2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 10 Lesson 3(1)教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 10 Lesson 3(1)教案 广州版一、Objectives:1. To consolidate the vocabulary for things you find in bedrooms.2. To help students learn the spelling of the new words.3. To confirm the names of the furniture in the bedroom.4. To strengthen the awareness of the spelling.二、The important points:1. Four skills: stool2. Drills: Whats in Mr shaws bedroom?A bed a stool and a wardrobeLook at our bedroomThis is our bed三、The difficult point: Whats in bedroom?四、The course: (一)RevisionT: with pictures:What is this?P: It is a bed/desk/chair/wardrobe/window/door/wall/floor(二)新授知识1. Presentation (1)Read the words two timesStoolLet students write the name under the pictures. May be at this stage the students will not write them, it doesnt matter, 让学生在图片下写好名字,也许有些写不出来Prepare in advance OHTS of the rooms and as the teacher point to each other. Pronounce the word for it(当老师指着物品时,读出这个单词)Walk around and check how well the students have managed to write the names with spelling, help them if they are in need(检查学生写单词的情况,适当给予帮助)If the students are making a lot of mistakes, show them OHTs again and write the words on the board(如果错误率高,把正确的写在黑板上)2. Presentation (2)Go around when the students are drawing and labeling. Provide new words if they havent learned them. But want to know them to do the task.(让学生拼读时,环顾四周,提供一些帮助)Show interests in their dream bedroomsIf some students are struggling they can get together with other pairs and share ideas and drawings. If the students are making a lot of mistakes, show them OHTS again and write the words on the board(注意后进生的辅导和鼓励)(三)Sum up:1.你会写哪些room中的物品?2.会用哪些句子介绍你的物品?3. Spell the words.五、Homework:Copy the words附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 10(1)教学反思 广州版今天我上的课是三年级第二册Unit 10 It Is My Bedroom的第一课时,这节课以真实,扎实的教学为指导思想,不同以前的公开课那样面面俱到,在新授课中希望个别优生可以表演课文,但主要是大部分同学能把课文朗读熟练并能简单的询问同学的卧室为主要教学目标。这节课的流程比较流畅,教学思路清晰:教师的卧室某一学生的卧室课文家明的卧室全班同学的卧室设施。我将重难点融于游戏和情景之中,注重了与学生之间的交流,学生想说乐说,较好的完成了预期教学目标:。这节课的不足之处有:用的是教师与学生们的卧室图片,未能充分利用教室的直观设施去呈现window, ceiling, floor, door; 部分学生对单词掌握得不太熟练;低段英语单词教学应呈现书写形式,以便帮助学生能把单词与设施联系起来,而不至于读而不知所形,本课的重点之一是理解并能正确流利的朗读单词、对话 ,因此在这两个方面应加大力度。猜房间有什么家具设施的游戏原来的操作是同学们看图提问,更好的做法是给一点时间让同学们看图,然后用Do you have ?提问,这样同学们的兴趣更能得以调动。 另外应更加注意教学指导语的正确性:如like,and等的尾音。对学生的错误回答:Yes, I like.应及时纠正Yes, you do. Yes, I do.这样既没有直接否定学生的回答,又示范了正确的回答形式。


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