2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit7第二课时教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit7第二课时教案 苏教牛津版一、教学内容:1复习时间表达及相应单词:half, quarter, past, to 2 复习日常生活短语如:get up, have breakfast, go to school, have classes, have lunch, go home ,watch TV, go to bed等,和句型Its time to 3学习新句型Its time for 和对话What time is it? Its Its time for 及课文C部分二、设计理念:1以“A busy day”为主题、“tible”为主线,把本课学习内容融入到对日常生活的安排中,以学生熟悉的生活为背景展开教学,体现语言的生活性和交际性。2运用多种活动如:听听做做、开火车、欣赏歌谣、抢答、歌曲,游戏,设计作息表等,激发学生的学习兴趣,把句型教学变得生动活泼,让学生乐学。三、教学目标:1 知识与技能:让学生能听,说,读,写句型What time is it? Its Its time for ;能在实际生活中灵活运用Its time to 和Its time for 表达自己该做的事;能设计科学合理的作息时间表,并和同学交流。2过程与方法:通过对书中人物Sam、老师和自己的生活的讨论,让学生理解并运用句型。运用游戏,让学生自主探究两个同意句型的用法区别。通过师生、同桌、朋友及小组之间的活动,让学生感受英语并积极运用语言。3情感态度与价值观:通过各种活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣;通过谈论作息时间让学生了解时间的重要性,渗透珍惜时间的情感教育,培养学生良好的生活和学习态度。四、教学难点和重点:1教学重点:灵活运用句型What time is it? Its Its time for 2教学难点:理解句型Its time to 和Its time for 的区别并能正确使用。五、教具准备:多媒体课件、句型卡片、动词短语和名词卡片若干、课文C部分填空作业纸和作息时间表格二、教学过程:Step 1. Warming-up1. 课前师生对话导入主题A busy day T: Hello, everybody! How many days are there in a week? What are they?Ss: There are seven. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.T: Do you go to school everyday?Ss: No. We go to school form Monday to Friday.T: Are you busy?Ss: Yes.设计意图:在课前师生自由对话使学生尽快融入英语学习的氛围,利用学生的真实生活直接进入主题A busy day,开门见山。2. Listen and Do听听做做T: I see. Well, lets talk about your busy day then. 教师说动作学生复述并用动作表示(get up, have breakfast, go to school, have classes, have lunch, play games, go home ,do homework, watch TV, go to bed等)设计意图:在热身活动中使用全身反应迅速中学生的注意力,使学生做到耳到,手到,心到。本环节通过听、说、做活动,既复习了生活中常用短语,为新课学习做好铺垫,又活跃了课堂气氛。Step 2. Revision1复习数字T: what day is it today?Ss: Its T: What lessons do you have in the morning?Ss: We have .T: What subject do you like? Why?S: I like Its interesting.预设:学生自由回答他们喜爱的学科,如果有学生谈到数学,教师就紧跟话题导入复习数字环节;如果没有人说数学,教师就直接点数学科委提问:Do you like Maths? 导入。T: Oh, me too. I like Maths very much. Its interesting. We can meet interesting numbers. Now lets count numbers one by one. Every group is a train now. I hope you can run fast. Ready, go!设计意图:紧接上一环节busy的主题,谈论今天学生的课程,从数学学科引出数字的复习。通过全班开火车数数字的活动,为下一环节时间表达做好准备。2诵读歌谣A clockT: You did very well. Im very happy. I send a rhyme for you. Look and listen.T: Try to read it, OK?设计意图:歌谣A clock是本单元H部分的内容,跟今天的教学内容有一定的联系。把歌谣作为奖励学生优秀表现的礼物送给他们,既增强学生的自信,又能早渗透歌谣的学习。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit7(1)教案 苏教牛津版A Analyzing the teaching materialsContent:This teaching content is from Fun with English, Book 5, Unit7, Party A. Party A is very important in each unit just as the center. Teaching aims: 1.Aims on the knowledge: 1)To enable the Ss understand, read, speak and write the words: a game, half, quick, ready, really. 2)To enable the Ss understand, read, speak and write the patterns: What time is it? Its time for Do you want to ? I want to. 3)To enable the Ss understand, read and speak the sentences: Are you ready for breakfast? Lets hurry. Im on duty today. Be quick. Im ing. 2.Aims on the abilities: 1)To develop the Ss abilities of listening, reading and speaking. 2)To train their abilities of working in groups. 3)To foster the Ss abilities of munication and innovation. 3.Aims on the emotion Giving them moral educations.Focus point: Help the Ss to grasp the pattern.Teaching aids:As for the teaching aids, Id like to use modern and traditional equipment. The modern equipment such as: CAI; the traditional equipment such as: cards and tape.Teaching methods:As we know, the Ss can not concentrate on abstract thing. So, in this class, Id like to choose munication approach to help the Ss to study.B The teaching procedures and purpose of this class.Step 1 Warming up At the begin of the class, Ill play a game with the Ss. The game such as “Get, get, get up; have, have, have breakfast; go, go, go to school. This is my pen, this is my rubber. Good morning, good morning teacher.”Step 2 Have a review Review the knowledge which learned last class. Show some pictures and times, ask the Ss to e to the front and stick the times under the correctly pictures, then, say the sentences: Its Its time for Step 3 Presentation After ask the Ss to stick the times under the correctly pictures, Ill ask the Ss: “whats the time now?” Answer: “Its .”. The teacher say: “Oh, its late. Its time to watch TV. Theres a football game at five to nine. Lets hurry.” Turn on the TV, watch the football game. Teach: Theres a football game at five to nine. Lets hurry.A few minute, say to the Ss, there is a football game at five in the playground in our school. I want to watch it. Do you want to watch it. Encourage the Ss to answer. Teach: I want to. Do you want to? Play a game Divide the Ss into several groups. Let the Ss to guess: what each other want to do, by using the patterns: I want to Do you want to? (Which group guess right, give them a star.)Step 4 Practice and consolidation Let the Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions: Why David have no time to have breakfast? Who are on duty today? Ill present the dialogue with the help of the CAI. Let the Ss listen and follow the dialogue. Two groups ask, the other groups answer. Boys ask, girls answer. Have a change.Act out this dialogue.Step 5 Summary Make a chant to grasp the important points of the class.Step 6 Homework Red the dialogue after the tape 3 times, try to recite it.C Blackboard designUnit 7 A busy day Date: On duty: a game on dutyA: What time is it? quick readyB: Its half nightA: Do you want to?really B: I want to

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