2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 4(7)教案 人教(PEP).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 4(7)教案 人教(PEP)教学目标:1知识目标:1 能听、说、读、写5个词组:drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone.2 能认读句型:What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/2能力目标:1 能理解5个动词短语的ing形式,理解动词后加上ing,表示正在发生或正在进行的动作。2 能够在一定的情景中简单运用句型:What are you doing? I am doing the dishes/3 能够理解Lets play的内容并按要求完成采访。3情感、态度等目标:1 培养学生热爱生活、热爱劳动的美好情感。2 培养学生互相学习、互相合作的学习精神。教学重点:能听懂、会说What are you doing? Im并能在实际情景中自如运用。教学难点:现在进行时的一般语法的掌握。教学准备:磁带,录音机,单词卡片,Amy和Chen Jie的头饰。教学过程:What are you doing?出示课题Step 1:1. Warm-up:a) Greetings b) Revision:Ask and answer between T & Ss: What can you do? I can empty the trashb) Chant and do the TPR together: Cook the meals, water the flowers, do the dishesStep 2:1. Presentation:a) T: What are you doing here? (Show it on the screen.) Enable the students to answer it correctly. Then sing together.b) Show an animated picture on the screen and ask: Whats he doing? Ss answer: He is drawing pictures.Show a mask and a writing brush on the screen and ask: Whos he? Whats he doing? Enable the Ss to guess and give the answer: He is Zhang Peng. He is drawing pictures.Let one student act as Zhang Peng, the others ask: What are you doing?S1 answer: Im drawing pictures.Let more students act as Zhang Peng, ask and answer together.c) Show an animated picture on the screen and ask: Whats she doing? Ss answer: She is reading a book.Show a mask and a book on the screen and ask: Whos he? Whats he doing? Enable the Ss to guess and give the answer: He is Mikeng Peng. He is reading a book.Let one student act as Mike, the others ask: What are you doing?S1 answer: Im reading a book.Let more students act as Mike, ask and answer together.d)Show an animated picture on the screen and ask: Whats she doing? Ss answer: She is answering the phone.Show a mask and a book on the screen and ask: Whos she? Whats she doing? Enable the Ss to guess and give the answer: She is Sarah. She is answering the phone.Let one student act as Sarah, the others ask: What are you doing?S1 answer: Im answering the phone .Let more students act as Sarah ask and answer together.e) Show an animated picture on the screen and ask: Whats he doing? Ss answer: He is cooking dinner.Show a mask and a book on the screen and ask: Whos she? Whats she doing? Enable the Ss to guess and give the answer: She is Mum. She is cooking dinner.Let one student act as Mum, the others ask: What are you doing? S1 answer: Im cooking dinner.Let more students act as Mum, ask and answer together.f)Show a mask and a picture on the screen and ask: Whos he? Whats he doing? Enable the Ss to guess and give the answer: He is Wu Yifan. He is doing the dishes.Let one student act as him, the others ask: What are you doing?S1 answer: Im doing the dishes.Let more students act as Wu Yifan, ask and answer together.g) Chant:Zhang Peng is drawing drawing pictures.Mike is reading, reading reading a book.Sarah is answering, answering answering the phone.Mum is cooking, cooking cooking dinner.Wu Yifan is doing, doing the dishes.Step3:a)Play gamesGuessing gameSaying is not doingMiss Huang saysb) Sing a song What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing at school? I am drawing pictures. What are you doing at school? I am reading a book. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing at home? I am cooking dinner. What are you doing at home? I am doing the dishes. What are you doing at home? I am answering the phone.k)HomeworkFind the verbs and their ing forms according to the pictures.设计意图及效果创设轻松交谈的英语氛围,使学生很快进入角色。复习句型What can you do? I can及相关的动词词组,树立学习信心。以活泼动感的形式,复习所学知识,为新课作铺垫。从真实的情境中,让学生感知理解所学语言的真正含义,体现语言的真实性和交际性。利用多媒体课件,创设学习语言的情境,调动学生的积极性。