2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 16(6)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 16(6)教案 广州版一、教学内容:Unit 16 Fun With Language Song Rhyme二、教学目标:1语言知识:熟练掌握谈论天气和温度的表达方式2语言技能:1)能表演歌谣和小诗。2)能读懂简单的对话,并仿例子编一段对话或天气报告。 3情感态度:乐于模仿,敢于开口,有学习英语的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。4学习策略:把所学内容与日常生活联系起来,鼓励学生主动练习和实践。 三、教学重难点: 知识的运用四、教学媒体:图片、计算机、录音机等。五、教学过程:复习准备:Sing a song: “The Wind and the Rain”Listen and chant: Page 74巩固发展:Fun With Language 1Before reading the dialogue, get the pupils to look at the pictures and guess what is happening .After reading the dialogue, ask the pupils where the boy is going .Encourage the pupils to make longer conversations than the dialogue in the text, e .g .talking about what the boy is going to do ,where he is going and how he is going to get there.Act out their own dialogue in groups.Fun With Language 2Play a game: “Who is the most excellent weather reporter?”(一方面检查上一节课布置的作业,学生把所搜查的各地天气资料用英语表达出来,另一方面通过其他同学的天气报告开阔视野。)Make a poster about the weather in groups, stick the posters on the wall of the classroom after class.作业布置: The exercises of Unit 16 in the activity book.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 6 Unit 17(1)教案 广州版 一、教学内容分析 本节课的教学内容为Module 6 unit 17,课文通过谈论What season do you like best ,巩固用英语谈论天气和温度,在此基础上学会用英语说出一年四季及其特点。二、教学对象分析学生到了五年级下学期,英语的语音知识已经已有一定的积累,单词学习和记忆可以以音标为辅助的工具,轻松达到学习目的。在本课的学习中,通过歌曲、小诗和游戏等环节激发学生学习和巩固所学知识,同时,通过老师的引导使学生掌握本节新授的内容,加上适度的拓展,提高学生运用所学知识描述天气的能力。三、教学目标1. 语言知识 1)学习四会单词:season, month, because, fire, snowman, snowmen 三会单词:sightseeing, go sightseeing 2) 学会用英语说出一年四季及其特点。2. 语言技能 1),能流利并准确地运用英语说出一年四季及其特点。 2),能熟读并理解课文,流利地背诵课文。3. 情感态度 1)在学习过程中学会互助、合作。4. 学习策略1)通过游戏让学生学会用英语说出一年四季及其特点。 2)通过多种互助合作形式,让学生熟练掌握课文达到交流的目的。 四、教学重、难点1. 能运用英语说出一年四季及其特点2. 能熟读和背诵课文。五、教学媒体:VCD、图片、课件。六、教学过程(一)leading-inGuess game: Describe the season (spring, summer, autumn and winter)Free talk Whats the weather like today?Whats the temperature?What food do you like best?What flower does your mother like best?What season do you like best?(Learn the word “season” here) (二)While-taskShow the title and tell the aim of this Unit 2. Learn the dialogue 1) Watch the video of the dialogue and answerthe questions:How many seasons are there in England?What are they?Whats Bens favorite season? Why?Whats Xiaolings favorite season? Why 2) Get the pupils to read the dialogue in different ways. (以小组、大组分角色读或自读、齐读等)(三) DevelopmentDo page78 ex2 Ask and answer in pairs (What season do you like best? Why? What season does your father like best? Why?)3. Make a group survey and report nameseasonwhy(四) Homework:copy the new words and the dialogue Read and recite the text.Do page69 Ex1.2教学反思:学生到了五年级下学期,英语的语音知识已经已有一定的积累,单词学习和记忆可以以音标为辅助的工具,轻松达到学习目的。在本课的学习中,通过歌曲、小诗和游戏等环节激发学生学习和巩固所学知识,同时,通过老师的引导使学生掌握本节新授的内容,加上适度的拓展,提高学生运用所学知识描述天气的能力。Unit 17 What Season Do you Like Best? Work with Language第二课时 一、教学内容分析:本课的教学内容是17单元的第二个课时,主要是学习有关季节的知识及其天气变化,总结描述天气相应的形容词及其与名词之间变化的规律。通过学习这些单词,让学生能够通过观察来比较各个季节不同的天气变化特征。二、教学对象的分析:五年级学生属于高段,学习的侧重点应该从对单词,句型的学习理解转到对课文的整体把握,对语言的实际运用以及提高阅读和写作能力。所以我在教学中创设各种开口说,动脑筋的活动,给学生们自由发挥的空间,并通过各种不同的激励办法,使孩子们更加牢固地掌握所学知识。三、教学策略:激发兴趣,让学生通过日常生活的积累和观察,启发学生积极思考,养成观察大自然的习惯。开展合作学习,关注学困生,引导他们参与讨论,培养他们学习英语的兴趣。四、文化意识:了解中国各个地区的气候变化情况以及日常生活中所要注意的问题。五、教学目标:(一)语言目标:1.能理解并流利的说出描述天气的形容词。2.能正确并流利的读出十二个月的单词及表示四个季节的单词。3.理解句型:Is it hotter today than yesterday? Which is the hottest/ coldest? What will the weather like.? 并使用这些句型根据实际情况进行问答。(二)语言技能:能用所学语言描述天气.形容词的原级、比较级和最高级之间的变化规律。(三)情感态度:培养学生的观察力和认真细致的学习态度。六、教学资源:图片、课件、VCD七、教学过程:一、Leading-in:Sing a song .The Wind and the RainFree-talk: Whats the weather like today?Is it sunny/foggy/cloudy/snowy?What season do you like best? Why?Whats the date today?二、While-task: I巩固形容词的比较级和最高级。Play a game: 接力说出表示天气的形容词,然后再由其他同学说出这些形容词的比较级和最高级。用电脑放出形容词的比较级和最高级。把同一类变化的放一起,好让同学找规律。Read the words. 让同学找形容词比较级和最高级的规律,并试着归纳总结。最后由老师总结形容词的比较级和最高级的规律。II复习月份并引出句型Which is the coldest/hottest/monthin your city? 1. Ask the pupils: T:How many months are there in a year? (指名回答) S:There are twelve months in a year.T: What are they? Who can tell me?S:January February March April May June July August September October November December T: Which is the hottest/coldest month in Guangzhou? T: Is Guangzhou warmer than Beijing now?2. Read the words of the months.Do page80 Ex 2.4.4. Check up the answers.三、Development:1. Ask the pupils: Whats the weather like today?Is it hotter today than yesterday? Yes, its much hotter .And its sunnier.2.根据老师所提供的信息,学生同桌之间互相问答(电脑打出北京,上海,澳大利亚,美国)用所学句型make the dialogue with the parterner. Fox example: What will the weather be like tomorrow in your city? Will it be warmer tomorrow than today? Which is the hottest month in Beijing? Which is the coldest month in Shanghai?3.小结这堂课所要掌握的内容。五、Homework:Do Activity Book page71Ex5使用表示天气的形容词进行造句子。(不少于五句)做一个北京与广州天气的比较表。 教学反思:学生到了五年级下学期,英语的语音知识已经已有一定的积累,单词学习和记忆可以以音标为辅助的工具,轻松达到学习目的。在本课的学习中,通过歌曲、小诗和游戏等环节激发学生学习和巩固所学知识,同时,通过老师的引导使学生掌握本节新授的内容,加上适度的拓展,提高学生运用所学知识描述天气的能力。


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