2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 4 第19-21课时教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 4 第19-21课时教案 人教新起点.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 4 第19-21课时教案 人教新起点一、教学目标 :1通过本单元的学习,使学生能够将所学内容和生活实际相联系。用 英语表达有关个人信息,身体部位的功能以及食品等内容。2通过语言学习,培养学生的生活能力和良好的生活习惯,如填写有关个人信息的简单表格,合理安排自己的饮食等。3通过本单元的学习,使学生熟练掌握第1到第3单元重点单词的发音和词义,正确书写英文字母,正确辨认26个英文字母的印刷体和手写体,初步感知26个英文字母 在单词中的发音。二、教学重点:1描述个人信息,身体部位的功能以及食品的语句。2第1到第3单元重点单词的发音和词义。3正确书写26个英文字母大小写。4正确辨认26个英文字母的印刷体和手写体。5初步感知26个英文字母在单词中的发音。三、教学难点:1个人信息的表述。2身体部位功能的描述。3食品单词及用语。四、教具:磁带,挂图,单词卡片,投影 ,玩具五、课时安排:六课时 第一课时 Lesson 19一、教学目标:学习用英文表达身体部位的功能。二、教学重点:1歌曲(不要求学生都会唱,能听懂会做动作)2单词耳朵,眼睛,手,脚的算数形式。三、教学过程:1Review:Sing the song of lesson 9.Touch these parts of the body.2Learn the song of lesson 19.1)Listen to the song the first time.2)Listen and act with teacher.3)Read the sentences of the song.4)Sing the song after teacher5)Try to sing and act(不要求学生会唱,重点在学生是否积极参与 ,激发了学习兴趣。)3 Part B: Listen say and write.1)T: Listen to the tape and think(听录音的同时,老师做动作帮助学生理解)2)T say and act:I can see with my eyes.I can smell with myI can talk with my .I can listen with my I can touch with.I can walk(I lead S to say the sentences.)3)Practice the words and act:See smell talk listen touch walk 4)Say each sentence and do with teacher.4Part C: Lets play.Play the game in groups1Homework:1) Listen and sing the song.2) Play the game.板书:Seesmelltalklistentouchwalkeyesnosemouthearshandsfeet课后记:第二课时Lesson20一、教学目标:学习对食品进行简单的分类,了解健康的饮食结构,对食品进行综合的复习,培养学生的生活能力和学习总结的能力。二、教学重点:食品食谱并表述。三、教学过程:1Show the food cards.T: What do you want? S: I want.T: What do you like: S: I like.T: Whats your favourite food ? S:.T: What do you want for.? S: I want .for2Play a sorting game.1) Divide the class in to five groups:Fruit main food vegetable drinks meatT: Is a melon a fruit?S: Yes.T: Is a carrot a fruit?S: No, its a vegetable.(蔬菜)T: Please pick the right food cards to your groups.(通过各个小组的单词分类,培养学生学习总结的能力)2)Ask the students make a food list according to their sort.Main foodfruitmeatVegetabledrink3)Make a food list for lunch.MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayT: I want fish and rice on Monday.(Draw fish and rice on the list)What do you want on Monday?(TuesdayFriday)S: I want.a. Ask S draw the food on the list.b. Show the menu to your group members.c. Choose the best one and show it to our class.3Part C: Read and Write.1) Read the sentences.2) Find the right words from word box.3) Write down the words.4Homework:T: Is the menu good for us ? Please make a good menu for your family.课后记: 第三课时 Lesson 21一、教学目标 :1复习如何用英文表达某部位受伤。2以看病为背景,初步了解健康饮食的重要性。3通过歌曲复习食品的英文名称。4通过寻找藏在图中的26个变形字母。培养学生的观察能力。巩固字母认读和书写。二、教学重点:以表演,猜和歌曲的形式进行复习,增加趣味性。三、教学难点:1A部分:转换人称。2B部分:Please eat lots of Have them(不要求必须掌握,能听懂即可。)四、教学过程:1Part A: Act and say.1)(出示包扎的手指)T:Look .What s the matter with me?S: Youre finger hurts.(Say the sentences after T.)T: Whats the matter with me?S: Your.hurts.2)Play the game in groups.Show the play to class.2Part B: Listen and say.T: Do you eat.?S: Yes, I do (No, I dont)T: What do you eat?S: I eatT: Please eat lots of vegetables.1)Have them every day.2)Listen to the tape and read after it.3)Read the dialogue in role.4)Act the play.3Part C: Lets sing.1)Listen to the song.2)Read the food and sentences.3)Sing the song.4Find the letters and colour.T: What can you see in this picture?S1: Hills. Grass, trees, a rabbit, a bridgeS2: Letters.T: Can you find and colour the letters?(Find and colour them. Help each other)5Homework: Sing the song.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 4 第19-24课时教案 人教新起点课题UNIT 4 Revision课型review 目的要求Knowledge Target: Review the knowledge in Unit 1 2 3.Technique Target: Use the sentences in those units.Emotion Target: To let the students know the important of revision.重点难点To listen and say the words and some sentences.To read and write letters, spell the words.教学方法 TPR Game munication Audio-visual课时分配Sixlessons拟用教具 pictures tape-recorder板书设计 教学过程UNIT 4Myself My body My foodMy name is Im years old.Whats the matter? My hurts.What do you have? I haveWhat do you want for ? I wantLesson 19 & 20.Warmer.Train Train Go.Teaching.A. Lets sing. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Follow the tape together for several times. 3.Call volunteers to sing in front of the class.B. Listen, say and write. 1.Teacher says the sentences in English with actions then students tell the meaning. 2.Look at the book and fill in the blanks.C. Lets play. 1.Write the words on the blackboard. 2.Teacher points the word then students say the sentence quickly.A. Play a sorting game. Play the game by the way of Train Train Go.B. Make a food list for lunch. Students make food list by them-selves. Then talk about it.C. Read and write. Read the words then fill in the blanks. Homework.1. Listen to the tape and follow it. 2.Do exercises book.To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunicationGameLearn together 教学过程教学过程 Lesson 21.Warmer. Sing a song. Teaching.A. Act and say. 1.Review “Whats the matter?” 2.Lead to “Whats the matter with?” 3.Make dialogue in pairs the act in front of the class.B. Listen and say. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Studetns talk about what they heard. 3.Read after the tape. 4.Make their own dialogue.C. Lets sing.D. Find and colour. Homework. Listen to the tape and follow it. Lesson 22 & 23.Warmer. Sing a song. Teaching. A. Look, listen and say.1.Listen to the tape and look at the book for several times. 2.Try to say sentences as the book. B. Stick and chant.1.Listen to the tape.2.Chant it.C. Listen and chant.1.Listen to the tape and look at the book for several times. 2.Try to follow the tape.3.Chat together with action.D. Fill in the big letters.Fun Time1.Let the students guess the meaning of the story.2.Teacher explains each sentences to the students.3.Students read follow the teacher.4.Look at the PowerPoint.Consolidate practicing.Homework. 1.Listen to the tape. 2.Read the story.Lesson 24.Warmer. Say the chant. Teach new knowledge.A. Choose and write. 1.Look at the pictures and read them.2. Fill in the blanks as they like. B. Listen, repeat and do. 1.Listen to the tape without book. 2.Talk about what they heard. 3.Listen to the tape again with book. 4.Try to number the pictures. C. Lets talk. D. Lets write. Homework. Do exercises book. To enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunicationTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togetherAudio-visualTo enliven the Atmosphere ofthe classLearn togethermunication

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