按照词词组答句问句对话,从简到繁的递进顺序,循序渐进的练习,符合学生的认知规律。重点知识用红色的文字表示,醒目鲜明。练习新句型,通过对话练习,培养合作精神。通过自编的歌谣,既活跃了课堂气氛,又有效地复习了重点的词组、句式,对第一阶段的教学内容作一下小结。通过课件呈现对话内容,让学生理解现在进行时。通过猜测呈现,增强了学生的学习情趣.通过歌谣再次巩固本课所学内容,既方便练习,又把难点分散了。通过改词唱英语歌这种形式,让学生对所学知识朗朗上口附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 4(8)教案 人教(PEP)总体教学设计思路: 根据英语课程标准,以学生为本,运用任务型教学途径为学生创设各种听、说、运用语言的情境 ,提供具体的指导方法给予学生展示的机会 ,注重学生知识的自然生成,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。教学目标:1能力目标(1)能够运用正确的语言询问他人正在做什么,如: What are you doing? (2)能够简单描述自己或他人正在做什么,如: Im reading a book. 2知识目标(1)能够听、说、认读A部分Lets talk中的句子。(2)理解Lets chant部分的内容,并能创编自己的chant。3情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)情感态度:培养学生关心他人,珍惜友情的美好情感。(2)策略目标:引导学生注重合作,学会思考。(3)文化目标:了解中国与主要英语国家之间的时差和季节反差。教学内容:Lets talk, Lets chant and Lets play.教学重点:1学会运用: What are you doing? I am2会使用电话用语:Its=This is教学难点:在具体的情境中灵活运用句型课前准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片、句型卡片及相关学习资料教学过程:一、 Warm-up:Greetings: T: Hello. Boys and girls. Im Joanne. Im very happy to e here to study English together with you. I want to make friends with you.(走入学生当中, 问几个学生): Hello, could you tell me your name, please? Nice to meet you.S: Im Nice to meet you, too.T: Boys and girls, I like your school very much. So many lovely boys and girls.(走入学生中,语态亲切)I want to be your teacher. Would you like to make friends with me? OK. Id like you to know something about my school, too. Look, this is my school.(以亲切、自然、幽默的语言缓和教师和学生初次见面的紧张不安;以交朋友为由了解学生,并介绍自己及自己的学生和学校,轻松、自然的引出了一个情景,让学生带着好奇和渴望进入到情景中学习。)二、Presentation1Show my school to revise the phrases.(drawing pictures, doing the dishes, cooking dinner, reading a book, answering the phone) (在我的学校这一情境呈现时,引导学生复习已学的Lets learn部分的短语,为学生下一步学习句型打好基础。)2Play a game(以生动、有趣游戏形式操练短语,激发学生学习的兴趣)3Call my family, to show the sentence structures.( What are you doing? I am)T:My Ss are busy. We are busy, too. Im busy. Im teaching you English. Youre busy. What are you doing?(Ss answer) Oh. Youre having English class. I think everyone is busy in the afternoon. What about my family? What are they doing? Let me call them?(教师用语言承上启下,自然过渡到下一情景-教师打电话给自己的家人,利用课件实现人机对话,将生活中的真实情境呈现在课堂上,并在开始前给出任务,要求学生带着问题进入到这一环节:What is my father doing? What is my mother doing?)在学生看完教师与家人的对话后,回答问题,接着引出本课重点句型T: Just now I called my family. I asked a question, do you remember?(如果学生仍不会答, 教师可拿出电话,指向自己并说:hello然后用口型说出: what are you doing? )三、Practice1Show the word pictures. Do Ask and Answer.Layout: Unit Four What are you doing?图片图片图片图片图片 Its = This is What are you doing? Im (利用游戏,将短语放入句型中,操练句型)2Lets chant.1) Listen to the chant first time.2) Read the chant and do the actions together.3) Listen to my students chant.4) Group work: Make your own chant and show.(用生动有趣的chant操练句型,既容易上口,又能调动课堂气氛,设计改编chant一环节,更可以让学生在操练的同时尝试思考问题,尝试初步的运用知识)3Lets talk 1) Listen and get to know: Whats Chenjie doing? Whats Amy doing? 2) T checks the answers. And teaches another sentence structure.3) Practice.4) Ask two pairs of students to act. (表演完课文后,引导学生以自己的身份运用语言)(语言的学习是整体的,让学生回归到课文的对话中,更好的理解和掌握知识的运用)4Listen and match.(知识拓展:了解我国与美国、英国和澳大利亚的时差、季节反差,以及小朋友正在干什么)1) Lets listen.A:(与美国小朋友的电话对话)B:(与英国小朋友的电话对话)C:(与澳大利亚小朋友的电话对话)2)Listen and match.(学生从词、句、篇一层层递进的学习后,基本掌握了知识点。于是这部分设计一个听与写的任务,给学生提供一个语言输出的机会,同时结合以前所学将中国与西方国家的时间反差和季节反差融入其中,引导学生了解西方文化,思考中西的差异)四、Play a game: Find your friends (语言学习的最终回归点是运用,本环节的听、说交际活动引领学生将所学知识与日常生活相结合,不拘于课本教材,给学生更大的发展空间)五、HomeworkCall your friends this evening and write down the information .What are you doing?Name六、Sum upWe have learned Unit Four What are you doing? How time flies!Boys and girls. Im so happy today. I can study English with you together. And I made some friend here. All of you are my friends. Wele to my school.(总结本课所学,给学生一个清晰的概念,帮助学生理顺思路,明确重难点及其运用。最后教师再回归到本节课的开头,以交朋友为起点,同样以交朋友为终结。)

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