2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit1 period2教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit1 period2教案 苏教牛津版课 题:牛津小学英语5A第一单元第二课时 教材类型:牛津版所属学科:英语5A(五上)教案内容: 教学目标1.能掌握四会单词a lot of,a room,any,ahouse,aflower.2.能熟练运用句型Is/ Arethere?及其回答。Howmany arethere ? 及其回答。3.能掌握日常交际用语和句型Im not sure. Lets go and see. Lets go and havealook.二、教学重点1.掌握四会单词。2.熟练运用句型Is/ Arethere?及其回答。Howmany arethere ? 及其回答。三、教学准备图片,挂图,录音机四、教学过程 Step1 Greeting. Step2Revision T:Whatsintheclassroom? Ss: Thereis/are T:IsthereaTVintheclassroom? S1:Yes,thereis./No,thereisnt. T:Arethereanydesksinit? S2:Yes,thereare. Step3Presentation 1. (Tshowsthepicture )TodaywelllearnUnit 1( 课题 )Look at the picture .Wang Bing, Mike and Helen are in their school. Theyre talking about their school. ( 介绍背景语 ) 2.T: Howdoyouthinkofthebuilding ? Ss: Itsnice. T:教学“building” T:Whatsinthebuilding? Guess. S1: There are a lot of classrooms. T: Are you sure ? ( 引导学生用Yes或No回答。 ) T:You can say: Im not sure. 教学:Imnotsure. 3. T:Were not sure.So lets go and see. (出示另一张挂图) T: Look. Whats in the building? S1: Theres a table tennis room. S2: Theres a music room. S3: Therere some reading rooms. 4. T: How many reading rooms are there in the building? S4: Two. T: Yes, therere two. 教学How many are there? There are . T:How many classrooms are there in our school? S: There are Working in pairs. 5. T: Are there any reading rooms in our school? S: Yes, there are. T: Is there a table tennis room in the building? S: No. 6. T: Do you want to know how is the building ?Now listen to the tape .What are they talking about? (1) 听录音。 (2) 出示问题听第二遍。 Questions: A: How many classrooms are there ? B: Are there any reading rooms in the building ? C: Are there any puter rooms? (3) Read after the tape. (4) Read after the teacher. (5)Read together. Step4 Consolidation.1.看图,用自己的话介绍图。2.Talk about your school .3.划词组。 Step 5Homework.1.Copy the phrase.2.熟读课文。教学调整 教学反思: 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit1 period3教案 苏教牛津版课 题:牛津小学英语5AUnit1第三课时 教材类型:牛津版所属学科:英语5A(五上)教案内容: 教学目标:1.通过复习,能熟练掌握本单元所学的场所类的单词,句型来描述自己家周围的环境。2.能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。3.能初步了解字母 a在单词中的读音。教学重点:1.能综合运用本单元所学过的单词,句型和日常交际用语。2.能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。课前准备:挂图,磁带,录音机。教学过程:Step1Warming up1.Sing a song :Two jackets.通过歌曲,将学生带入轻松愉快的英语氛围中2.Review : 默写四会单词,词组。 用本单元重点句型进行师生对话,生生对话,巩固旧知。Step2Presentation :T :There is a park near my house (读、拼词组) Do you want to see it?(呈现挂图,让学生看挂图,提问,老师先举个例子)T :Is there a garden near your house , Miss-?让学生提问,老师作答。老师整体描述挂图,从中引出a lot of flowers and trees.Step3 Read and act1. Ss 简单描述挂图,用There be句型。2.听录音,跟读两遍。3.齐读,分角色读。4.要求学生用所学句型描述自家附近的某一个地点(对于表达较好的同学,奖认一张带有G部分单词的卡片)Step4 Listen and repeat1.请手持卡片的同学展示卡片,其他同学可以自由朗读单词,寻找其中含有相同的音素。2.老师评价。3.老师总结归纳:以不发音e结尾,前面有一个辅音字母,那么这个元音字母发本身的音。4.让学生根据归律,寻找类似单词,可以写些没学过的新单词,让学生根据规律试读。5.学生试读,跟读。Step5 consolidation:单词辨音1.plate name fat late2.game family make tape 3. cat plane cake grapeStep6 Assign homework 1.回家默写本课重点句型。2.完成三级训练中的A卷笔试部分1,2题。教学反思: 教学调整

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