2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module3 Unit8 Weather period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module3 Unit8 Weather period1教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Content Module 3 Unit 8 (Period 1)Aims1. To use the vocabularies: sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy on P302. T0 use formulaic express to describe weather e.g. Its sunny.3. To say a new rhymeLanguage focus1. To pronounce the words: sunny, cloudy, etc.2. To try to say the rhyme for the more able students.Teaching aidsStudents book, Multimedia, word cards and pictures, etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationGreetings2. Play the rhymeP33 1.Greetingsa. T-S1b. S1-S22. Listen and try to say 热身运动,活跃气氛。在儿歌中引出今天的新内容,激发学生主动探究知识的能力。While-task procedure1. rainyT: Show a picture(raindropsraincoat) and say Its rainy.2. sunnyT: Show the sun.Look, we can see the sun in the sky.3. Show the picture of clouds. To elicit: cloudyRead a rhyme:Cloudy, cloudy,cloudy days.I like cloudy days. 4. Show some pictures and ask. Is it cloudy?How is the weather?5. Rhyme6. Listen and answer:T: You can see the raindrops and raincoat. How is the weather?7. Enjoy a rhyme1. a. Learn: rainy b. Learn the rhymeRainy, rainy, its rainy.a. Point and say: sunny b. Make a rhymeSay: Its cloudy.a. Learn the new word: cloudy b. Read the rhyme.Look and answer:Its windy.Repeat this rhyme: Sunny, sunny,sunny days. I like sunny days.Listen and answer.Enjoy the song.由学生的回答来引出新授,给学生以成功的感觉。用图片来吸引学生参与学习并操练新句型,同时引出新单词。把刚学过的儿歌加以串联,巩固今天的新知识。让学生判断不同的天气,会听问句并会快速反应。通过儿歌来操练单词和句子。利用不同相关天气的事物让学生来判断天气。用歌曲加以调节学生的学习热情。Post-task activity1. Have the students do Part B Listen and judge.T: Its rainy. I like rainy days. True or false? If its true, please clap your hands. If its false, please stamp your feet.2. Do the survey.3. Finish the tables1. Practice in pairs.S1: I like sunny days.I like cloudy days.3.S My feeling在游戏中,学习单词的字形, 帮助学生记忆新词。引导学生学会在课堂中对自己作出评价,激励学生的学习兴趣和热情。AssignmentListen and read the words P30.31Prepare P30 板书设计Unit 8 Weather rainy sunny cloudy windyIts 教学反思附送:2019-2020年一年级英语下册 Module3 Unit8 Weather period2教案 (新版)沪教牛津版Content1. Grammar and expressions: How is the weather? It is (weather). (P30)2. Extension:Hot summerAims1. To ask wh-question to find out specific information about weather. e.g. How is the weather?2. To use adjectives to identify weather and answer: It is sunny.3. To understand formulaic expressions making suggestions.e.g. Lets go to the beach.Teaching aidsStudents book 1B P30. 32Multimedia, some weather pictures, etcProceduresStepTeachers activityStudents activitiesPurposePre-task preparationGreetings.Whats this?Whats that?How is the weather?2. Show the word cards 1.Greetingsa. T-S1b. S1-S2Its .2. Read the words:Sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy热身运动,活跃气氛, 同时复习前面所学的单词为下文作铺垫。While-task procedure1. Show the pictures of differentweather conditions.T: Is it sunny?S1: No, it isnt.T: How is the weather?S: Its cloudy.2. Show the wall pictures. Have students talk about the weather to elicit the new pattern from them.3.Repeatafter the recording.4. Say the chant.Sunny, cloudy, rainy,Cloudy, rainy, windy,Sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy,How is the weather on Sunday?5. Guessing game.6. Make the new dialogue:T: Good morning.S1: Good morning.T: How is the weather?S2: Its sunny.S3: Its warm.S1: Lets sing and dance.S2: OK.Ask and answer.2. Look and answerT: Look at the rain.How is the weather?S: Its rainy.T: Look! The paper is flying. How is the weather?S: Its windy.3. Read the text.4. Say the chant, and act it out.5. S1: How is the weather?S2: Its windy.S1: No.S2: Its cloudy.S1:Yes, its cloudy.Act it out.通过不同天气条件引出P30页内容,并为下一个环节为铺垫。利用天气的相关的事物提醒学生注意天气,同时注意句型的操练。跟读录音,朗读课文。利用儿歌操练单词和句型。猜谜游戏,让学生在愉悦的氛围中问答练习。鼓励学生用所学到的知识创编新对话。Post-task activity1. Make dialogues in pairs.2. Show the map of China. Put some symbols representing different kinds of weather on the map. Then make a short dialogue.Play it again.3. Workbook P334. Draw and Say P55Ask and answer.S1: Its Beijing.S2: How is the weather on Sunday?S1: Its rainy.Play the game.Draw and make a short dialogue.出示地图,让学生感受不同城市的不同天气,同时结合练习册和评价表,完成本课时。AssignmentListen to the cassette. Read P30 32Make the new dialogues.板书设计Unit 8 Weather How is the weather?Its.教学反思

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