2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 5-6教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 5-6教案 人教新起点.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 5-6教案 人教新起点Lesson 5教学目标:1. 情感目标:能够在积极表达,与人交流的实践中提高语言的感受、理解和运用能力。加强阅读的能力 。2. 知识目标:(1)能够理解故事中出现的新词汇. (2) 能够读懂理解故事。3. 能力目标:能够通过故事的学习,提高朗读、理解的能力和积极参与故事教学重点:配图故事的阅读理解。教学难点:对较长篇幅文章的阅读理解和复述.教具准备:图片 录音机 磁带 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动反思1. up .Show a picture , and ask : What festival is it ?Ask : What do you do at Spring Festival ? How do you decorate your house at Spring Festival ?Introduce “nian” Call some able students tell the story .Show a picture , ask :Who is he ?Where did he e from ? What did he do in the village ?Play the recorder and then check the answer . Teach the new words . Finish part B .Look at the picture and answer the questions .Its Spring festival.Talk about their Spring Festival .Listen to the story about “nian” and tell what do they know .Look at the picture and , guess what happened in the picture . Listen to the tape and check the answer .Learn the new words with dictionary .Finish part B .Check the answer .Lesson 6教学目标:1. 情感目标:能够在积极表达,与人交流的实践中提高语言的感受、理解和运用能力。加强与人合作的意识。2. 知识目标:(1) 能够熟练掌握本单元出现的重点单词和词组 . (2)能够正确使用本单元所学句型,谈论著名景点及以什么闻名 。3. 能力目标:(1)能够正确使用本单元的一些句型, (2)能够正确使用本单元所学句型,谈论自己去过的一些城市及著名景点。教学重点:复习检测本单元所学的基本词汇和交际用语 。教学难点:利用D 部分中提供的问题完成文段 。教具准备:录音机 磁带教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动反思1. the words , the phrases and the sentences of this unit . Look at the picture in the book together , and ask some questions . ex.What are these places ?Where are they ?How can you get there ?What can you do there ?Play the recorder three times ,and then finish the exercise in the book . Call the students to retell the sentences . Quiz show .We have learned about some famous places in China . Now lets have a quiz show about them. Play the recorder , and lead the students finish the exercise .and ask some questions about the letters .Check the answers . Make a dialogue about the the famous places . Review together with teacher . Look at the pictures , and talk about the questions in groups . Listen to the tape three times , finish the exercise , and then check the answer .Retell the sentences .Play the quiz show .Design the quiz show by themselves.Listen to the tape and then read the letters by themselves , then answer the questions.Check the answer . Make some new dialogues in groups .附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit 1 period 1教案 湘少版一、教学目标1、能听懂、会说新单词swing,slide,bench,bark,chain,bite,stones;2、能理解课文;能正确运用现在进行时描述人物正在进行活动。二、教学重点及难点 重点:掌握本单元四会单词。 难点:理解课文。三、教学准备单词卡片和图片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1师生问候。2唱已学的英文歌曲。Step 2 Presentation and drill1 T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again! Today is the first day of this new term. Im very happy. So lets go to the park together! 边说边将一张公园大门的图片贴在黑板上,布置成公园的场景。2可出示一张秋千的图片。T: Look! A swing. Do you like it?板书单词swing,带读。将图片贴在黑板上“公园”的相应位置。3用同样的方法教单词slide和bench。4出示一张狗正在叫的图片。T: What is the dog doing? It is barking.板书单词bark,带读。T: Dont throw the stones at the dog. Itll bite you.板书单词stone和bite,并用动作帮助学生理解其含义。然后带读。5出示一张被铁链锁着的狗的图片。T:The dog always bites the strangers,so the owers use the chain.板书单词chain,帮助学生理解其含义。并带读。游戏-Look and say. (看看小说)教师做口型,学生根据口型说单词。游戏-Loud and low voice (大小声)教师大声说单词,学生小声重复;或者教师小声说,学生大声说。Step 3 Fast reading and listening1出示课文中人物的图片。T: Look! The children are playing in the park.边说边将图片贴在“公园”的相应位置。2快速阅读课文A部分,回答问题。T: Today well learn Unit One. First lets listen to the text, and then answer my question: Why is the dog biting Mingmings foot 检查学生阅读情况,帮助学生回答所提问题。Mingming is throwing stones at dog, so the dog is angry.3听课文A部分录音,模仿其语音、语调,掌握新词难句的正确读音。Step 4 Intensive reading1精读课文,然后两人一组完成课文C部分练习。2教师与学生校对答案后让学生按正确顺序读一遍。3听课文A部分录音,跟读。Step 5 Consolidation1黑板上的单词卡片及图片复述课文。2练习。(见练习册P13)3家庭作业:听磁带,读课文。课堂小结

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