2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit1 lesson7教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit1 lesson7教案 冀教版一、教学目标:a 、知识目标: (1)复习本单元所学的词汇、标准用语和问答。 (2)利用课本中的测验检查学生的掌握情况。 (3)通过故事的学习,使学生理解本课故事大意,复习本单元的词汇。b、技能目标: 所学词汇和句型的运用能力和阅读能力。c、情感态度: 对所进行的英语活动感兴趣,进一步提高学习英语的积极性。二、教学重点:学生能读、写、说、准确的理解本单元所学的词汇、标准用语和问答。三、教学难点:学生理解本课故事大意,复习本单元的词汇。四、教学过程:(一)、 开始上课和复习 1. 问候:T: How are you? Boys and girls! Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?T: Fine, thank you! T: Whats your name? (教师单独指一名学生提问.)S1: My name is _.T: Whats her/his name? (教师随意找一名学生对另一名学生提问)S2: Her/His name is _.T: Are you ready for a quiz?Ss: Yes!T: Lets sing a song “Where is Jenny?”2、复习将书中的小测试用作复习,观察学生理解能力。录音内容为:T: Hi, class! Lets have some fun! Lets give Danny a test!1.T:Danny, what are these? Danny: Two eraser, Mr. Wood!T:Yes or no, class?2.T: where is the chalk, Danny?D:Above the scissors.3.T: Look, Danny, what is it? D:Its a book.4.T: Danny! Is this a pen or a pencil?D:Its a pencil.5.T: Whats her name, Danny?D:His name is Jenny, Mr. wood.Okay, class. Is Danny right? Look at the answers below.Answers:They are two erasers. The chalk is below the scissors. Its paper. Its a pencil.Her name is Jenny.(二)、故事:“Little Zeke”利用教科书和录音带1、阅读前准备:教师可先提几个问题:让学生先讨论1.Is this a boy or a girl?2.Is he big or little?3.Where is he? (In the desk)4.what do you think happens in this story?2、阅读:教师先读一遍故事,让学生理解。让后让学生单独朗读。3、阅读后讨论:用几个问题帮助学生理解,也可以是学生自己提问题。对故事的大概意思理解就可以。不必为解决某个单词多用时间。Is this Emma/Tess/Tom?Is Emma happy or sad?Is Tess happy or sad?Is Little Zeke happy or sad?Who is Little Zekes new friend?Do you like this story? Why or why not?(三)、复习重点句型的问答:标准的问候语:How are you? Fine, thanksWhats your name? My name is _.Whats his/her name? His/Her name is _. 标准用语:What is it? It is _.Where is it? It is _.口语:How many _? _.Nice to meet you.两人一组进行一对一练习.活动手册作为课下练习。 五.板书What is it? It is _.Where is it? It is _.How many _? _.Nice to meet you.六、习题: Whats your name?_ name is Denny.Whats her name? _ name is Jenny.whats his name? _ name is LiMing.Is _ a boy? Yes,he is a boy.Is he a girl? No,_ is a girl.附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit1 lesson7(2)教案 冀教版教学目标:知识目标:1.通过复习本单元的内容,使学生掌握本单元重点单词、句型,并能灵活运用。2.能正确回答本课5个问题。能力目标:能借助重点单词this these that those用英语简单会话。情感目标:学生能根据旅游地点整理所需品,提高生活能力。教学重点:复习本单元单词和句型。教学难点:本课5个问题的回答。教具学具准备:衣服、鞋帽、写有英语句子的小黑板。教学过程:一、热身 教师提问,学生回答互质问候:How are you today? What day is today? Hows the weathertoday?做方位操,复习方位词on、 in 、under 、beside、 above 、below in front of、beside二、复习单词创设语境:New years day is ing. Im going on a trip to Shanghai. Do you help mepack the suitcase? Please look at the blackboard(show the blackboard)my ask :1. It warm in Shanghai.2. I like blue.3. I will be in Shanghai five days.学生互相讨论后回答问题。(自由讨论,个人回答)三、练习this these that those的用法教师出示一组句子This is red shirt. I like this shirt. I dont like that shirt. Itstoo small .学生拿出同一类的两件衣服,模仿例句练习说话。同学在全班内拿着衣服进行展示说话。四、 复习动词出示单词:run walk jump ,学生读出单词。几名同学一起到前面进行比赛。第一次由教师发布命令:run,同学跑、walk,就走,争第一。后面有同学发命令,比赛的同时其他同学有节奏的说单词。五、 本课问题的学习 学生初步分析问题。听录音,做游戏。教师讲解问题及回答方法。写出答案。小组学生进行提问回答练习。六、 学习故事初读故事,划出本单元单词。再读,看图回答问题:Where is Danny? What is Danny doing?听录音,跟读故事七、 作业为自己设计旅行的地方,写出一段话,说明自己将准备的物品。八、 板书设计:31: Are you ready for a quiz?Where are the clothes?what is Danny doing?Is this a yellow hat?Is Li Ming sitting or standing?Where are the tickets?


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