八年级英语下册 Module 10 On the radio测试题 (新版)外研版.doc

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Module 10 单元测试题Written test part (共95分). 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. Bills interest _ the violin began in xx. He has played it for ten years. A. to B. for C. at D. in( )2. The singer has a very pleasant _. Many people like his songs. A. answer B. shape C. voice D. trip( )3. The _ of the exam is to check the students English level. A. idea B. result C. purpose D. way( )4. Paul is a sports reporter. He _ with a big sports star. A. takes a message B. asks for an interviewC. makes a choice D. has a journey( )5. Simon walked fast to avoid _ that black dog. He was afraid of dogs. A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met( )6. Thank you for _ me with my maths. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help( )7. Lilly needed _ the kitchen before her parents came back home.A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning D. to clean ( )8. I dont understand why he _ collecting fans. He has collected seven hundred fans. A. is enjoying B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. will enjoy( )9. To keep _, Sam keeps _ to work every day. A. health; walk B. health; walking C. healthy; walk D. healthy; walking( )10. _ that they havent heard the good news. A. It seems B. It seemed C. They seem D. They seemed( )11. The girl sat close to the radio, _ her favorite programmes. A. listen B. listening C. listen to D. listening to( )12. Could you tell me _ she came here?She walked here. A. how B. when C. why D. what( )13. Do you know what time _?At 2:30 this afternoon. A. will the meeting start B. the meeting will startC. did the meeting start D. the meeting started( )14. I dont know _ she will e tomorrow. _ she es, Ill tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; That C. that; If D. whether; If ( )15. There wont be any homework today. _ Nick will be glad to hear that. A. Here you are. B. What a pity! C. Thats good news! D. Here it is. . 完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Mike is a school radio presenter and he wants to be a presenter at BBC Radio in the future. Last week he paid a visit 16 BBC Radio 1 with some radio presenters from other schools. The director of the station 17 them around. She told them that BBC Radio 1 is a British radio station. It started in 1967 and its 18 are young people. There are many interesting programmes on Radio 1. Of these programmes, the Breakfast Show is the most 19 . This programme is on air between 6:30 am and 10:00 am, from Monday to Friday and it 20 210 minutes. It has been very 21 since it began in September 1967. Every day, millions of young people listen to 22 . Since September xx, the famous radio and television presenter Nick Grimshaw has hosted (主持) this programme. After visiting the radio station, Mike 23 Nick Grimshaw. Grimshaw was born in August 1984 and he studied in the University of Liverpoolbetween 2003 and xx. He 24 BBC Radio 1in September xx and has worked there ever since. He told Mike that if a radio presenter wants to be popular, he must first love his 25 and then work hard. ( )16. A. to B. at C. of D. for( )17. A. told B. watched C. took D. waved( )18. A. students B. listeners C. players D. teachers( )19. A. famous B. careful C. expensive D. beautiful( )20. A. rides B. finishes C. arrives D. lasts( )21. A. light B. smart C. popular D. polite( )22. A. it B. him C. her D. them( )23. A. introduced B. satisfied C. discovered D. interviewed( )24. A. remembered B. joined C. preferred D. mentioned ( )25. A. job B. dream C. lesson D. school . 情景交际 (共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Hi, John. (26)_B: Certainly!A: Where are you from?B: (27)_A: What are you going to be in the future?B: (28)_A: Are you interested in news?B: Yes. My uncle is a newsreader and I think it is a cool job. (29)_A: I want to be a writer. I want to write about my life.B: Great. (30)_A: Thank you.A. I am from Australia.B. May I ask you some questions?C. Do you like collecting postcards?D. I hope you will be a great writer in the future.E. Yes, I have collected many CDs.F. I want to be a newsreader.G. What about you?. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分) A When I leave school, I want a job thats interesting and enjoyable. I dont care if I have to work really hard. I enjoy helping other people. My friends say Im good at talking to people. Im also good at repairing (修理) things and I can stand the sight of blood (血). Where would I like to work? Of course, in a hospital. Carla, 12I like to help people too, but I dont want to work in a hospital. Id like to work with kids or teenagers, because being with adults all day is boring. Im good at listening to people. Im also good at helping my classmates with their homework. My favourite subject is English and I can speak a little German. Id like to work in a school. Melissa, 13I dont want an ordinary job. I want to have an exciting job. I enjoy travelling around the world. Id like to meet different people every day. Im good at maths and geography. And I can speak English, Spanish and German. Id like to work on a plane.Diego, 15I dont want an ordinary job, either. I think working in an office is boring. Id like to be famous. I love to be in front of lots of people. My favourite subjects are history and science. Im really good at acting. Id like to work on the stage (舞台). Mark, 14根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )31. Carla would like to work _.A. on a plane B. in a school C. on the stage D. in a hospital ( )32. What does the underlined word “ordinary” mean?A. Strange. B. Relaxing. C. Usual. D. Hard. ( )33. In the material, how many people can speak German?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.