2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit5(3)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit5(3)教案 广东版开心Sounds and wordsGetting ready l Write ship and big on the board and underline i.l T: (Point to i.) Lets practice this sound.l T: /I/. Ss: /I/l T: Ship. Ss: Shipl T: Big. Ss: Big. Using the bookl Have Ss look at the pictures on the page.T: Lets listen to the tape.Play the tape and have Ss point to each word as the tape says it.T: Lets listen again and this time, repeat.Have Ss repeat after the tape.After enough practice, point to the pictures randomly and have Ss say the words.Extension activitySay three or four words at a time. One of the words should not include the /I/ sound (see examples below). Have Ss class their eyes and listen for the sound /I/. When they hear the sound, they raise their hands. Some example words: bag, big, tail, thick, trip, party, clean, stick, tennis. 教学后记:附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 unit5(4)教案 人教PEP教学重点:1、单词:sleeping, climbing, fighting, swinging, drinking water2、句型:What are thes doing? They are教学难点:1、单词climbing, swinging, 和drinking的读音。2、四会掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。课前准备:1、教学过程中所需的图片(lets start , Lets learn)、录音(lets learn, Lets sing)。2、A部分的五张单词卡片和本课时的五张单词(短语)卡片。教学过程:一、Warm up活动一:复习单词(1)教师出示Lets learnA中的五张单词卡片,让学生认读单词并做出相应的动作。(2)听写这五个单词。活动二:唱一唱 (1)教师播放Lets sing部分的歌曲,学生听录音进行表演唱。(2)教师出示单词卡climbing和swinging,让学生认读单词并用动作表示其含义。二、Presentation活动三:学一学(1)教师出示Lets start/A、部分的图片(建议把Lets learn/B部分的图片融合到此图中。)让学生回答:What is the monkey doing?(2)教师指着考拉问:What is the koala doing? 学生答出sleeping 后,教师出示单词卡,教读单词。(3)教师指着Lets learn部分两只考拉的图问: What are the koalas doing?引导学生说出:Theyre sleeping.(4)教师出示两只熊猫和两只猴子的图问:What are the pandas/monkeys doing?(5)教师出示两只狮子打架的图片,鼓励学生通过提问What are the lions doing?来学习新单词fighting。(6)教师让学生看图(lets start)做对话:What are the birds/kangaroos/elephants doing?当学生说出drinking water 时,教师出示单词卡让学生认读。活动四:读一读(1)让学生看书听录音并跟读单词和句子。(2)教师出示单词卡,让学生认读并拼读单词。活动五:讲故事(1)教师让学生看Story time部分的图片,让学生回答问题:Where are Zip and Zoom? What does Zip see? What are they doing? 引导学生作答。(2) 让学生听录音跟读故事。(3) 让学生分角色朗读故事。三、Lets play活动六:心有灵犀(1)一名学生上台。教师向其中的一名学生出示一张纸条,纸条上是一个有关动物的现在进行时的句子。(2)该学生根据纸条的内容表演动作,其他学生猜:The is/are。活动七:猜一猜(1)教师将五张词卡放在讲台上。(2)请一名学生上来随意抽取一张卡片,教师带领其他学生问:What are they?,持卡片的学生根据卡片上动物名称回答:They are。(3)然后教师再问:What thes doing?, 引导台下学生用They are猜四、Consolidation and extension活动八:练一练(1)活动手册Listen, write and say.让学生先听录音在相应的空格里填上表示动作的词。当表格完成后,让学生做问答练习。(2)活动手册Lets find out.让学生仔细看图回答问题。活动九:小结本课我们学习了询问谁在做什么的复数表达:What are the s doing? They are还学习了五个带有ing形式的动词:sleeping, climbing, fighting, swinging, drinking

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