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2019-2020年人教版四年级英语下册Unit3集体备课电子教案课时计划表(集体备课讨论)教学内容Unit1课时划分6课时单元教学目标单元学习重点单元学习难点能够用单词warm, cool, cold, hot,rainy, sunny, cloudy, snowy, windy来形容天气能够用句型“Whats the weather like in? Its in ”来问答天气。能够知道世界各地主要城市的天气特点,了解各地天气不同;培养出行前了解各地天气情况以做好准备的意识。能够用单词warm, cool, cold, hot,rainy, sunny, cloudy, snowy, windy来形容天气能够用句型“Whats the weather like in? Its in ”来问答天气。能够用单词warm, cool, cold, hot,rainy, sunny, cloudy, snowy, windy来形容天气能够用句型“Whats the weather like in? Its in ”来问答天气。课题U3 Weather第(一)课时主 备 人 吴玩杯教学目标1. 理解对话大意,正确用语音语调朗读对话,能在情景中运用句型Can I go outside now? No, you cant. Its cold outside.以及Its very hot. 教学重点理解对话大意,正确用语音语调朗读对话,能在情景中运用句型Can I go outside now? No, you cant. Its cold outside.以及Its very hot.教学难点能在情景中运用句型Can I go outside now? No, you cant. Its cold outside.以及Its very hot. 教学准备Ppt,mp3教学过程设计(幸福课堂模式)一 情景创设T:What time is it? What classes do you have a day? Can you go to the playground now? Lead them to observe the pictures, lead to the topic weather. Its time for lunch. Mike wants to play outside. He asks his mother for permission. What does Mikes mother say? Whats the weather like outside?二 尝试发现Present the pictures. How many people are there in the picture? Who are they? What are they talking about?Ss: Two, Mike and his mother. They are talking about weather and food.Watch and listen. 三 交流运用Role play.四 迁移拓展T: Whats the weather like today?Do you want to go outside?Group work.五 总结提升You should watch for the weather and know the weather in advance. 板书设计 Unit 3 WeatherWhats the weather like?Its .Can I ?Yes, you can./ No, you cant.课题U3 Weather第(二)课时主 备 人 吴玩杯教学目标1. 运用Can I go outside? Can I ? Yes, you can. No, you cant. 等进行情景对话表演2. 学习单词cool, cold, hot, warm, weather,能听说认读上述单词,熟练运用功能句子“Its in .”来介绍不同地方的天气特征。教学重点四会掌握学习单词cool, cold, hot, warm,weather, 句型Its in .”来介绍不同地方的天气特征。教学难点四会掌握学习单词cool, cold, hot, warm,weather, 句型Its in .”来介绍不同地方的天气特征。教学准备Ppt,mp3教学过程设计(幸福课堂模式)一 情景创设T:Its warm today. so we wear T-shirts. Tomorrow I want to go to Beijing. Whats the weather like in Beijing. Lets watch a weather report. 二 尝试发现Watch a weather report. Play lets chant.T: This is a weather report.Q: How many cities are there in the weather report? What are they? Ss: Beijing, Harbin, Hongkong, Lhasa.Play the third time. Lead the other words.三交流运用Group work.T: Amy wants to go out for a trip. But she doesnt know where to go. Can you help her know about the weather of different places and decide where to go.四 迁移拓展T: Do you want to go travelling too?There are some places to choose.Whats the weather like in these places?Now, work with your partners and decide where to go.Group work.五总结提升You should watch for the weather and know the weather in advance if you want to go travelling. 板书设计 Unit 3 WeatherWhats the weather like?Its .cool 10cold 0warm 18hot 30课题U3 Weather第(三)课时主 备 人 吴玩杯 教学目标学生能感知并归纳ar与al在单词中的发音规则,能读出符合ar和al发音规则的单词,能根据单词的读音拼写符合ar与al的发音规则的词,补全短语和句子。教学重点学生能感知并归纳ar与al在单词中的发音规则,能读出符合ar和al发音规则的单词,能根据单词的读音拼写符合ar与al的发音规则的词,补全短语和句子教学难点区分ar与al的发音规则,并根据其发音准确写出含有其组合的单词。教学准备Ppt教学过程设计(幸福课堂模式)情景创设Shows a picture of a car. T: Whats this? S: Its a car.