2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit12教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit12教案 广东版开心Target: Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now. Did you study yesterday? No, I didnt. I did. What did you do yesterday, Ben? I planted trees yesterday. What did you do yesterday? I played basketball. What did you do the day before yesterday? I played basketball of course.Sounds and words:/ao/, /t/, /d/, /Id/,/ou/Vocabulary warm, wet, clean, tidy, cool, dry, dirty, messy, planted, watched, washed, cooked, listened, helped, painted, called, used, studied, played, visited, talked, jumped, cleanedAdditional: last night, the day before yesterday, last SundaySounds and words:mouse, cow, south, mouth, house, loud, helped, listened, painted, used, carried, acted, toad, goat, row, road, boat, slowTeaching procedure: (1)Getting ready1. Hold up your book and point to one of the three phrases on the right for A.2. T(S1s name), can you read the sentence? S1: I (watched TV).3. Ask two more Ss to read the other sentences aloud for the class.4.Repeat the procedures with several more questions.Using the book1. T: Now lets listen to the tape.2. Play the tape for A, and then pause the tape.3. T: Circle the correct answer.(Model circling.)4. T: Ill play the tape again. This time, try to remember the question.5. Play the tape again for A.6. T: (S2s name), what s the question? S2: What did you do last night?7. T: (S3s name), whats the answer? S3: I studied English.8. Continue with the rest of the questions.(2)Getting ready1. Go over Picture Cards 53-76 on the page orally.2. Poont to the pictures at random and have Ss describe it by picking the correct card and say a sentence/a phrase, e.g.(With the card watched.) He watched TV.Using the book1. T; Now Ill play the tape. Listen to the conversation.2. Play the tape for A and pause.3. T: Which is the correct picture? Put a checkmark in the correct box.4. Continue with the rest.5. Play the tape again and check the answers with the whole class.(3)Getting ready1. Have Ss look at the pictures and ask some questions about them, e.g. Who are they? etc.Using the book1. T: Lets read the passages.2. Give Ss time to read the passages silently.3. Have individual Ss red the passages aloud sentence by sentence for the class.4. T: (Point to Question A.) (S1s name), can you read the question? S1: What did Dave study at school?5. T: Whats the answer, (2s name)? S2: He studied math, English and science.6. T: Good. Write the answer on the page.7. Give Ss time to finish writing the answer.8. Continue with the rest and Question B.(4)Getting ready1. Ask individual Ss to read the word out loud.Using the book1. Point to the word mouse.2. T:/au/,/au/. Mouse. Ill play the tape. Lets find the sound/au/.3. Play the tape.4. T: Can you find the words with the sound/au/? Color them.5. Have Ss say the words so that the class can check the answers.6. Repeat the procedures with B and C.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit13(1)教案 湘少版一. Teaching aims and demands:Be able to talk about the English studying in the winter vacationBe able to read and listen to the words and sentencesLearn three words: teeth, b, untidy, kind, work hardUnderstand the sentence: I brush my teeth every day.二、Teaching difficult points:Pronunciation: teeth, b, untidy, kind, work hard I brush my teeth every day 三、Teaching tools:Tape recorderSome pictures四、Teaching steps:Step1. Organization of classGreetings:Warm-up activities:Sing English songs.Step2. PresentationT: What do you do every day?Recorder: I brush my teeth every dayLearn to say: teeth, brush teethSkill: I brush my teeth every day.Use the words in the sentence: b, untidy, kind, work hard2.Play a game: guessS1: I brush my teeth every dayS2: I b my hair every day.Recorder: I do my homework every day.T: If you are right, you will get one point.Picture 1: Learn to say: tidy-untidyT: Your teeth look white.Your hair look untidy tidy.Make dialog between T and Ss and change.Picture 2: I b my hair every day.Let two students act the dialog.Picture 3: I do my homework every day. Picture 4: My sister helps me ever day.Step3: Practice:Chose one or two things and act the play.Step4: Writing:Unit13 I brush my teeth every dayI brush my teeth every day.


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