2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 5 Lesson 25-26教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 5 Lesson 25-26教案 人教新起点.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 5 Lesson 25-26教案 人教新起点Lesson 25教学目标:1.情感目标:通过本单元的学习,能够理解并尊重他人的情感,逐渐学会调空自己的情绪,做一个身心健康的人。2. 知识目标:(1)能够听、说、读、写与情感相关的单词。 (2)能够听、说、读、写与情感有关的交际用语。 (3)能够在仿写练习中正确书写句子,正确使用标点符号和书写形式。3. 能力目标:(1)能够听懂与情感相关的词汇和简单用语。(2)能够用英语询问并表达自己或朋友的内心情感。(3)能够用日记的形式记录自己在日常生活中的情感。(4)能够根据学到的语音知识正确拼读单词并辅助记忆单词。教学重点:(1) 词汇:surprised,angry,happy, worried,sad,excited,nervous,proud (2)句型:How are you? Im surprised/教学难点:(1) 部分不规则动词的过去式 (2) 一般过去时和一般现在时两种时态的进一步理解和运用 教具准备:挂图、录音机教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABBCDELook at the picture and introduce it to them.Open the books and listen to the tape.Then write down the numbers in the circle.Learn to say the sentences.Lets talk.Think and talk.Discuss the picture and ask the students to make a story about them. Listen to the tape and write down the numbers in the circle.Practise the patterns.Listen to the tape. Read the passage after the tape and say it together.Give three pictures and different situations. Ask them to make a story about them. Lesson 26教学目标:1. 情感目标:通过本单元的学习,能够理解并尊重他人的情感,逐渐学会调空自己的情绪,做一个身心健康的人。2. 知识目标:(1)新词汇:test (2) 句型:You look Why? Im because3. 能力目标:(1)复习月份的表达方法. (2)复习日期序数词的表达方法. (3)复习星期的表达方法.教学难点:教师通过适当的讲解和比较引导学生在不同的情景下使用不同的时态.教具准备:录音机,磁带,挂图教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCDEFGRevision1. Review the words and expressions in Lesson 25Show pictures to students.Make a story according to the pictures.Look at the picture.Teach the words.Look at the pictures again, then report the story they made up.Listen to the tape, pare the story they heard with their own stories.Do the listening exercisesRole play.Review the words and expressions in Lesson 25Discuss with partners Learn to say some important words and expressions.Report the story. Listen to the tape.Check the answers.Divide the students into different groups and ask them to act the play they made.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 5 Lesson 27-28教案 人教新起点Lesson 27教学目标:1情感目标:通过本单元的学习,能够理解并尊重他人的情感,逐渐学会调空自己的情绪,做一个身心健康的人。2 知识目标:(1)能够听、说、读、写与情感相关的单词。 (2)能够听、说、读、写与情感有关的交际用语。 (3)能够在仿写练习中正确书写句子,正确使用标点符书写形式。3 能力目标:(1)能够听懂与情感相关的词汇和简单用语。(2)能够用英语询问并表达自己或朋友的内心情感。(3)能够用日记的形式记录自己在日常生活中的情感。(4)能够根据学到的语音知识正确拼读单词并辅助记忆单词。教学重点:通过多种形式的语言活动复习第二十五和二十六课的重点词汇和句型,综合运用本单元的主要内容.教学难点: (1)A项的短文的阅读理解. (2)D项的书面表达练习.教具准备:录音机,磁带,挂图学具准备:卡片教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCCDERevision1.Say the words and expressions in Lesson 25 and 26.2. Role play.Show them three envelopes. Ask them to open one of them, then study the contest of the letter.Listen to the tape, read and fill in the blanks with the feeling words.Ask some students to read the letters.Think and write.Review the words in Lesson 25 and 26.Role play.Open it and have a look.Listen to the tape, and do the exercises.Practice with partners and read it.Discuss with neighbor and write down a short letter with the feeling words they have learned.Lesson 28教学目标:1情感目标:通过本单元的学习,能够理解并尊重他人的情感,逐渐学会调空自己的情绪,做一个身心健康的人。2 知识目标:(1)能够听、说、读、写与情感相关的单词。 (2)能够听、说、读、写与情感有关的交际用语。 (3)能够在仿写练习中正确书写句子,正确使用标点符号和书写形式。3 能力目标:(1)能够听懂与情感相关的词汇和简单用语。(2)能够用英语询问并表达自己或朋友的内心情感。(3)能够用日记的形式记录自己在日常生活中的情感。(4)能够根据学到的语音知识正确拼读单词并辅助记忆单词。教学重点:(1)进一步巩固和扩展本单元的重点语言.(2)初步了解中西方文化中对于颜色和心情的不同认识.教学难点:A项的短文的阅读理解.教具准备:挂图,录音机教学过程:序号教师活动学生活动反思ABCDEFGRevisionReview the feeling words in Lesson 25 and 26.Free talk:Whats your favorite color? And why?Question: What do you think of red?Listen to the tape then pare the different opinions about red between Chinese and western culture.Talk about the color blue.Listen to the blues songs, and ask the students feeling.Listen to the tape and try to say. Review the feelings words in Lesson25 and 26.Discuss and then answer the questions.Discuss and answer.Read the texts and answer the teachers questions about red.Discuss the color blue.What do you think of the color blue.After listening, talk about their feelings.Listen to the tape and match the sentences.

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