2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit5 Lesson10教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit5 Lesson10教案 闽教版Teaching aims:1.Knowledge aim:Enable the Ss to grasp the phrases :shout,winThe sentences: Peter is running 100 meters.Hu Ping is doing high jump.Chen Ling is doing long jump.1. Ability aim:Can understand and use “be doing” correctly.3Emotion aim:To cultivate the Ssabilities to do something independently. Main and difficult points:The use of “be doing.”Teaching materials : tape recorder ; some cards and pictures.Teaching steps :Step 1 Warm up1.Chant“Sports Day” together.2.To review the words and the phrases: Sports Day,100 meters, 200 meters, high jump,long jump,swimming,jumping,running.2. Play a game-Listen and act.Step 2 Presentation1. Put the picture on the blackboard,point to Peter and ask: “Who is he?What is he doing?”Make the students answer: “He is Peter.He is running 100 meters.”Write “Peter is running 100 meters.”on the blackboard.To learn “Hu Ping is doing high jump.Chen Ling is doing long jump.”in the same method.2. Look at the text,to learn the words:win,shout.3. Listen to the tape,read after the tape,try to remember the sentences:“Peter is running 100 meters. Hu Ping is doing high jump.Chen Ling is doing long jump.”3. Ask and answer.(Part 2 on page 46.)Step 3 Consolidation1. Look and say.2. Listen and circle the right answer.3. Learn to write.Step 4 Homework1.Listen to the tape and read the text. 2.Finish off the activity book. 教学反思:本单元的内容是有关运动的话题,由于每年学校都要举行运动会,几乎每个同学都有参加,因此他们对其中的体育项目以及整个运动会的形式都有亲身体会,学习起来并不感到陌生,而且学习讲述自己亲身经历的事件,同学们兴致很高,连续三个单元都在学习be going to和 be doing的用法,他们已经能比较熟练地运用,学习过程中没有多少难度。而且有几位同学已经有了一定的自学能力,学完Lesson 9 “Learn to say”部分,她们就能自己朗读Lets chant,读得还不错,以后教学中要多注重培养学生的自学能力。 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit5 Lesson10(1)教案 闽教版 教学目的与要求:1、词汇: shout和win.2、句型:Peter is running 100 meters. Hu Ping is doing high jump. Chen Ling is doing long jump.3、功能:使学生进一步巩固对进行时的理解和应用。4、情感:通过为运动会准备食物和饮料,培养孩子独立自主的能力。 教学重点:1、学会掌握单词和词组。2、学会掌握句型:“Peter is running 100 meters. Hu Ping is doing high jump. Chen Ling is doing long jump.” 教学难点:能用所学的句子讨论运动会。 教具准备:录音机,单词卡片等。 教学过程:Step 1 热身活动全班边说边做韵律诗:Sports Day.Step 2 复习导入:1、出示卡片: Sports Day, 100 meters,200 meters ,high jump, long jump,swimming, jumping, running带领学生复习这些运动名称,教师可以将单词卡片展示给学生,让学生认读单词。2、邀请一些学生起立汇报上节课后的调查情况。例如:S1调查了S2在运动会上打算参加的项目后,教师就引导全班同学问Whats S2 going to do on Sports Day? S1回答:S2 is going to.3、导入新课:刚才同学们都汇报了在运动会上打算参加的项目,Peter的学校现在正在举办运动会,我们一起去看看他和他的朋友们正在参加什么项目的比赛吧。板书:Lesson10.Step 3 教授新课:1、课件展示,教师指者图上的Peter问:Who is he? (He is Peter.)What is he doing?引导学生说:Peter is running 100 meters.板书:Peter is running 100 meters.然后跟学生复习”be going to”和”be doing”的区别,举一些例子帮助学生巩固这两种时态的用法。同样方法教学并板书:Hu Ping is doing high jump. Chen Ling is doing long jump.2、请学生看课文,教师播放录音,听过录音后,学生指出不明白的地方,学习win和shout。3、再播放几遍录音,让学生听音跟读,模仿。游戏:请学生合上书,教师开始读课文,当读到人名时就请孩子往下接,如:教师读到Peter is学生就必须接running 100 meters.4、让学生根据课文内容,完成四十六页第二题Ask and answer中的几个问题。Step 4 巩固练习:1、完成本课第三题Look and say。请学生造句,然后给四个句子编上序号,当教师说序号学生就要说句子,教师说句子,学生就要说序号.2、完成本课第四题Listen and circle the right answer.指导学生理解短文听力的内容,请孩子回去后也试着自己准备运动会需要准备的东西.3、完成本课第五题Learn to write.Step 5 家庭作业:1、听课文录音跟读,直到能够熟读。2、完成本课一册通。3、完成课后评价。4、预习Lesson 11.


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