Practice (10)(1)Make sentences with new words .(2)Have a race : To find date of born on the same day with others .Step 4 Assessment (5)(1)Read the text to your group leader .(2)Write out your date of born . VII The Blackboard DesignVIII Back Courting

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