尝试发现Present a car. Enphasize arPlay the chant and ask: Where is the car?Ss: Its on the card. What else can you see on the card. Watch again. Ss: a ballPresent a ballDraw a ball T: Is this a big ball?Ss: No, its small. T: Its a small ball. Samll, al, basketball, Yaoming, tall. 交流运用语音的归纳和分类Read and find Find the words in the chant with ar, and alFind the rules Find out the rules of ar and al迁移拓展Present the words: harm, art, bark, dark, all, call, fall, hall, and so on.总结提升We should try to grasp the rules of words to make it easier to remember.板书设计 Unit 3 Weatherar al car tall card call art small 课时计划表(集体备课讨论)课题U3 Weather第(四)课时主 备 人 吴玩杯 教学目标理解对话大意,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,在情景中恰当使用rainy和digrees的意思并正确发音帮助学生了解中西方对气温的描述差异。教学重点理解对话大意,用正确的语音语调朗读对话,在情景中恰当使用rainy和digrees的意思并正确发音教学难点了解中西方对气温的描述差异。教学准备Ppt教学过程设计(幸福课堂模式)情景创设Whats the weather like in ? Mike and Chenjie are talking on the phone. What are they talking about?Listen.尝试发现Q: What are they talking about?Watch and listen.Answer the question: They are talking about the weather. T: Where does Mike live?Ss: New York.T: New York is the biggest city in America It has another name: the Big AppleLet them listen againAnd answer the questions.交流运用Follow Role play迁移拓展Hello! Im Mark. Im in New York. I like to go travelling. Where can I go?T: Can you help him?总结提升We should try to grasp the rules of words to make it easier to remember.板书设计 Unit 3 WeatherWhats the weather like in? Is it?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.Its degrees.课时计划表(集体备课讨论)课题U3 Weather第(五)课时主 备 人 吴玩杯 教学目标能听说认读五个描述天气的单词,能在语境中正确运用这五个单词描述天气,能在语境中了解world,Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore的意思并正确发音,能熟练询问或描述天气情况。教学重点能听说认读五个描述天气的单词,能在语境中正确运用这五个单词描述天气,能在语境中了解world,Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore的意思并正确发音,能熟练询问或描述天气情况。教学难点能听说认读五个描述天气的单词,能在语境中正确运用这五个单词描述天气,能在语境中了解world,Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore的意思并正确发音,能熟练询问或描述天气情况。教学准备Ppt教学过程设计(幸福课堂模式)情景创设展示板块插图中世界地图并提问Whats this?S: Its a map.T: Yes, it is a map. Learn the places.尝试发现呈现五个城市的图片Watch and listen about the words of the places.Q: Whats the weather like? S: Its rainy. Follow and repeat.交流运用Group workDescribe the weather in five cities.迁移拓展Weekend is ing. Where do you want to go?Please talk about the weather. Group work.总结提升Listen to the weather report more often and get to know different places in the world板书设计 Unit 3 WeatherWhats the weather like in?Its .rainysnowysunnycloudywindy课时计划表(集体备课讨论)课题U3 Weather第(六)课时主 备 人 吴玩杯 教学目标理解故事内容理解朗读故事理解并表演故事教学重点理解故事内容理解朗读故事理解并表演故事教学难点能听说认读五个描述天气的单词,能在语境中正确运用这五个单词描述天气,能在语境中了解world,Sydney, London, Moscow, Singapore的意思并正确发音,能熟练询问或描述天气情况。教学准备Ppt教学过程设计(幸福课堂模式)情景创设运用故事里的情景播放一段大连下雨Zip没带伞的视频。T: Where is he? Whats the weather like?Watch and listen尝试发现Q: Whats zoom doing? What will he do? Watch and listenAnswer the questionS: Hell go to Dalian to see Zip. T: What will the weather like in Dali tomorrow? Go through the story.交流运用Group workAct out the story.迁移拓展Make a weather reportGroup work.总结提升If you want to go to a place. You should know the weather and get well prepared.