2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 5教案 上海新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 5教案 上海新世纪版教育目标:1.让学生懂得人无完人,金无足赤的道理,摒弃凡事追求极端完美的不现的人生观。2.教育学生要宽以待人,善于发现他人的长处。知识目标:基础目标:1. Words and expressionstouch feel smell taste sweet sour hot2. Sentence patternsHow does it smell/taste/feel?Language Lab根据课文内容回答Questions and answers中的问题,根据自己的实际情况回答On your own中的问题。Music Box掌握辅音音标/s/,/z/, /ts/,/dz/,元音音标/u:/,/u/并能看音标读出单词.例:/zu: /, /luk/Disneyland朗读Rhyme I Like to Go on Foot ,语音、语调、节奏基本正确。Difficult Points掌握部分不规则动词的过去式及部分表示过去某个时间的时间状语,能用过去式描述过去发生的事情或事物和人物过去的某个状态。Developing Aims1.能用不同的话语描述他人。2.能用英语介绍他人的优点,并把它贴在班级的相应板报中。教学资源:教学投影片、配套磁带、多媒体课件课时安排:课时安排:建议本单元安排5教时。教材处理:本单元Wonderland的词汇教学应抓住动词的过去式,创设语言情景,开展学习活动,让小学生对一般过去时有所感悟和体验。Farmland 中的短文内容是用一般过去时的语句介绍照片中的人物,和课文内容的时态是体制的,但不是同一个话题,因此不能与课文整合起来开展教学活动。在教课文时,教师应抓住表示“过去时间“的短语once upon a time,强调故事发生的时间、情景,学生能感悟出英语句子中一般过去时态与一般现在时态的动词形式是有区别的,这对他们今后的英语学习成功与否非常重要。教法建议:词汇教学方法:1 教师根据课堂教学情景多学生说:I am in the classroom now. But I was in the office just now. Where are you now? Where were you at seven this morning?让学生根据实际情况用英语说:I am I was2. 出示一些春游、秋游时拍的照片, 提问Where were you/they?We were They were Where was he/she? He/ She was板书:am/is- was (过去式) are- were (过去式)请学生朗读下面句子,并能正确理解其义:I was a Chinese teacher some time ago. 以前我是个语文老师。He was a student two years ago.两年前他是一个学生。He was in the office two hours ago.他两小时前在办公室。The boy was nine last year.这男孩去年9岁。She was very happy at that time.那时她很高兴。She was late yesterday morning. 她昨天上午迟到了。We were in the playground just now. 刚才我们在操场上。They were in the park last Sunday afternoon. 上星期天下午他们在公园里。2学生读完句子后教师表扬学生说::You did a good job! 接着教师问:What did I say to you? I said to you, “You did a good job!”板书:say-said (过去式)让学生听录音(Happy birthday to you Grandpa. Happy Teachers Day Miss Green. Have a good time, my children.等)让学生练习说:He/She said to., “”3教师在教本单元的形容词时,可以抓住几对反义词beautiful- ugly cleversilly/foolish/stupid,realunreal句型教学方法:1. 学生能用一般现在时的语句介绍自己的“全家福”照片中的家庭成员,教师让学生出事自己带来的照片,在小组中作介绍,然后请几个学生向全班同学作介绍。2. 教师针对最后一个学生的介绍提问:When did you take the photo?并启发说:Two years ago? Four years ago?让学生感悟出拍照的时间(已经过去)在教师的启发下学生能简单说出:years ago, 教师板书完整的句子:We took the photo years ago. 让学生拿着带来的照片说话。3. 板书动词词组:take the photo-took the photo (过去式) take photos-took photos (过去式)1 教师出示自己的家庭照片作师范介绍.2 学生在小组里用一般过去时的语句介绍自己的“全家福”照片中的家庭成员。3 听P.60录音跟读.6. 提问:1) When did they take this photo? 2) How old were Tommys parents? 3) How were they?课文教学方法:1. 复习学过的动词过去式:“am”, “is” “are”是动词be一般现在时的三种形态。但动词be的过去式只有两种形态:“was”“were”一般现在时 一般过去时I am IHe is a doctor He was a doctor two years ago.She is sheMy father is my father We We You You are in the room. were in the room yesterday.They They The boys The boys 2 我们可以借助音标,学习发音,通过仿说、组词初步掌握中心词汇perfect,并能理解词义:Perfect 完美的a perfect performance of the play 该剧完美的演出Perfect weather/behavior 美好的天气,优秀的品格Nobody is perfect. No One is perfect.人无完人Speak perfect English. 英语说得地道Perfect 最佳的,理想的the perfect meal 精美的饭食a perfect circle, square 正圆,正方perfect for each other 最佳搭档Perfect day for a picnic.最适合野餐的日子4引入形容词复习:beautifulugly, cleversilly/foolish/stupid, realunreal,fat-thin, tall-short, 5. 学习几个肯问中出现的形容词:1)kind adj 亲切的,和蔼的,友好的,仁慈的,慈爱的a kind man, gesture, face, thought 友好的人,姿势,面容、想法She always has a kind word for everyone.她跟谁都能和蔼地谈话。2) sweet adj 甜蜜的,悦耳的There is always a sweet smile on her face.她脸上总是带着甜蜜的微笑。What sweet mucus! 多么悦耳的音乐啊!6然后通过呈现一些名人的照片如:爱迪生、姚明、周杰伦来请同学们讨论 “ Who is perfect? Why?”在师生讨论中进一步理解perfect的词义,并引发思考,从而带着疑问走进故事。7随后通过看图片听录音整体呈现故事,并借助回答问题帮助学生了解故事梗概,再让学生尝试借助图片和上下文理解词汇,通过选择正确的英语解释反馈对词汇的理解,并“带词回文”,通过各种形式的读加深对词汇和故事的理解。