( )34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the material? A. Melissa likes to work with kids and teenagers.B. Diego likes to act in front of lots of people.C. Both Carla and Mark like to help others. D. Mark enjoys travelling very much.( )35. The students are talking about their _. A. new hobbies B. future jobs C. favourite subjects D. everyday life BHere is a passage based on Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Hucks life changed after Mrs Douglas took him to her home. He suffered (受折磨) for three weeks and then he ran away. Mrs Douglas and all the other people in the village tried to find him.Early on the third morning Tom Sawyer found Huck. He was lying behind an old building outside the village. His hair was a mess. He was wearing his old clothes.Tom asked him to go back to Mrs Douglas. But Huck put on a sad face right away.He said, “Dont talk about it, Tom. It is not for me. I cant live with her. I must get up at the same time every morning. I must wash. I must sleep in a clean bed. I must wear those good and clean clothes. I must wear shoes.”“We all live like that, Huck.”“Tom, Im different. I cant live like that. Tom, being rich is not good. I like these old clothes. I like this place to sleep. This is what I want.”“Oh, Huck, if you try longer, you will like it.”“No, Tom. I wont be rich, and I wont live in a house. I like the forest and the river, and a place like this for sleeping. But now we are rich and Ive lost my pleasure in life.”“Listen, Huck. Being rich wont change that. But if you want to join me and the other boys, you must live like us. All the boys in Tom Sawyers club must have good manners (礼仪).”“I will return to Mrs Douglas. I will try for another month.”“I agree, Huck. e with me now. And I promise to ask Mrs Douglas to change a little, Huck.”根据材料内容完成下列任务。任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. Huck felt that he lived a life with no fun, so he ran away. ( )37. Huck had no interest in Tom Sawyers club.任务二:回答问题。38. Where did Tom find Huck?_39. Would Huck return to the village with Tom?_任务三:选择最佳答案。( )40. Which of the following about Mrs Douglas is TRUE?A. She lived a hard life. B. She loved being alone.C. She had bad manners. D. She was strict with Huck. . 词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A) 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。41. Frank is a very famous d_. He has made many famous films. 42. Look at the picture! You can see my college friends in the b_. 43. Peter is a n_ hero. Many people in my country like him. 44. There are two interesting a_ in todays newspaper. 45. There will be a new radio programme for older l_ this afternoon. B) 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式,每个短语限用一次。make any noise, on air, look down, in person, close down46. The teacher met the child _ yesterday morning. 47. Mum asked Tony not to _ because his father was sleeping.48. Please _ at my beautiful shoes.49. Our city _ the paper-making factory two years ago.50. When the red light is on, it means were _. . 完成句子(共10分,每小题2分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。51. 在电影开始之前这里都要忙疯了。It _ in here before the film starts. 52. 比赛到此结束。谢谢大家!Thats _ the match. Thank you, everyone!53. 这本书不是为年轻人写的而是为老年人写的。This book is not for the young _. 54. 苏珊打算今天下午带领我们参观图书馆。Susan is going to _ the library this afternoon. 55. 她二十岁的时候找到了一份兼职工作。She found _ when she was twenty years old. 综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整。每词限用一次。alone, fight, friend, bring, but, nervous, remember, die, quick, changeWhen I was eight years old my family moved. I was a new kid in a new school, and I was pretty (56)_. My teacher asked me to sit behind Beth, and she showed me around the school. Beth made me feel so wele, and we (57)_ became best friends. For a few years, we almost did everything together. Then one day we had a big (58)_. After that, we were still friends, (59)_ we were not as close as before. During the second year of middle school, Beth (60)_ in a car accident. Not being one of Beths close friends, I couldnt mourn (哀悼) her with others. I was left (61)_.I graduated (毕业) from middle school last year, and Beths mother came to see me. She (62)_ me Beths favourite book as a graduation gift. She told me she wanted to give something of Beths to her close (63)_. Then she had a party for all of Beths old friends. She made us get together again and (64)_ we were friends.Beths mothers act (65)_ me. She taught me that love and friendship would always live in the hearts of people who experienced their true meaning. . 书面表达(共10分) 假如你从小就对广播感兴趣,并且长大以后想当一名广播主持人。请你根据以下要点提示,以My dream为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。开头已给出,不计入总词数。要点:1. 小时候你对广播产生兴趣的经过;2. 实现自己梦想的打算。My dreamMy dream is to be a radio presenter in the future. I became interested in radio when I was only four. _ _ _ _答案. 1-5 DCCBC 6-10 BDBDA 11-15 DABDC. 16-20 ACBAD 21-25 CADBA . 26-30 BAFGD. 31-35 DCBAB 36-37 TF 38. Behind an old building outside the village. 39. Yes, he would. 40. D . 41. director 42. background 43. national44. articles 45. listeners 46. in person47. make any noise 48. look down49. closed down 50. on air. 51. gets crazy 52. the end of 53. but for the old 54. show us around 55. a part-time job . 56. nervous 57. quickly 58. fight 59. but 60. died 61. alone 62. brought 63. friends64. remember 65. changed. One possible version:My dreamMy dream is to be a radio presenter in the future. I became interested in radio when I was only four. One day, when I sat close to the radio and heard a sweet voice, I felt surprised. I asked my father who was on the radio. He told me the radio presenter was speaking to her listeners. I thought it was interesting to be a radio presenter. Since then, being a radio presenter has been my dream. To make my dream e true, I plan to work hard at my lessons so that I can go to a good university.

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