2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit3(2)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit3(2)教案 广东版开心review the words and learn new words What do we need?-What do we have? Do we have any-? What does she have? What does she need? What do they have? What does he need? 1,Greeting: listen to a song to relax and begin our lesson 2,Review the words that we have learned: rice, salt, meat, vegetables. Take out another 4 picture cards, and learn them one by one and remember them in a short time. Juice, Sugar, Tofu, Fruit. 3, Review “what do we need?” Let them close the books, and listen to the tape,(Conversation) then prompt “What do we have?” “Do we have any-? ” Ok, listen to the tape carefully and answer questions(Target) “What do we have?” “Do we have any-? ” Let them open books, Pair work(practice at least 4 groups) 4, Ask a boy or a girl “what do you need?” (I need-) then ask the whole class to answer “What does she need?”(She/He needs -)Write them down on the Bb, prompt “what does she have?” “what do they have?” Do Practice2 “ask and answer” finish it in a short time and Pair work (more groups if time allowed) 5, Chant activity. Let a student take the picture “rice” out, and ask “what does he have?” (Ss: he has some rice.) and what does he need? “take out the picture salt”. Play the tape and point to each word as it is chanted. Divide Ss into two groups: one for the questions and the other for the responses. Play the tape again and Ss practice chanting together. Give Ss time to finish the exercise 2. and check it. Lets chant. The third Periodreview Write toys and noise on the board and underline oy and oi. T: repeat after me. Toys Ss: toys Noise Ss: noise. (point to oy and oi) Lets practice the sound. Look at my mouth and repeat. Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. Play the tape and have them point to each word as the tape says it. And let them repeat. T: put your heads down and close your eyes. Now I will read a chant and repeat the word with the sound we just learned. T: my favorite toys are cars and planes. Ss: toys. Continue with the rest of the sentences. Play the tape and have Ss chant together. Put picture card of Gogo up on the board. Place picture card of meat above the head of Gogo and link the two picture cards with little thought bubbles as on page 19. Ask “what does Gogo need?” Ss: he needs some meat. place one more picture card (sugar) next to the meat. “Does Gogo need any sugar?” Ss: Yes, he does. He needs some sugar and meat. “Does Gogo need any salt?” Ss: No, he doesnt. He needs some sugar and meat. Have two Ss read out the Q and A exchange for Question1,2. Ask individual Ss to read aloud the remaining four questions on the page. Give them time to write the answers on the page. Walk around the classroom to check how Ss are doing. Find some Ss who are writing the correct answers, have them write answers on the board so that other Ss can check their work. If time allowed, let them listen to the chant. 教学后记:通过食物的教学,学生比较感兴趣,所以单词都可以掌握好。对于含Do的句型学生都能较熟练地运用,但是遇到三单形式的句子,学生对have 与has还是会有一定的混淆,特别是中下生,对some和any的用法也还需要加强训练。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit3(2)教案 湘少版一、Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims Learning the new words and sentences just like borrow /thing /schoolbag /forget /bring /remember /tomorrow /Can I borrow a pencil? /Can I have a pencil? /Youre wele. /draw a line. /clean the blackboard and so on.2. Ability aims Improve the students oral English and let students know something about borrow /thing /schoolbag /forget /bring /remember /tomorrow /Can I borrow a pencil? /Can I have a pencil? /Youre wele. /draw a line. /clean the blackboard and so on. Let the students can make munication with each other.3. Moral aims We must attend the class seriously.Teaching methods: Reading. /Listening. /Talking. /Singing. Play Games. Making actions.Teaching aids: puter/TV/a tape recorder /b/brushMain points and difficulties: New words Expressions and sentencesTeaching stepsStep1.Greetings and RevisionT: Class begins.S: Stand up. Good morning/afternoon teacher.T: Good morning/afternoon. Sit down please.S: Thank you!Revision.1.Words: feel hungry /cold drink /bun /buy /water /soup /vegetables /breakfast /lunch /pepper /salt /forget /remember /tomorrow /borrow2.Sentences: Can I borrow a pencil, please? /Can I have a pencil, please? /Youre wele. /What do you want?3.What are you making? 4.Lead the students to learn the new knowledge.Step2. Presentation.1. Learn Part D: What are you making, Mingming?Im making a kite. Oh, dear! I forget to bring my glue. Can I borrow your glue?2.Ask student to use the knowledge they have learnt to finish the exercises work.Step3.Drills1. Read Part D after the teacher.2. Practse by themselves.3. Play some games.Step 4. Exercises1.Do the exercises books Part C and part D2.Try their best to recite A and B.

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