高中英语 Unit4 Earthquakes Grammar 教学课件 新人教版必修2.ppt

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Gramm冯思佐 修饰主语 宾语 表语的句子就叫做定语从句 引导定语从句的关联词有 定语从句 关系代词 who whomwhose which that 关系副词 when where 定语从句的位置 定语从句一定放在被修饰成分之后 e g Thisisthecarwhichheboughtlastyear 先行词 定语从句 Doyouknowtheman Hespokejustnow Doyouknowthemanwhospokejustnow whom指人 在从句中作宾语 可省略 e g Doyouknowtheman whom wesawattheBeijingHotel ThegirlisfromAmerica Icalledherjustnow Thegirl whom IcalledjustnowisfromAmerica which指物 在句中作主语或宾语 作宾语时可以省略 e g I mnotinterestedinthebookwhichhasjustbeenpublished apple theredthegreenthesmallthebig Theapplewhichisredismine Theapplewhichisgreenisyours Theapplewhichisredissmall Theapplewhichisgreenisbig Ihavereadthenewspaper Itcarriestheimportantnews Ishowedhimtheletter Ireceiveditthismorning Ishowedhimtheletter which Ireceivedthismorning that指人或物 在从句中做主语或宾语 作宾语时可以省略 ThehousethatI mgoingtobuyfacessouth They retalkingaboutthefilm that I veseen ItwaswrittenbyLaoshe Janehasborrowedthebook JanehasborrowedthebookthatwaswrittenbyLaoshe 先行词前有下列词语修饰时 定语从句必须用that引导 all every any little few much no only very the 序数词 the 形容词最高级 e g Thisisthecleanestparkthatyoucanimagine e g ThisistheonlybookthathasbeenwritteninFrench e g Hetalkedaboutthethingsandpersonshehadvisitedinthecity 在who或which引导的特殊疑问句中 限制性定语从句必须用that引导 that e g Whoisthemanisstandingoverthere that 先行词在从句中作表语时 限制性定语从句通常用that引导 常可省略 e g Sheisnolongerthegirlthatshewasbeforeshewenttothecountry whose指人或物 在从句中作定语 e g That sthemanwhosehousewasburneddown 1 Thisisall Iknowaboutthematter A thatB whatC whoD whether2 Isthereanythingelse youwant A whichB thatC whoD what3 Thelastplace wevisitedwastheGreatWall A whichB thatC whereD it Choosethebestanswers 4 Pleasetakethesecondchair isoverthere A whereB whichC whoD that 5 Isoxygentheonlygas helpsfireburn A thatB C whichD it 6 Finally thethiefhandedeverything hehadstolentothepolice NMET98 A whichB whatC whateverD that 7 Alloftheflowersnowraisedherehavedevelopedfromthose intheforest A oncethegrewB theygrewonceC thatoncegrewD oncegrew 8 Idon tlike youspeaktoher A thewayB thewayinthatC thewaywhichD thewayofwhich 9 Theweatherturnedouttobeverygood wasmorethanweexpected A whatB whichC thatD it10 Hepaidtheboy 10forwashingtenwindows mostof hadn tbeencleanedfortenyears A theseB thoseC thatD which 1 Theman Isawtoldmetowait 2 Themanto Ispokewasaforeigner 3 Iknowaboy fatherisanacrobat 杂技演员 4 Hesawahouse windowswereallbroken Fillintheblankswithwho whom whose whichandthat who whom whose whose 5 Alltheapples fallareeatenbywildboars 6 Canyouthinkofanyone couldlookafterhim 7 Thisisthebesthotel Iknow 8 Heshowedamachine partsaretoosmalltobeseen that that that which 基础练习 1 Isthatthehouse youboughtlastyear A whereB which2 Isthatthepicture youarelaughingat A whichB where3 Itisthemostinterestingbook I lleverread A whichB that B B A 4 Thestreet istotheparkisverynarrow A whereB which5 Theperson findsmywatchwillgetareward A whoB when6 Thisistheroom welistenedtothelecture A whichB where B A B 7 Theboy motherisillcannotcometotheparty A whoB whose8 Tellmethereason youarelate A whichB why B B 填空 1 Lookatthatlady nameisPochi 2 Heisateacher Ilikeverymuch 3 Thosepictures weredrawnbyTomarenice 4 Those willgototheparkstayhere 5 Thatwasallthemoney Ihad whose whom that which that who that 6 Tomisthefirstboy lefttheroom 7 Lookattheboyandhisdog arecomingthisway 8 Youcanreadanybook Ihave 9 Thatwastheyear IwenttoAmerica 10 wecametothetown westayedfor2hours that that that when where 翻译1 他指给我看他丢钱包的地方 Heshowedmetheplacewherehelosthiswallet 2 我不认识那个和你说话的女孩 Idon tknowthegirlwhom thatyouspeakto 3 她是一个叫玛丽的女孩 SheisagirlwhoiscalledMary 4 那些正在打网球的男孩是我的朋友 Thoseboyswhoareplayingtennisaremyfriends 5 你记不记得我们到这儿的那一天 Doyourememberthedaywhenwearrivedhere


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