8在反复朗读后,通过用动词的适当形式填空补全故事这一练习,使学生感受并初步掌握故事中动词运用的一般规律,尤其是过去时在故事描述中的运用。练习后通过进一步的朗读帮助学生逐步形成言语技能。接着通过提示帮助学生学会概括性复述,并进一步揭示故事主旨。最后可以在明理后通过导行帮助学生摒弃凡事追求极端完美的不现实的人生观。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 6 At Animal Land教案 深港版Task objectives:1. municate freely with others by using simple expressions and structures learned.2. Enjoy simple rhymes and poems with the help of the teacher.3. Write short paragraphs using expressions and structures learned.Language focusLast week Sam and I visited Animal LandWhat did you do at Animal Land?I bought a hat at the gift shopI stood near Monkey Mountain and saw some monkeysThe monkeys came to me.Topic vocabularyStood, saw, came, bought, drove, rode, went Teaching methods:1. Task-based language learning2. municative language teaching3. Situational approachTime Allocation Six periods: Period 1- Part A Period 2, 3 -Part B1, B2, 3 Period 4. -Part C ,D, E, Period 5. - F, G, H, I, J Period6. - Finish all the exercises in Workbook.Teaching proceduresPeriod 1:Step 1: Warming up ( Revision and new words):talk about the picturesToday were going to talk about Animal Land1. what can we see at Animal Land?2. there are many special animals at Animal Land. What special animals can we see ? (tiger, lion, panda, elephant, monkey, crocodile, bear, giraffe)3. what other animals can we see there?(zebra, hippo, gorilla, polar bear)4. there are so many interesting animals at Animal Land. Shall we go and have a look?5. Animal Land looks fun. Visit Animal Land and let the animals e to you.Step 2: ask some questions about animals1. What color is it?2. What do you think of it?3. Where does it live?Step 3: Find out and practiceWhere do these animals live at Animal Land?Step 4: Pair WorkFind out the places where the animals live in Shenzhen Safari ParkStep 5: Practice: What can we do at Animal Land?Step 6: Part AStep 7: A guessing gameStep 8: Idioms about animalsStep 9: A discussionIf you want to make a class emblem for you class, what animal would you choose?Step 10: enjoy some beautiful pictures of animalsPeriod 2, 3 - B1,2,3Revision: the names of animals1. Talk about Tim and Pat2. Some revision exercisesB2: An interview 1. What did Tim and Pat do at Animal Land? ( talk about the pictures) 2. Exercise: fill the form 3. Practice in groups of three 4. Summary: the past form of irregular verbsB1:1. Sam and Candy also visited Animal land. Listen and number the placed they visited2. Find out the past form of the verbs in the postcard3. Draw the route on the map4. Listen and tell the sentences are true or false5. How to write a postcardB3: 1. listen once2. check the answers3. listen againperiod 4:C, D, EC, D :1. Ask the students if many animals are awake or asleep during the day. Write the words asleep and awake on the board. Ask the students to read and find out when is the best time to see animals2. read silently3. Ask: why do the people like to e to the Night Zoo.4. decide if the sentences are true of false5. check the answers with the studentsE: Read the symbols and say the wordsPeriod 5: F1. listen to the tape 2. plete the notes and check the answers3. role-play 4. plete the poster Period 6: G, H, I, J1. tick the form2. read the paragraphs silently3. match the sentences and the animals4. Play the tape for the students to follow and read aloud.Feedback: In this unit, I asked the pupils to say something about the animals. That was good. I have two aims. One is to revise the old words. The other is to practice the pupils oral.

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