板书设计 Unit 3 WeatherWhats the weather like in? Its .附送:2019-2020年人教版四年级英语下册Unit4集体备课电子教案课时计划表(集体备课讨论)教学内容Unit4课时划分4课时单元教学目标单元学习重点单元学习难点1、学生能灵活运用所学句型,能表演对话,注重合作精神,了解西方国家互相尊重,体谅对方的有关文明礼仪。2、能简单描述农场里面的蔬菜和动物,能提问处于远或者近的物品是什么。能掌握四会单词,和句型.并能够根据情境运用单词和句型交际。结合上学期的知识拓展学生的交际语言。能掌握简单的陈述句及一般疑问句和相应回答。区分名词的单复数,在听说,读,练时能熟练运用。能运用新句型描述自己的学校。课题U4 At the farm第(1)课时主 备 人 谢晓岚教学目标1、听、说、认读主要语言结构:What are these? Are these.?并能根据实际情况进行简略回答。 2、能够准确朗读对话。教学重点句型What are these? Are these?及其简略回答。教学难点these的发音。教学准备课件,视频,学习单教学过程设计(幸福课堂模式)六 情景创设T:Today Sarah, Mike, Chenjie, John go tho Mr. Macdonalds farm.What do they see? Lett go and have a look, ok? 1、教师和学生聊一聊每个人喜爱的蔬菜。(I likeDo you like?) 2、教师说谜语,引导学生用Are they?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。a、They are red. They look like apples, but they arent apples. What are they?b、They are tender and green. What are they?c、They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them. What are they?d、They are round, pink and white. What are they?e、They are brown. French fries are made of them. What are they?学生猜对了,教师回答Yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读; 如果猜错了,教师回答No, they arent. 再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止。七 尝试发现 1、教师请学生将装有蔬菜卡片的盒子盖好放在桌子上,然后走到同学们中间,随意指着几个盒子问:Are these?,并引导学生根据实际用Yes, they are. / No, they arent.回答。如果学生回答的是No, they arent. 教师要继续问:What are these?并引导学生用They are 回答。(教师在操作时应多问几名学生,以增加语言的输入量。)教师适时板书句型框架。2、教师将自己带来的蔬菜卡片分别放在几个盒子里,请几个学生过来边摸边问:Are these?或What are these?教师做出相应的回答。3、学生两人一组运用黑板上的句型互相猜猜对方盒内的蔬菜。 4、播发Lets talk的录音,学生听录音,后跟读、模仿。5、分小组做对话练习。八 小组合作 1、完成Lets play部分,操练句型:What are these? Are these?(根据学习单进行交流,对话,运用语言)细看学习单九 交流运用学生两人一组运用黑板上的句型互相猜猜对方盒内的蔬菜。Lets repeat.T: Lets act out the dialogue. OK?(小组表演对话)十 迁移拓展(完成学习单拓展的内容。)十一 总结提升情感教育。板书设计 Unit4 At the farm Tomatoes what are these? -Theyre.PatatoesGreen beanscarrots课题U4 At the farm第(2)课时主 备 人 谢晓岚教学目标 1、能听、说、认读单词:tomato、green beans、potato、carrot以及它们的复数形式。2、通过说唱B部分的歌谣巩固所学单词的复数形式。教学重点1、 单词:tomato、cucumber、potato、onion、carrot教学难点potato和tomato的复数形式。教学准备课件,视频,学习单教学过程(幸福课堂模式)一 情景创设1、教师手举一个西红柿,说:I like tomatoes. Do you like tomatoes?引导学生用I like 或I dont like根据自己的实际情况表达。2、 教师再拿起一夹青豆,边说边完全呈现:Oh,its long and green. They are green beans. Do you like green beans? 让学生在回答中学习单词。3、 出示土豆:Do you know it?French fries are made of it. Its a potato. Do you like potatoes? 学生根据用I like 或I dont like根据自己的实际进行情况表达。4、请学生猜谜语:They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them? What are they? 学习单词carrot。5、 教师将四种蔬菜分别放在教室的不同位置,然后说单词,请学生指出相应的实物。 1、教师请学生看着书听歌谣。2、让学生观察歌谣中like后的蔬菜单词和Lets learn中的单词有什么不同。启发学生说出like后的名词是以复数形式出现的。教师适当强调tomato和potato的复数形式拼写的变化,carrot的复数形式读音的变化。 二 总结提升情感教育。板书设计 Unit4 At the farm What are those?- Theyre.How many. do you have? Seventeen. 课题U4 At the farm第(3)课时主 备 人 谢晓岚教学目标 1、让学生掌握含有字母组合or的单词发音和认读书写。 2、能听、说、读、写 horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教学重点能听、说、读、写horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教学难点正确书写horse, fork, homework, world map四个词语。教学准备课件,视频,学习单教学过程(幸福课堂模式)一 情景创设T: Play game. Up and say out the words.