2019中考英语二轮复习 应用文写作选练.doc

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2019中考英语应用文写作选练1、假如你是王明,你将代表学校参加郴州市屮学生英诂演讲比赛。演讲的题目是 We should help parents do housework. 请你用英诰写一篇演讲稿。 要点提示:现 象你常做的家务你的体会和看法许多学生懒悄,不愿做家务。 修理床铺 浇花 打扫房间 倒垃圾 (至少两点)参考词汇: lazy, chores, make the bed, water flowers, clean the room, take out the trash, relaxing, interesting, proud, pleased, duty要求:1.短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息,并可适当发挥; 2. 80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.文中不得出现自己的真实姓名、校名和地名。Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! Im Wang Ming. Its my honor to give you a speech. My topic is We should help parents do housework. Thats all. Thanks for your listening!2、书面表达尼克在失物招领箱里发现了海伦丢失的红色铅笔。尼克想让海伦拨打2157845 联系格林先生拿回她的铅笔。假如你是尼克,请给海伦写一则留言。_ 3、书面表达假如今天是10月11日,星期六,父母去上海出差,你一个人在家。请根据下面提示,以Home alone for the first time为题,写一篇70词左右的英文日记,记录你今天的生活。可适当发挥。1. 上午:整理自己的房间,洗了自己的衣服;2. 中午:做了一顿简单的午餐;3. 下午:做作业,看电视。Saturday, October 11 Sunny Home alone for the first time_ 4、书面表达。 假设你是李华,SummerCamp要招聘一名帮助孩子的人员,请根据要求和词汇提示,写一封应聘信,介绍自己的个人情况、兴趣爱好和能力。信的开头已给出。要求:1.有完整的书信格式;2.词数:70词左右。 词汇提示:Li Hua,15 years old, No.7 MiddleSchool, reading,puters, swimming,basketball playtheviolin, sing,danceDearsir, IwanttojoinyourSummerCamptohelpthechildrenwithmusic,sportsandputer. _I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon.Yours Li Hua5、书面表达 升入中学已经两年多了,回顾过去的两年,你对谁最感激(grateful)呢?请你以Thank you, 为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。短文必须围绕以下提示展开:1. Who is the person? 2. What has he/she done for you? Please give one or two examples. 3. What have you learnt from him/her?Thank you, Dear 6、书面表达 假设你是海伦(Helen), 你刚刚丢失了一个红色的书包,你的电话是546-8525。书包里面有你每天都要用到的一些学习用品。请你为自己写一则寻物启事,尽快找到你的书包。要求:1. 句子通顺、语意连贯;2. 启事要包括说明中所有的提示信息;3. 不少于四句话。Lost:_ Helen7、你的澳大利亚笔友Nick计划8月份来青岛旅游,特来信询问有关青岛的情况。请根据以下要点提示,写一封回信介绍青岛。80词左右。要点:沿海城市、气候适宜、避暑胜地、海滩度假、盛产海鲜参考词汇:Qingdao Golden Beach (青岛金沙滩);Qingdao Polar Ocean World (青岛极地海洋世界)Dear Nick, Yours,Li Hua8、书面表达 假如你是李磊,向你的美国笔友Tom介绍中国的中秋节,以及你和你的家人是如何度过刚刚过去的中秋节的?请用英语给他写一封80字左右的电子邮件。Dear Tom,Im very glad to tell you something about 9、书面表达。艾伦的爸爸在上班时忘了戴手表、帽子和钥匙。下面的表格是它们所在的位置。keys on the sof a watch on the table hat on the bed他的妈妈让他把这些东西带给爸爸。假如你是艾伦的妈妈,写一张留言条。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要求:3040词。Dear Alan, Thanks, Mom 10、书面表达假如你有一个漂亮的蓝色小手提包,它产自江苏苏州。纯手工独家订制,小手提包上的花和山脉栩栩如生,你很喜欢它。据此写一篇80词左右的短文来介绍一下这个手提包,可适当发挥。 参考答案一、书面表达1、One possible version:Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! Im Wang Ming Its my honor to give you a speech. My topic is We should help parents do housework. Now many students are too lazy to do housework. But I think we should help parents do some housework because they are busy with their work and tired after work. 1 often help my parents do many chores. In the morning, I will make the bed and water flowers. They are relaxing and interesting .In the evening, I often clean the room and take out the trash. When 1 see the tidy room, 1 feel proud of myself. My parents are pleased with me. 1 think its our duty to help our parents with some chores.2、Helen,Your red pencil is in the lost and found box.You can call Mr. Green.His telephone number is 2157845.Nick3、Saturday, October 11 SunnyHome alone for the first timeMy parents have gone to Shanghai on business, so I stay at home alone. In the morning, I tidied up my bedroom and washed my clothes. At noon, I cooked for the first time. It was a very simple, but simply delicious lunch. In the afternoon, I did my homework first, and then watched TV.Although Ive never stayed at home alone before, Im doing very well. Im really proud of myself! 4、Dear sir, I want to join your Summer Camp to help the children with music, sports and puter. Id like to tell you something about myself. My name is Li Hua. Im fifteen and I study in No. 7 Middle School. Im interested in many things. I like reading, puters, swimming and playing basketball. Im good at swimming and Im in the school swimming club. And I can play the violin and sing and dance very well. I think I can be good with the children and I hope to get your letter soon. Yours Li Hua5、Thank you, MumDear Mum, Id like to say thank you for what you have done for me. You not only look after me well but also do whatever you can to help me get out of trouble. When I was in Grade 7, I was weak in English. I felt hopeless. It was you who offered me so much support and made me feel confident. You gave me valuable advice and spent a great deal of time helping me practice English. With your help, I improved my English quickly. Whats more, I realized that nothing is impossible for a willing heart.Thank you, Mum.6、Lost:I lost my red schoolbag. A pencil box, a book and some pencils are in it. I must find it. Please call me at 546_8525! Thanks.7、Dear_Nick,How is it going?Im glad to hear that you will e to Qingdao in August.Qingdao is a beautiful seaside city in Shandong Province.It is relaxing to stay here in summer.There are many wonderful beaches.Qingdao Golden Beach is the most famous one.You can swim and enjoy bright sunshine and fresh air there.Qingdao Polar Ocean World is wonderful.It has all kinds of fishes and other sea animals.The food in Qingdao is also very famous.The beer and seafood are the most popular.Im sure you will have a good time here.Yours,Li_Hua8、Dear Tom,Im very glad to tell you something about our traditonal festival-Mid-autum Festival. This is an important festival in China. On that day we get together for a big dinner. At night we eat mooncakes. They are very delicious. We can enjoy the full moon. This year my family went to my grandparents. We bought many delicious food. We cooked together and had a big dinner. After the dinner we went out to enjoy the full moon. We watched an open air movie. It was very wonderful. We had a good time. Yours, Li Lei9、Dear Alan,Please take these things to your father.Theyre his keys,his watch and his hat.His keys are on the sofa.His watch is on the table.His hat is on the bed. Thanks, Mom10、I have a handbag. Its very beautiful. Its made in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province. Its made of cotton. Also, its made by the workers in Suzhou and its made pletely by hand. Its blue. Its very special because its made only for me. The flowers and mountains are so lively on it. Its used for holding my personal things when I go out. Its just like a friend of mine. I like it very much.

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