二 尝试发现T: There are 4 foreign teachers in our school. They want to know anout our school and us. There is a video for you. Lets watch. Where do they go?Ss: They go to our school. T: Yes. Situation:A: Wele to our school.B: Your school is beautiful. What class are you in?A: I am in 404.B: How many students are there in your class?A: Forty students.B: Is that the library?A: No, it isnt. Its the puter room.B: Do you have a library?A: Yes, we do. Its on the first floor.B: Where is the teachers office?A: Its on the second floor. This way please.B: Thank you.(根据对话情节学习对话和关键句子)师生做日常口语练习: A: What are these? B: They are. A: Are these .? B: Yes, they are./No, they arent.2、请学生表演A部分Lets talk的对话。二、教学新课 1、播放Read, listen and chant的录音,让学生听歌谣。 2、让学生跟着动画学说歌谣,同时可用手打节奏。 3、播放Read, listen and number 的录音,让学生给单词排序。 4、听音后反复读四个单词,在此基础上进行描红,达到书写格式正确的目的。 (开展小组合作交流学习)三 总结提升情感教育。板书设计Unit4 At the farmHorseFork or /:/ /:/HomeworkWorld map课题U4 At the farm第(4)课时主 备 人 谢晓岚教学目标1、 能听懂 “What are those? Are they.? How many.?”,并能在情景运用。2、进一步巩固名词复数及读音规则。3、通过小组活动的形式培养学生的合作意识。教学重点教学重点:句型What are those? Are they?How manydo you have?的理解与应用。教学难点名词复数及其读音规则。教学准备课件,视频,学习单教学过程(由于是复习课因此没有按照幸福课堂模式)教师拿起几支笔握在手中,不要露出笔尖。引导学生用Are they来猜猜是什么笔, 教师根据实际回答:Yes, they are. /No, they arent.2、教师随手拿起几个笔袋:Are they pencil-boxes? 学生回答:Yes, they are. 或No, they arent. 然后教师说:They are not pencil-boxes. They are pencil-cases. 3、组织学生分组利用自己的学习用品问答 A:Are they ? B:Yes, they are. /No, they arent.(教师提供资源:desks/tables pants/short sunglasses/glasses)4、学生汇报练习情况,当学生对话后,教师要接着问:How manydo you have?引导学生答出相应的数量。 5、打开Lets talk部分课件,学生观看1-2遍,在情景中理解对话的语句。6、教师就对话内容提问,检查学生的理解情况。(显示课件的插图)Are they sheep?/ goats?/ horses?/ donkeys?/hens?/ cows?How many ?7、跟录音朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调。8、小组分角色表演对话,教师巡视指导。1、启发学生替换有关动物单词,创新对话。 A:Are they ? B:Yes, they are./ No, they arent.(They are .) A:How many do you have? B:I have .板书设计Unit4 At the farmCowSheepHensHorses what are those? Theyre.课时计划表(集体备课讨论)课题U4 At the farm第(5)课时主 备 人 谢晓岚教学目标 1、能够听、说、认读单词:sheep,hen,cow,horse。2、了解单词sheep,hen,cow,horse的复数形式。教学重点单词:sheep,hen,cow,horse及其复数形式的表达。句型:What are they?和Are they?的问答。教学难点horse,sheep,goat的复数形式表达。教学准备课件,视频,学习单教学过程(幸福课堂模式)复习引题 1、教师提问:I love animals very much. Do you love animals?What animals do you know?2、学生说说自己知道的动物单词,一旦学生说出本课涉及到的单词,教师要及时拿出卡片,请这位同学来教大家读。二、教学新课 1、教师说:Do you know a farm? There are many animals at a farm. Lets go and have a look教师出示Lets learn(A)部分挂图,说:Look,it is a farm. So many animals.What can you see?2、学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生指图回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬 ,也可让学生用中文回答。3、告诉学生我们要学习有关farm的内容,教读farm。4、让学生观看课件2遍,教师只点击有关单词部分,学生跟读。5、教师出示单词卡:sheep,hen,cow,horse,goat,lamb,让学生进行认读,教师可以将一些发音规律,帮助学生记忆单词。如:ee在sheep中发i:ow在cow中发aU,oa在goat中发音等等,也可以启发学生说说怎样记住每个单词。(将卡片贴到黑板上)6、巩固单词:a、教师说单词,学生指图。 b、教师指图,学生说单词。 c、一个学生说任意一个单词,其他学生举起相应的图片。板书设计Unit 4 at the farmWhat are these? Theyre.What are those? Theyre.Are these .? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.Are those.? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.Are they.? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.How many . do you have?


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